What is the dumbest thing you and your spouse or sigO have ever fought about

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So, we leave the local Costco last Friday after packing our $1400 purchase in our van, get into the car, we're driving away and I'm super hot (its 85F hot). The AC is on a low, we get on the freeway and I open the window to try to get some air because I'm really hot right? I don't increase the AC fan because she doesn't believe making the fan higher will cool down the car any faster. The car starts making that banging noise because car is traveling fast and only one window open. Then she says, my ears hurt. It doesn't register, normally I would just close the window but my knee jerk response is , "but I'm hot."

She turns to me and says "so it's just a big F U I don't care huh."

I lost it. "You know, its all about you!.". some more F bombs, more incidents that I bring up in the recent past about how its all about her.

Well, two days of cold shoulder from both of us and we finally hashed it out this morning. All will be mended. I wish I could have taken that moment back and not said " I'm hot" but I was so frkn irritated and hot that I could not process the situation. Then she comes at me with that BS remark?!

Now in retrospect, what a stupid thing we fought about and we went through two days of cold shoulder for it.

What was the dumbest thing you ever fought about with your spouse/significant other?

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Sorry for the fight bro, but all is good now so that's good! smile.png

When i was much younger and more "self absorbed" my girlfiend (first girlfriend i ever lived with) did the vcuuming one day and then refused to do the dishes that night evne though it was her turn. Ended up being a cold war level stand off with no dishes done 5 days.. and i even bought plastic plates and utencils... untill we ran out of clean pots to actually cook food in.

In my most recent cohabitations with the opposite gender i've never once got into an argument like that. I dunno, i think ive just got to the point where i don't care about arguments and stuff now, i jsut chill out and run with it.

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Sorry for the fight bro, but all is good now so that's good! :)

When i was much younger and more "self absorbed" my girlfiend (first girlfriend i ever lived with) did the vcuuming one day and then refused to do the dishes that night evne though it was her turn. Ended up being a cold war level stand off with no dishes done 5 days.. and i even bought plastic plates and utencils... untill we ran out of clean pots to actually cook food in.

In my most recent cohabitations with the opposite gender i've never once got into an argument like that. I dunno, i think ive just got to the point where i don't care about arguments and stuff now, i jsut chill out and run with it.

You bought plastic plates and utensils? Haha, that's classic. That sent a message for sure.

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So, we leave the local Costco last Friday after packing our $1400 purchase in our van, get into the car, we're driving away and I'm super hot (its 85F hot). The AC is on a low, we get on the freeway and I open the window to try to get some air because I'm really hot right? I don't increase the AC fan because she doesn't believe making the fan higher will cool down the car any faster. The car starts making that banging noise because car is traveling fast and only one window open. Then she says, my ears hurt. It doesn't register, normally I would just close the window but my knee jerk response is , "but I'm hot."

She turns to me and says "so it's just a big F U I don't care huh."

I lost it. "You know, its all about you!.". some more F bombs, more incidents that I bring up in the recent past about how its all about her.

Well, two days of cold shoulder from both of us and we finally hashed it out this morning. All will be mended. I wish I could have taken that moment back and not said " I'm hot" but I was so frkn irritated and hot that I could not process the situation. Then she comes at me with that BS remark?!

Now in retrospect, what a stupid thing we fought about and we went through two days of cold shoulder for it.

What was the dumbest thing you ever fought about with your spouse/significant other?

$1400 at Costco. Wow, big purchase.

I hope you were able to sort this out. Your story highlights that it isn't so much what triggered the fight, but how you can deal with it quickly to right the ship, and how much unresolved baggage comes back to the surface when you do fight. Long silent periods and rehashing is not good.

A healthy relationship is a necessary buffer when you disagree, which in most cases, happens frequently.

I've found in my marriage that as time has gone on, my wife and I still disagree and get mad, but it doesn't feel as personal and purposeful as it did. We don't stay mad, the way we used to. I'm grateful for that. How long have you been married?

