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Well guys it has been awhile since I touched base so I thought I would post an update on my life a mum :D

Dominic is now 7 weeks old this weeks, my god time has flown and my little man has grown so much it scares me, he is smiling and laughing now and has become a little person with a personality to match.

I miss everyone and always check the forum when I have a chance to see what has been going on, as per usual the normal suspects keep things interesting, Rob is out of control , Smithy is annoyed, Ken isn’t typing with capitals LOLOL and the sad part is the passing of our friend Van who has been a fixture on the forum for so long, really sad to hear of his passing

Well I wanted to post a few pics of my boy so you can all see how his is progressing and one of his proud daddy ;)

Big hugs and kisses to you all







Ah sweet pics Lisa! Didn't realise how small he was until I saw the sky remote next to him :rotfl:

The third pic has a glimmer of Ken about him when Rob brought the BHKs round for him to review!

Hope you're doing great and getting some sleep too!


Cable remote in one in another.

I can see Frank is taking on most of the parenting :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Let Dom know Uncle Rob is on his best behaviour!


Lisa, thanks for sharing with us! Miss you around here and enjoy the time with your son, as it does go quick, and is oh so special.




We can see his doodle!! :covereyes:

He's going to regret his mommy posting his baby pics when he's 16!! What goes on the internet, stays on the internet!!


Lifes looking great there Lisa enjoy :)



What a wonderful experience -

I remember when my children were that age (yes, it seems like only yesterday :violin:)

now they are 8 and 5 1/2 years respectively.

With small children, a single day seems to be very long, but a year passes by like nothing.

Enjoy every moment,

love to all the family! :yes:


My little girl has just turned 7 months and it's hard to imagine her being that size now!

Wonderful pics, hope you guys are able to ****** a little time to yourselves and are getting enough sleep :sleeping:


GREAT JOB LISA !! :perfect10: Dominic looks happy and content.. the way it should be.. keep them doodle pics in hiding.. he's too young to start dating :rotfl:.

CONGRATS and enjoy the best times of your life..

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