How many times have you caught Covid 19? ...and a few other questions.

Covid 19  

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This popped up on a recent discussion. The general feeling is that almost everyone has caught at least one version......but is that correct? 

Have a guess at the % of members who have caught it........and then do the poll to find out ;)

There are a few other questions in there to flesh out member experiences. :thumbsup:

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Haven’t had it…yet 🤞

In December 2020 my wife and I were living with our son as we waited to close on our new home. He and his girlfriend contracted, but not my wife nor I. Even had the antibody test to be sure, nothing. We did t wear masks around him, just washed our hands regularly.

On a sad note, my wife lost her youngest brother to the Covid a year ago, he was only 44.

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I had covid in April of 20, it was bad. I was almost hospitalized, I was sick for 2 weeks. Started feeling better and ready to go back to work and then got hit again, worse. Took me almost 6 weeks to recover. 

I had it in June of this year and just had mild symptoms. 

I'm fully vaccinated and boosted. 

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Not in the poll but I have had it 3 times.

1st was September of 2019.  Spent 30 days in bed with a temp of 104 sleeping 18-20 hours a day.  Had blood drawn 7x and tested for everything on both sides of the sheet.  Was set for a spinal tap at an infectious disease specialist when my fever broke.  No one could tell me what it was because evidently it did not exist yet 😅🤣😂 No lingering side effects but was down and out and actually a bit scared.  I refused to go to the ER even though urgent care and my GP urged me to go.

(Vaxxed x2 and Boosted x2 in 2021)

2nd was January 2022.  Had a bit of a runny nose for 1 day.  No lingering side effects.

3rd was July 2022.  No worse than a flu but VERY tired and slept A LOT.  From initial onset of symptoms, lasted 10 days.  No lingering side effects.


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I have not caught it yet. I figure it's only a matter of time. Somewhat of a surprise I haven't got it yet because I am a health care worker and have been exposed multiple times. My daughter had the Delta variant in June of 2021. She was only 10 so her symptoms were fortunately very mild.

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I am certain I caught it, but aside from when I was in the UAE I never tested for it.  I was sick a fews in the last two and a half years, but it was never that bad.  Unless you are in the hospital or the treatment is different if you know you have something vs not, I see no reason to get tested for something.  

But last time I got was 6 months ago.  I have had a mild headache and cough since then.  

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40 minutes ago, HarveyBoulevard said:

Not in the poll but I have had it 3 times.

1st was September of 2019.  Spent 30 days in bed with a temp of 104 sleeping 18-20 hours a day.  Had blood drawn 7x and tested for everything on both sides of the sheet.  Was set for a spinal tap at an infectious disease specialist when my fever broke.  No one could tell me what it was because evidently it did not exist yet 😅🤣😂 No lingering side effects but was down and out and actually a bit scared.  I refused to go to the ER even though urgent care and my GP urged me to go.

(Vaxxed x2 and Boosted x2 in 2021)

2nd was January 2022.  Had a bit of a runny nose for 1 day.  No lingering side effects.

3rd was July 2022.  No worse than a flu but VERY tired and slept A LOT.  From initial onset of symptoms, lasted 10 days.  No lingering side effects.


Wow, you were a real pioneer with this thing. I first heard about Covid in January 2020 form my boss’s brother who was a viral disease specialist in Netherlands, he warned us this was gonna be a big deal. Glad to hear you made it through the then-unknown.

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Got it in April this year. My symptoms were all pretty flu-like, but man, it came with headaches and fatigue, then it mostly went, then it came back with nasty mucous in the chest and throat - it took the better part of 2 months to finally completely clear my throat and plugged ears. So I wouldn’t exactly say it was no worse than flu, as the duration made it extra miserable, but I was nowhere near under doctor care. 

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I have been dealing with pretty good fatigue since I got Covid. Had it once and it wasn't pleasant. Lost my smell for a time. The dry cough comes and goes. The fatigue is every day. I'm going on like 2 months now. Smell came back pretty quick luckily.

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3 shots and I’m currently a week into my second round of Covid, and it’s kicking my butt worse than the first time. Fever for a week, but hoping my sense of smell comes back quicker this time. Knocked it out for almost a month my first round.

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I’ve tested positive 3 times.  First time I had nothing, asymptomatic and was tested because of contact tracing.  Third time I basically had a cold for a few days.  Weirdly the second time I was knocked out hard for a week plus with a bad flu.  That was when Delta was prevelant in my area.

Since then, I’m certain I’ve had it at least one more time, most likely 2+ more times, getting a cold after being with others that tested positive.  

This is gonna sound bad, but I’m done testing.  If I get a cold/sick I stay home, when I feel better I go back out.  I’ve never known anyone that’s gotten sick within a couple weeks after I’ve come out from hiding, and so that’s my move going forward.  Testing positive doesn’t change my behavior, so I’m done testing.