Fortunately, we don't fight about big stuff (i.e. kids, job, vacations, work). We also tease each other constantly.

Sometimes, she takes things completely differently, and warns me (either directly or indirectly) to back off. I've learned, and she tells me later, that this is biological. No harm, no foul. I don't take this personally, and it isn't meant that way.

If I could offer any advice, take this as a symptom, and try to understand it, for the sake of your marriage.

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My wife tends to focus more on my tone of voice and what she makes up in her head about what I really mean when I say something, rather than just listening to the words that I actually say. I work in an environment where I have to be very mindful of what I say, and when I come home I just want to be able to shut my brain off and unwind, not focus on how she's going to interpret what I say or how I say it. I went to this seminar one time explaining the differences between men and women over the course of 2 days, so I'm managing things a little better nowadays. We actually had a therapist at one point - I was hoping she could at that point learn basic communication 101. Unfortunately I found out I probably had as much to learn as she did.

We're much better now lol

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Music. We couldn't agree on who had better taste in music and it started legitimate fights. Realized how stupid we were, and decided maybe we can learn to like new things through each other. Ahhh, how much better it is to learn from each other rather than fight for superiority.

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Cushions on a bed. My GF insist on putting like 20 pillows and cushions of various shapes and sizes on the bed after it's made each morning and it then takes at least 5 minutes to take them off the bed and put away at night so you can go to bed (these pillows and cushions are not to be slept on they're special pillows and cushions)!

I asked what's the point of the whole putting them on the bed and taking them off again and she said "because it makes the bed looks nice" so I agreed and left it at that.

When we get a dog one of the first things I shall teach that puppy is how much fun it is to eat a pillow :P

Another famous argument before we lived together involved me spending about $200 on a really nice leather wallet which she said "was crazy money for something that just holds money". I tried to point out the irony of her handbag collection but they're investments apparently....so are my cigars then :P

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The age old ''you left the toilet seat up again'' , I try OK, but when I forget she makes a point of reminding me how unthoughtful I am.

Little does she know, well maybe she does, I do it sometimes just to tweek her when she's in one of her moods, good fun.

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I have mentioned many, many times we have a new dog. I live with the dog full time and Matthew comes up north to our house in the country on weekends. I train the dog to behave and do everything, but when Matthew comes up he basically undoes many of the house rules and discipline tasks I have taught him.

The bigger issue is Matthew then criticizes me for the way I am training Blue. One issue was the way I was telling Blue to "sit". I just turn to him and say "sit". Matthew said that was wrong. He said you have to stand up, cross your arms and say, "Blue, sit!". We get into this back and forth argument, which is really about him coming up on the weekends and becoming the boss when I am doing just fine.

I got this all worked out. I was in the bathroom drying my hair and I hear Matthew yelling at the top of his lungs "Blue Sit! Blue Sit! Blue Sit!". Apparently Blue was running around with Matthew's Blackberry.

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I don't remember what the argument was about. In fact, the last thing I remember was saying "I hope my next wife has a sense of humor!" Then it was, BAM! lights out.

You bought tears to my eyes. I don't dare use this one.

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Excellent thread.

Too many silly things to mention for me really. Our most recent fight was about me jumping off our back balcony into the pool. Obviously she plays the "your a father now" and "you need to be more responsible." Hard to combat that really.

I think it's all the silly little things that lead to the biggest fights, because if it is a serious issue you obviously approach with more caution.

After being together for 12 years with my wife, and married for 6, I have recently taken up a new approach.

I try to bank up as many brownie-points as possible, so I always stay well in the black (credit) when it comes to perceived positive husband status. Now, don't get me wrong, I can lose my whole brownie-point bank balance in one foul swoop. But, at least I don't go into the red, if you know what I mean.

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My last missus had a fair bit of crazy in her

We once got into a heated argument over a jar of Vegimite

For those that dont know it, its a savory spread that Aussies put on toast in the morning

Its two main ingredents are salt and yeast.

