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There are plenty of cigar frustrations as we all know :rolleyes:

I came across one this afternoon that I will put up there as my pet peeve. Thankfully it is a rare occurrence. 

This was a humble le Hoyo du Prince from a cracking box that I have been smoking through. Nice wrappers (Colorado with sheen), construction looks fine. The cold draw is excellent. The rest of the box has been spot on from a smoking perspective. 

Light up...and it starts fine.  10 minutes in ....and it can't stay lit for more than 30 seconds. Absolutely no combustion past each relight or draw. Stop the draw and the ember dies. 

I can fix most plugs by cutting the offending section out.  I can try and smoke slower on an easy draw. Truth be told if those problems annoy me I will pitch them. 

But there is nothing you can do with a cigar that refuses to stay lit.  It is like a mule that just refuses to move. The wrapper is not one of those fireproof models we have seen in the past. There is no canoeing. it is almost as if they forgot the Volado (leaf predominantly used for combustion). 

Let's just hope these afflicted cigars are not making a civil rights statement to the rest of the box......God forbid :lol3:


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I have the problem a lot. Can't figure it out. Seems as they are over humidified but I keep them at 60/60.


I am at the point where I just pitch it if I am feeling annoyed by performance. I just don't have the time to waste on something that is probably not going to get any better. Might as well just grab another

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Had this problem on the last 2 HU No.2s I've smoked. Start off pretty well then they die. They relight for a bit but not long. I keep everything at 62 RH so I wouldn't think it's the humidity level.

It's a shame too. I enjoy the beginning but never get to finish it. Maybe 3rd times the charm!


A cigar not staying lit is a rare problem for me as well.  However, with a recent box of Regios it was a recurring issue.  About half the sticks in the box would start out burning fine, then about 2 inches in they just couldn't hold a burn if I slowed the pace of my draw.  


I hate when this happens, it is rare for me as well.  A bigger problem I've had it tunneling, but it only seems to happen when it is really hot and humid here.


I have a box of romeo no 2 and it seems like every one of these has that problem around the half way point. That's why it's the box of cigars I give to friends. 

Guest Nekhyludov

I had a box of HdM Epi#2 ROM AGO 15 that was mostly lousy. Bitter anise taste on the wrapper, lots of plugs. But the weirdest issue was the cigars would tunnel and go out constantly! Hadn't seen that before. So I'd have to keep relighting, then they'd burn too hot. Finally gave up on 'em. Gave most away to friends who wouldn't notice or mind. 


If I have a cigar that goes out, it is because I have ignored it too long, probably running my mouth gabbing or working in the shop! I have endured many a construction issue burn problem, but never this one.

Chuck it!

-the Pig

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I don't smoke many RG's over 50 but for some reason when I do they always tend to go out on me, but its not a problem I just relight and enjoy


I think what's frustrating about this is the fact that the HdM Le Hoyo du Prince is in El Pres' rotation, and on top of its upcoming deletion, this problem had to occur with this specific vitola. It's doubly annoying!


Happened to me with both non-cubans and cubans.  The NC offenders are some RP Decades, which is a cigar I quite enjoy, but the wrappers are not only thick but oily as all get out.  Not a single one that I've had has stayed lit after the first third.  Love the flavors but hate that particular box.

With CCs i've seen this with PLMCs, Punch Punch, D4s and Dip 2s.  That said it's usually only been 2-3 out of a box and not a full box issue.

In either case, bloody annoying when that happens. 


I've rarely had a stick that just won't stay lit. Some act up on and off but I usually can coax them thru their midterm issues. The pissers, for me, are the plugged sticks that I didnt give up on soon enough. I used to fight with those fuckers till the bitter end- now I chuck 'em early and move on a more cooperative companion.

  • 3 years later...

A HdM robusto is what brought me to this forum and topic.  And I see that a lot of you are mentioning HdM’s being a real issue with staying lit.  Without making a generalization, is there something about the construction of Hoyo de Monterrey (non Cuban) that they’re just hard to keep lit?  I bought a fiver of the non Cuban regular gold band robustos and haven’t tried the others yet.  Of all my cigar woes, I’ve almost never had an issue with keeping them lit, so I know it’s not my technique.  Perhaps just a bad stick or something common to the brand?

1 hour ago, FuenteFan2181 said:

A HdM robusto is what brought me to this forum and topic.  And I see that a lot of you are mentioning HdM’s being a real issue with staying lit.  Without making a generalization, is there something about the construction of Hoyo de Monterrey (non Cuban) that they’re just hard to keep lit?  I bought a fiver of the non Cuban regular gold band robustos and haven’t tried the others yet.  Of all my cigar woes, I’ve almost never had an issue with keeping them lit, so I know it’s not my technique.  Perhaps just a bad stick or something common to the brand?

The HdMs mentioned here are Cuban, not the non-Cuban version.


Not sure this annoys me as much as the "It's lit, and burns fine, but generates zero smoke" cigars that I've had from time to time. Its damn irritating, cause all you get is hot air. Had that several times with HdM DC's and never have figures out why. Sometimes after you've smoked of down a ways it'll start producing, but by then quite a lot of the enjoyment is sucked out of it.

On 2/15/2017 at 8:35 AM, dangolf18 said:

The HDM Regalos trumps them all imo....totally fireproof wrappers.

Yes, most of them were legendary for fireproof wrappers but if you looked closely for lighter, thinner wrappers it could be avoided. Good Regalos were great. One of the best ELs up to that point IMO.

I distinguish cigars that won't stay lit from cigars that just won't burn. Last few years I've had the super flaky wrapper burn that just turns black and no amount of torching gets a continued burn. My above post about the first ED Beli I had was like that. I'm actually getting this with a 6er of Monte PE I just got. Wrappers look great but get super flaky and no burn. Taste is great but I'm torching it every 30 seconds. Then you catch yourself puffing it too much trying to get it to go but it just heats up.

These days, I get as far as I can and just pitch the thing. 

I suspect due to the consistent nature of that wrapper flakiness in different marcas and different years that this is some issue with the processing of the wrapper. Could have been in a part of the barn that didn't get enough heat or air or something. It's a unique enough phenomenon yet so distinctive when it occurs I know something's not right. 


I can feel all this

Last sunday I finally lit a QdO EL2019 that was resting for like 2 months, a really beautiful cigar but I was re-lighting it over and over again it was so frustrating...
Totally wasted the good time I wanted to have

This and the no smoke cigar maybe the worst that can happen when you want to appreciate a good cuban cigar.
All those bad moments make me sweaty when it's time to light a new one, after a year smoking cigars I'm still not confident when it comes to lighting !


I get nervous when i open a box and i see colorado wrappers with a teeny bit of reddish hue on them...

or some really dark colorado maduro wrappers...


They tend not to burn well at all...  I believe it has something todo with it being too thick? un-breathable...  therefore air cannot go in via the wrappers..  only from the foot of the cigar...

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