Do you spend more per month on CCs or less?

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With the higher prices, how’s  it playing out with other consumers?

For me, I spend about 1/4 or less, of what I used to per month on CCs. Like many, I’ve amassed a substantial amount of cigars over the years and could go many years more without another purchase. But I still bring in a box every month on the few options that haven’t seen a ridiculous spike. So are you just saying screw it, I’ll pay more or are you reminding yourself;

Cigarmageddon is here and that’s why I have a huge stash.

if your not buying at all, is it because you can’t get what you want due to shortage or because prices are too high.

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I thought I would be spending about the same, but it’s actually less. Not because I purposely started spending less on cigars, but because what I want isn’t available. 
I have enough for the next 15-20 years at my current smoking rate, so not that bothered. 

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I spent a little more this a few months into this year when my "standards" started disappearing and prices skyrocketed.  I remember years ago when Monarchs and LGC's vanished; never to return.  I did not want to get caught flat footed again on a few that aren't so popular today.

I feel I have about a lifetime's worth of cigars if I keep buying 1-4 boxes a year.  Should keep a ~100 box buffer more or less.

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The month leading up to the price increases I was spending more; like most I was stocking up on what Trin/Cohiba I could still afford and purchasing some staples in the mix too. Since the big increase it's definitely trending down. 

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two part boxes since the increase (a 6ix'er the aged Hoyo Epi 1's from here and a partial box locally). 

I don't even check 24:24's anymore...

unless things change dramatically I won't be purchasing another box of cuban cigars. 

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1 hour ago, KnightsAnole said:

With the higher prices, how’s  it playing out with other consumers?

For me, I spend about 1/4 or less, of what I used to per month on CCs. Like many, I’ve amassed a substantial amount of cigars over the years and could go many years more without another purchase. But I still bring in a box every month on the few options that haven’t seen a ridiculous spike. So are you just saying screw it, I’ll pay more or are you reminding yourself;

Cigarmageddon is here and that’s why I have a huge stash.

if your not buying at all, is it because you can’t get what you want due to shortage or because prices are too high.

I'm spending far less, in part because I have plenty of stock but also because I had to pay my fall tuition bill from Penn :teacher:.

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I am spending, but less than before. I have a large stash and many years before I would “need” to buy anything. For me though the drive to buy is pushed by targets of opportunity (prices won’t be coming down a lot in the future although they may stabilize) and demand still seems to be growing. I buy to supplement where I’m smoking now and to keep my stash at about the same volume levels. 
Am I buying the Punch DC at what 850/box. Nope. I have many years worth of DC. I don’t have any punch but even if I was presented with that opportunity at that price now I would pass. Same for Cohiba and Trin of any size.
Have I bought Coronas and PC. YUP. I like those sizes and prices for what I smoke have been reasonableish on occasion. 
The OP question is a good one. I do ask myself periodically if I should just not look at prices for a while and smoke what I have- then the dollar hits par w the euro and some boxes look to be more reasonable so I order. Plenty of value here too if there is a need to fill. Or the voice in the back of my heads says things aren’t gonna get better for many years and I should push out the “survivability” of my stash as long as possible by at least buying as much every month as I smoke, or at least a box a month. 
FOMO. It’s strong. I don’t want to run out of CC. So yes, I’m still buying but not as much. Will see where I am in six months though. 

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There are a couple of components that impact my decisions:

CBSA - duties on cigars coming to Canada - has definitely put a damper on purchases

Ability to travel (as a function of COVID)  - has reduced travel and hence access to delivery outside of Canada (along with the logistics associated with the aforementioned).

Notwithstanding those considerations availability of particular items has outweighed price. 

That being said Cohiba, Trini, etc - never figure in the mix of inventory that I am looking for.

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I’ve slowed my purchases as far as dollars spent (perceived loss of value). Taking advantage of the 10ct boxes Rob manages to present to us. There are some white whales I failed to grab the last year, and now with the prices it will be hard to justify if they come available. Fortunately never much of a Cohiba/Trini person which reduces the sting.

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The prices increases have been good for me--I was buying too many cigars and this got me to stop cold.

I have a lifetime supply.

I do feel bad for newbies though.


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I have not purchased any in months.  Sorry El Pres, I started thinking about retiring some day.  When this macro economic mess of gas prices, overall inflation, and global pandemics possibly relent and relieve some internal mind stress I am sure I will be back again :)

If I only I still worked in Big Pharma, may have lost my soul, but I could be rich....lmao!!

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8 hours ago, Huckleberry said:

I have not purchased any in months.  Sorry El Pres, I started thinking about retiring some day. 

You look after yourself! :D

I would say only about half of the members who post on FOH actually buy from FOH. There is nothing wrong with that!  Long live the lurkers :party:

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Recently I’ve been spending more purely because I’ve ventured out from NCs and into CCs so I’ve been trying to build stock. However, I’m quickly running out of room so either I expand storage or slow down the buying for a bit. One of those sounds like a terrible solution though hahah.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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1 minute ago, El Presidente said:

You look after yourself! :D

I woud say only about half of the members who post on FOH actually buy from FOH. There is nothing wrong with that!  Long live the lurkers :party:

That is probably very true Rob.

I am on a hiatus, but when I buy ccs, I always buy from you.  I won't ever go anywhere else, I just needed to take a break and reevaluate for awhile, but I will be back, just leave the light on for me :)  Great people at FOH, great people on this forum, IMHO the best people all around!!

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Definitely down, might order for CC the Christmas sampler only this year. Prices do play a lot in purchases. If the choice was a 15$ premium NC or a partagas D4, I’d always choose the D4. So I wouldn’t buy davidoff, opus x, pardon anniversary or 1926 series, or Ashton cigars ever again. 
I have enough sticks to last me 15 years. But there are some boutique NC out there around 6$ a stick I might start buying again ( Nudies included!!! )

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If i could buy things on my wanted list i would. My philosophy is "the cheapest cigar you buy is the one you bought yesterday"... i had stopped buying as my storage was full. Now i have made space for some more and have some empty space waiting to be filled 😂

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2 minutes ago, DaBoot said:

Definitely down, might order for CC the Christmas sampler only this year. Prices do play a lot in purchases. If the choice was a 15$ premium NC or a partagas D4, I’d always choose the D4. So I wouldn’t buy davidoff, opus x, pardon anniversary or 1926series, or Ashton cigars ever again. 
I have enough sticks to last me 15 years. But there are some boutique NC out there around 6$ a stick I might start buying again ( Nudies included!!! )

Those nudies are really damn good!  I am letting the majority of them rest but the few I have tried have been very affectionate.

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1 minute ago, Huckleberry said:

I am on a hiatus, but when I buy ccs, I always buy from you.  I won't ever go anywhere else, I just needed to take a break and reevaluate for awhile, but I will be back, just leave the light on for me :)  Great people at FOH, great people on this forum, IMHO the best people all around!!

While I appreciate the support, the reality is I couldn't supply 10% of what FOH members purchase annually from all CC sources. Probably less. 


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Just now, Huckleberry said:

Those nudies are really damn good!  I am letting the majority of them rest but the few I have tried have been very affectionate.

I bought the 2019 batch. Absolutely enjoying them. Definitely grabbing a bundle here at the end of the month 

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1 minute ago, El Presidente said:

While I appreciate the support, the reality is I couldn't supply 10% of what FOH members purchase annually from all CC sources. Probably less. 


I understand and appreciate that as well, I am just picky with where I shop. 

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