I had a big jar that was in my pantry for ages and one morning I made her some toast and while she was eating it she looked at the jar and noticed it was 2 years past its "best before" date.

She breated me for feeding her "spoilt food" an keeping stuff that had "expired" so long ago an tried to throw this half full jar of Vegimite away.

Not being one who likes to waste things, tried to explain that the two main ingredents in this spread cant expire an that there was nothing wrong with it. The Australian Army puts Vegemite in thier ration packs for crying out loud.

In Australia manufactures have to put a Best Before date on all food products regardless is they are capeable of spoiling.

Se threw my Vegimite out while I was at work that week and I lost my ****. Not only was it a waste but I couldnt understand how someone would throw out something that was still good simply because a little stamp on the jar told you two.

I even took the arguement to her parents. Her dad was on my side, her mum was on her side, that generated a bigger fight when we got home.

That was when I realised that we werent right for each other anymore

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What to have for supper. My wife can be a bit of a picky eater and she also feels the need to have a big home cooked supper every night( well that was before we found out she's pregnant again). And I can eat just about anything and if she left it up to me, I would just make chicken nuggets and fries or shove on a pizza every night and be the happiest man alive. I work 10 to 12 hour days walking up to 10km delivering mail in every kind of weather, when I get home I just want food, no matter what it is. I would always ask her what she wanted and I would gladly cook it for her but she could never decide so it would turn in an argument. .

The worst fight we ever had/have is something comes up, say a friend calls me with tickets to a hockey game and no one to go with, so I will run it by her and make sure it's cool if I go, she says ok, even though I can tell it's not and tell her that it's ok to say no, might not work every time but there will be times i won't go and stay with her, but she says that she can't say that and won't. Now this is very rare and as things like that don't come up often. But when they do she assures me it's ok but acts like it's not, then she will spend the rest of that night and the entire next day mad, but not mad with me, she will be mad at herself for getting mad at me going out because she understands that it's ok for me to go out with the guys every now and then and wants me to enjoy time with my friends, but she still gets mad when I do and then gets mad at herself. So she will sulk for a full 36 hours and we usually won't talk in that time. Unless I can't take it and then we'll have a argument to has it out and end it.

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Reading your posts makes me feel so much more...normal! Oh, God it's nice to know I'm not the only one suffering from crazy argument phenomenon.

We had an argument many years back when we first got the sailboat. It's name is Vittoria, a beautiful name for a beautiful boat. Her nephew was young and into pirates and wanted us to change the name to a good pirate name. Not only does the missus agree with him but really starts riding me about changing the name. It took me a good long while to realize she was being serious. Gawd, imagine, sailing around in a boat named 'Ol Plunder Sword.' Hoooooleeeey. There was hell to pay for that one for weeks. I mean, seriously?

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Bahahaha pirate named sailing boat.. God I'm glad that happened

Vegemite causing relationship expiration, this post is great :P

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Arnold my man, in my experience stalemates have a way of ending themselves so evening business can resume as normal.

I can't think of the dumbest thing we've fought over, you know mostly when one is in a bad mood you're looking for an argument so you come up with some pretty stupid things to argue over.

Really?!? You didn't put the cap on the toothpaste? You didn't pull the car into the garage? I had no apple in my lunch?!? stuff like that

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I don't live with my Mrs so most arguments (from her side) are about the time we spend together but overall we're all good.

Reading your posts makes me feel so much more...normal! Oh, God it's nice to know I'm not the only one suffering from crazy argument phenomenon.

We had an argument many years back when we first got the sailboat. It's name is Vittoria, a beautiful name for a beautiful boat. Her nephew was young and into pirates and wanted us to change the name to a good pirate name. Not only does the missus agree with him but really starts riding me about changing the name. It took me a good long while to realize she was being serious. Gawd, imagine, sailing around in a boat named 'Ol Plunder Sword.' Hoooooleeeey. There was hell to pay for that one for weeks. I mean, seriously?

Side Note; one of my mrs' middle names is Vittoria after her fathers baot

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