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I've seen iterations of this thread before, but they were not done correctly. Why? Because you get FIVE picks for the Desert Island. That is five marcas that you'd be limited to for the rest of your life.


I have been giving this some thought and think I'd end up playing a very "straight-bat", no limited editions, or specials, all standard production and fairly typical choices. But the rationale is important.

Hoyo Epi 2: Perfect morning smoke, lighter option but always interesting. For example, the ones I've had recently (about 18 months on them) have become very tangy, almost reminded be at times like a cheese wotsit, and I had to wonder if they'd "gone off" in some way like the cream had "gone sour", but still pretty interesting. Also I think they look gorgeous, the band is class etc.


Partagas D4: This is the flipside of the Epi 2, the evening smoke, stronger, fuller, seldom disappoints; I always get hits of sweetness in mine to go along with the more "manly" and savoury elements. 


Juan Lopez S2: For me probably one of the most underrated cigars period. The best description I ever saw for it was "Jaffa Cake", but you can reach for one of these at any time, morning, afternoon, evening, night, before a meal, after a meal, very consistent for me and always great.


RASS: Always get caramel and spice, and in my mind it vies with the JLS2 for a perfect utility go-to smoke for any occasion. I realise these are all very "standard" picks, but I think there's a reason why the core CC lineup is as well established as it is.


H Upmann Connie A: This would be my "special occasion" cigar, seldom disappointed with them. Sucker for the shortbread and I often get a sort of "salt hit" with the Cuban twang on these. Upmann is probably my favourite brand. Best cigar I've ever had was actually just a week or so ago, the Sir Winnie, but it feels a bit ostentatious taking that as a pick. 


Looking at it now, I realise I've just taken five Robustos, which is not actually representative of my taste overall, I've been more into Coronas and PCs of late, and I also love a Lonsdale or a Lancero, but I'm not willing to sacrifice any of the above. The Montecristo No. 3 (severely underrated) would likely be the next stick up, or perhaps the classy and aristocratic Monty Especial. 

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That's a tough one, and assuming price is an object, but availability isn't, I think I'd go for (in no specific order of preference):

HdM Epi Esp: similar in reasoning with the creaminess/velvety stick that keeps getting better

PLPC: for that sweetness/caramel when I need a fix, but also can pack punch while young

Monte PE: when I need a quicker smoke, but also want the cocoa fix

RA Superiores: I've just recently gotten into these and am obsessed! Love everything about them with age, haven't tried anything young, but looking forward to.

QdO CC: But only specific years LOL! '15 - '16

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Fundy, Boli PC, Boli BF. Monte #1, Lusi.

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Lusitania, JL2, Double Edmundo, Hoyo Epi2, and Libertador.
      Runner up would be a QDO 50. These are my staples and for regular releases and would be happy just to smoke those and those only. Just don’t make me pick one that would be way too hard.

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Epicure #2 - Best anytime cigar

Siglo IV - My personal favorite Cohiba since money is no issue 

Lusitania - Best larger format smoke imo

Mag 46 - Favorite corona gorda 

El Principe - Favorite small format cigar 

I was tempted to rip all Cohiba but I know I'd get tired of them 

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Trinidad Media Luna
Partagas Lusitanias 
HdM Double Corona
Montecristo Edmundo
Bolivar BF

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Lusi, HdM DC, RyJ Churchill, Monte no2, Upmann no2. Hey, if I’m on a deserted island I have time for big smokes.

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No Order:

Cohiba Esplendidos

Upmann Sir Winston

Cuaba Salomones

Fonseca No. 1

Cohiba Robusto

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CC: Sir Winnie, RASS, BBF, Party 898, CoRo

NC: 2012 Connecticut toro, Illusione Epernay Le Ferme, Liga Privada No.9 Corona Viva, Fuente Casa Cuba Divine Inspiration, Davidoff Winston Churchill Churchill 

Runners up: PSD4, Monte No.1, Illusione Le Grande Classe, Illusione Fume D'Amour Concepcions, PLPC

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I thought about this and can't come up with a list.  I'd pick 5 and then be pissed that I didn't have one I wanted for the day.  I don't have a favorite 5.  Depending on the day, any cigar I own could be the one I need.

  • Like 4
1 hour ago, Chas.Alpha said:

The entire Monte Open line. If i got my sorry ass stuck on a desert island, I deserve no less...😔

This is the way.

  • Haha 1

Party 898

Siglo 2


Rio Seco


  • Like 2


connie B

sancho belicoso

VR famoso

hoyo DC


variety of formats and flavour profiles. 

VR and cohiba on the richer side of things, the other three have softer profiles IMO

  • Like 1

Excellent choices!  Mine…. Cruise in a boat around desert islands rescuing brothers — boarding pass is a few fine sticks 😉

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No specific order


HdM Epi #2



Sir Winnie

Punch Punch


Undercrown Maduro Corona Viva

Oliva Lancero V

Foundation Charter Oak

Illusione Epernay Le Grande


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