Trinidad and What is Really Happening...

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"Dear Mr Robert.

Thank you very much for contacting us.

Regarding to your query please take note of:

Trinidad currently has five vitolas (sizes) in its portfolio: Fundadores (7 ½" x 40 ring gauge), Robusto Extra (6 1/8" x 50 ring gauge), Robusto 'T' (4 7/8" x 50 ring gauge), Coloniales (5 ¼" x 44 ring gauge) and Reyes (4 3/8" x 40 ring gauge).While it is true that Habanos SA has announced that the Robusto Extra and Robusto 'T' have been discontinued, both are to be replaced by new vitolas in the near future. The exact date of these two new releases, and the format they will take, are yet to be confirmed. What is clear is that, far from downgrading the brand, these decisions have been made in order to continue the development of the, relatively young, Trinidad brand and to increase its standing among cigar smokers the world over.

Within the Habanos S.A brand structure Trinidad will continue to be positioned as one of the most prestigious brands, ranked just behind Cohiba, the standard bearer for Cuban cigars.

Best regards,

Daymi Difurniao Rodríguez

Dirección de Marketing Operativo/ Marketing Division.

Corporación Habanos S.A.

Avenida 3ra no. 2006, entre 20 y 22,

Miramar, Playa, Ciudad de La Habana

Teléf.: +537 204 0513/14 ext 565"

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If this means they can figure out a way to make a cigar on par w/ the quality of the Trini Robo T, and in a similar robusto format....and HOPEFULLY at a lower pricepoint...

well, sign me up!

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I'm no marketing specialist, but I'm not sure if Trinidad's current positioning makes any sense... Being "ranked just behind Cohiba" is what's killing them IMO. From a branding perspective it seems to me that they're in the limbo: not premium enough to attract attention out of Cohiba, nor cheap enough to make general public be willing to try it.

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not to play conspiracy theorist but knowing how word spreads in a "corporate" environment, I suspect the official emailed answer differs from the word of mouth answer circulating the Habanos festival and distributor networks.

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not to play conspiracy theorist but knowing how word spreads in a "corporate" environment, I suspect the official emailed answer differs from the word of mouth answer circulating the Habanos festival and distributor networks.

Could be. Just think others would want to know what I was told directly by Habanos, SA. Each of us should always asses the credibility of the sources of conflicting information as we see fit.

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I've spoken with Habanos people on this as well, here and in Cuba.

It's another one of those things. You could ask ten different people in Habanos this question and get ten different answers.

The thing is, half of them could be right.

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You could ask ten different people in Habanos this question and get ten different answers.

The thing is, half of them could be right.

Just like the Irish, who can talk with expertise on practically any subject, and have a well-rounded perspective on the concept truth.

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Could be good if they have dumped the robustos and are planning to replace them with a laguito #2 and a perfecto. Could be less good if they are planning to replace them with a Maravillas No.1 and a nub :D

Yeah I wouldn't lay long odds on them adding a long and skinny. :-)

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Why not? The only vitola that sells from Trinidad are their skinny ones, They have deleted all their thick cigars due to bad sales, why would they delete them just to add more?

Because they weren't thick enough.

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Great to hear some clarification from Habanos themselves...

I don't see it like a "clarification"…

As Ryan said:

You could ask ten different people in Habanos this question and get ten different answers.

Anyway I agree with you, it's good to know that Trinidad has a future… whatever it is…

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I tend to think they'll stick with the thinner gauges for the Trinidad Marca, replacing some of the long and skinnies that have been recently discontinued, thus reducing the competition for Trinidads future offerings. Perhaps a lonsdale, corona extra, and grand corona? That would be great!

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not to play conspiracy theorist but knowing how word spreads in a "corporate" environment, I suspect the official emailed answer differs from the word of mouth answer circulating the Habanos festival and distributor networks.

Agree, they are tell us official version but "true" which we're never recognize hidden from prying eyes :lost:

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"The Trinidad is not going to be discontinued its going to be re-located on the range of habanos"

Just worried now that the lowering of price point will now effect construction. Personally the Reyes have always been top notch, the wrapper has always been beautiful & with the pigtail cap, yes lower price point will allow me to buy more Reyes but I wonder how the price drop will effect the construction/type of leafs used/factory in which they are rolled/people rolling them/ since all these factors will be effected with a price drop have to wonder how Trini line will turn out , usually historically when a premium line downgrades a product to sell more units it doesn't work. Just hope the Trini line don't fall into this trap.

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My guess is the guys in the deletion department wanted to scrap the whole marca but got overruled by some higher-ups. Why would they go the trouble to announce that they're deleting the Robusto T and Robusto Extra when they already announced that over a year ago. They were tossing around the idea of deleting the whole line and someone screwed up and announced it before the top guys had approved it.

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^ that's probably what happened, imvho. I'm glad they aren't discontinuing the marca, I love Trinidad! But the Rob T was my favorite, so I hope that something very similar comes out -- a corona gorda would be fantastic!

It could be that they will introduce vitolas that are not too different from the Rob T and Rob X, but lower in price. This would safe face vs just dropping the price on those cigars, and would get the added hype of "New Vitolas." I just hope the end product of one of those is similar to the Rob T, since that's such a great cigar, and one of my favorite young Habanos!

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^ that's probably what happened, imvho. I'm glad they aren't discontinuing the marca, I love Trinidad! But the Rob T was my favorite, so I hope that something very similar comes out -- a corona gorda would be fantastic!

It could be that they will introduce vitolas that are not too different from the Rob T and Rob X, but lower in price. This would safe face vs just dropping the price on those cigars, and would get the added hype of "New Vitolas." I just hope the end product of one of those is similar to the Rob T, since that's such a great cigar, and one of my favorite young Habanos!

That would be the smart thing to do... so, it's a pretty safe bet it won't happen.

More likely we'll see new truly jaw-breaker sized 54-60 rings catering to the "bigger is better" generation... and pricing aimed at the same "if it costs that much it must be a great cigar" crowd.

Face it, HSA is fully on-board with modern-day predatory marketing.

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I doubt they're going lower the price. If they were going to do that, they could have just tried keeping the Robusto T and Extra and dropping the retail price below $10 on the them. Since they're introducing entirely new cigars, I think we're more likely to see $400 for a box of 10 than $240 for a box of 24. Think Trinidad Behike...

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Here is an update from Mexico, the rumor is spreading.. according to LCDH Mexico city (and IEPT aka, Max Gutmann) they are retiring the marca for a while (there are no new Trinidad cigars to be found anywhere over here except for 2010 EL's)

As far as they know trinidad is gone...

So sad to see a brand that I love gone.

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