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1 hour ago, mprach024 said:

This is gonna sound bad, but I’m done testing.  If I get a cold/sick I stay home, when I feel better I go back out.  I’ve never known anyone that’s gotten sick within a couple weeks after I’ve come out from hiding, and so that’s my move going forward.  Testing positive doesn’t change my behavior, so I’m done testing.

Doesn't sound bad at all. I think this is where it will go for everyone eventually. We're not testing for flu, other colds etc. Covid will become just another cold eventually. 

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3 times

1st, was right at the start of the outbreak.  I was in Japan, and I think caught in on the plane home.  Practically nothing was known at the time.  Felt absolutely awful for about 3 days, was very close to ringing hospital, but due to my upbringing,  and Britishness,  I sort of didn't want to inconvenience anyone.   I was a strange time the idiots in government, were communicating two side of the coin at the same time.   i.e. this is really serious and Italy is completely F'd.....and then......we'll be fine wash your hands, kiss your granny, and think of Churchill.................utter .......utter......bollocks. 

2nd,  One night of horrible shivers, bit groggy in the morning

3rd,  Post vaccine, but about 6-9mths after.  In Scotland on holiday.    Not as bad as the 1st time, but longer.  Just like a really bad hangover but for 7days,  Which strangely was similar to my other visits to Scotland. 

I'm pretty sure 99% of people on this thread that don't think they've had it, are just lucky enough to have had no symptoms. 



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Nope. Have not had it that I am aware of. They say some have DNA makeup that are immune to getting it. Am I one? Maybe, maybe not.

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Although useful to some degree, I think the poll question around if it just felt like the flu is a bit flawed.    I think I've had numerous different strains of the covid.  Some of them were like a long non-serious flu,  some were intense but very short lived etc etc. 


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I haven’t tested positive and have not felt any symptoms. Knock on wood. My sister and brother in law got it in March of 2020. They live outside of New York City in a town that was one of the first big hot spots for covid. My sister got over it in three weeks but my BIL was very weak for 6 months. He has some kind of cognitive impairment, brain fog, and in the last two years my sister has often mentioned he is not himself. In June he had a stroke. He seems to be recovering well thanks to the first rate care he got in NYC. I suspect he is a text book case of long covid. It’s terrible.

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  March 2020, week before I was hiking a mountain and playing field hockey then bam, rough with chills, cognitive issues, palpitations and fatigue but never had the loss of smell stuff. Wasn't bad enough to go to hospital, O2 didn't drop much etc.

 Never recovered from the fatigue and slow brain stuff and haven't been able to work since. Some days are ok and I can manage a couple hundred yard walk before being laid up but others I have to take 2 breaks getting up the stairs, one half way brushing my teeth etc. It's like you've hit the weights gym hard for 5/6 hours and have a hangover and haven't eaten properly. Gone from being forced to be on a team by myself at family Christmas quizzes/games because of being a clever dick to having to sit it out because I can't keep up with the kid friendly quizzes

 Tests all coming back clear, heart, lungs, brain, blood etc have been scanned prodded and poked none stop and I'm the picture of health from them.

  Wife is a ED nurse so it was always going to come into the home, she's had it 4-5 times but I've never tested positive again even with her. Luckily no lasting issues for her

  Calling it long covid/long haul etc but it's no joke. I'm in a few studies with researches finding hints at the problem so hopefully treatment coming sooner rather than later. 

  Get them jabs


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My family was careful as could be, for nearly two years. My brother-in-law worked at MD Anderson back then, and FaceTimed us as soon as the news started to spread. His call was basically a stern warning of the information he was privy to, from being around virologists and pathologists at his job. He said “Everybody sit on the couch and listen to what I have to say, ...this stuff is for real.” Right away, we did everything imaginable to not get it it, fearing it would do the worst to my wife who is asthmatic.

After a year and several months we began to travel again, and spent this past New Year’s at a friend’s house in Arkansas. We all got it, from his brother who’d flown in from France and likely caught it at the airport. We drove back here to Texas right away, cutting our trip short by two days. I was hit terribly bad, but only for about half a week. Our two little girls barely seemed to have any symptoms although they were positive. My wife, on the other hand, spent January 2022 in bed. As a fully vaccinated 36-year-old, her asthma was so bad that she could hardly get up to do anything for a full month. February she slowly got back into a working routine and we’ve been fine since. Fast-forward to August 2022, and our oldest daughter just started kindergarten. We call it “Kindy,” like on the Australian cartoon Bluey that our kids adore. So, she got Covid from Kindy, within the first week, and brought it home. My wife is currently positive, but her symptoms have only been lethargy and a slight bit of trouble breathing. Fingers crossed, but it’s been a week and her symptoms haven’t gotten worse, so hopefully she’ll bounce back within a few days. The rest of us, though positive, are okay. Our girls are both coughing and stuffy, but nothing we can’t handle. I’m good, and have still been able to enjoy a few stellar cigars this week.

Wow, my thumbs are now exhausted. Sorry for going on so long!

Cheers, and hope everyone is staying healthy out there in the world!

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