Parroting cuban cigar misinformation?

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I've been noticing this for a while in other places of cigar discussion such as Youtube or other forums.

"Cubans are overpriced and they all taste primarily of grass and hay"

Now... I can understand why people would think Cubans are expensive because they're probably seeing prices of more expensive side of the spectrum(Cohiba, Trinidad, LE stuff) and ignoring everything else. But the claim people make that Cuban cigars taste of grass and hay makes me scratch my head a bit. Someone must have started this claim somewhere, and people are parroting it at every opportunity they have, acting like they've actually smoked a Cuban cigar before. Not saying Cubans are the BEST, as there are NCs I quite enjoy.

Have I just not smoked a Cuban marca that has grass and hay characteristics? I've tasted hints of tea, but never grass and hay. I'm not a farm animal. Maybe that's the problem.

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For me, grass and hay can be found as an element (one of many) in Cohiba, LGC, ERDM. I find it a beautiful canvas to work with. 

The world is full of "generalisations" and the cigar world is no diferent. 

The one you detailed holds as much weight as "all non cubans are pepper bombs" and "the customer is always right". ;)

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3 hours ago, Wushy said:

I've been noticing this for a while in other places of cigar discussion such as Youtube or other forums.

"Cubans are overpriced and they all taste primarily of grass and hay"

Well, .... and there's chemtrailers and hollow earthers....  :dunce:  :rolleyes:

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It's getting more and more likely that what you hear in all medias these days is uninformed nonsense.

The major news medias are no less incorrect, as they neither want nor need to be right in what they publish, being satisfied by being first to publish. 

The problem is compounded by the apparent lack of care on the part of the audience to put anything they absorb to the test before passing it on to the next person.

Shame that there is so little honesty in media these days. Bigger shame is the lack of taking responsibility for ones actions.

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5 hours ago, CigarNerd said:

"grass and hay" pretty much sums up what I find in Cohibas. Don't like them.

Exactly my experience with Cohiba, except some of my aged Esplendidos. The rest you can keep.

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We would not apply two words like grass and hay to cigars that make up a brand such as Cohiba, just as we would not say jazz music sucks.

Every box would change by the year, storage, size, variety such as Maduro and even the mood where you are smoking?

But my friends it is a free world and I hope you smoke anything that truly makes you happy.



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Wet, Moldy Hay is the defining characteristic of my experience with Davidoff (D.R.) cigars...yuck! I wince and cringe just hearing that description! 

But each palate is different and I imagine there are Davidoff lovers out there, variety of tastes makes the world go round.

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I've always thought I saw straight through the thin veil of what this sort of thing really is. Putting something down, because it is either too expensive for you, or because you are not allowed to have it, is a common human nature, that of pure jealousy. One of the lowest and most toxic of human emotions.

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11 hours ago, CigarNerd said:

"grass and hay" pretty much sums up what I find in Cohibas. Don't like them.

11 hours ago, El Presidente said:

For me, grass and hay can be found as an element (one of many) in Cohiba, LGC, ERDM. I find it a beautiful canvas to work with. 

The world is full of "generalisations" and the cigar world is no diferent. 

The one you detailed holds as much weight as "all non cubans are pepper bombs" and "the customer is always right". ;)

Well, I haven't tried a Cohiba yet, but I do have a Coro sitting in my humidor. Maybe I'll fire it up today and see what I taste. In my mind though, grass and hay doesn't sound too pleasant, but maybe reality will say differently haha.

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Perhaps it has to do with people who primarily smoke non-cubans.   With minimal rest, a non-cuban is ready to go once you receive the box.    So these people then smoke cubans without much rest.  When I was in Cuba every cigar was terrible.  It was July and I was smoke stuff boxed just 2 months prior.    It may also have been due to do weather.  I live in a non-humid environment, so I was not feeling well most of the trip.    Just a guess.

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12 hours ago, CigarNerd said:

"grass and hay" pretty much sums up what I find in Cohibas. Don't like them.


Those flavors just taste like under fermented tobacco to me. I find it hard to believe that people love these flavors as much as the Cohiba hype/price would indicate. Wait, what am I saying they have cool, gold leafed, holographic, black light activated bands, of course they're worth it.............:shead:

Grass/Hay is definitely a flavor that can be found in some cuban cigars, but not all. I was convinced the first few Cohiba I smoked were fake for this exact reason. A couple dozen later and I still don't think I've ever had a "real" one. Hahaha

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1 hour ago, Corylax18 said:


Those flavors just taste like under fermented tobacco to me. I find it hard to believe that people love these flavors as much as the Cohiba hype/price would indicate. Wait, what am I saying they have cool, gold leafed, holographic, black light activated bands, of course they're worth it.............:shead:


I love a CORO. I love a Lancero.  Hundreds of thousands of people do. Some of the best cigars i have ever had were examples of those. :ok:

I love the flavour of dry grass stalks combined with elements of honey and coffee.  It is the combination which intrigues and delights. 

Some people can't get those elements and that is understandable. If you are only getting dry grass and hay then I understand it.  However to say they are the only flavour elements in play is wrong. They may be the only ones that you get but that is more than likely an issue of a persons own physiology. 

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Frankly folks, take the words Cuban cigar out of this and you just described all forms of media forces.

Research is one thing. And frankly the net is great for this if you can filter. If you cannot filter, your opinions will be formed by the many that preach but don't practice! Certainly many that know the very least are attempting to force the minds of others, some already more experience and knowledgable than those writing the books.

I believe in heuristic humanity. Sure you can learn from others, but not all others. Why live life from TV or a sports network? Experience the world, smoking, love, hate... and your own passions your own way. Everyone is not a winner. Reality is far more interesting than fantasy.

There is one aspect of media that never changes, its redolence to bullshit. The sooner you learn to trust the education you gain by doing, the faster you discover the world runs largely on fraud.

My 2cts. -Mr. Piggy

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55 minutes ago, El Presidente said:

I love a CORO. I love a Lancero.  Hundreds of thousands of people do. Some of the best cigars i have ever had were examples of those. :ok:

I love the flavour of dry grass stalks combined with elements of honey and coffee.  It is the combination which intrigues and delights. 

Some people can't get those elements and that is understandable. If you are only getting dry grass and hay then I understand it.  However to say they are the only flavour elements in play is wrong. They may be the only ones that you get but that is more than likely an issue of a persons own physiology. 

I never said only. I've also picked up a Lead/Tin like flavor, along with some beautiful tarry bitterness, and that's from the cigars that I could actually draw on. Maybe I'm 0 for 50+ with this marca, maybe. I have had plenty of shit cubans in my life, and I've identified other marcas I don't particularly enjoy, But I've never had that resounding lack of success with any other marca. Cuban or not. But its hard for me to believe at this point that I'll ever try one I like. Going back to the OP, and mirroring what @PigFish said above. There seems to be more "experts" out there everyday, that don't actually know a thing. 

I'm sure that after the thousands of cigars you've smoked, your pallet is solid, an you've identified the profiles that you like. But, I would venture to guess that of the hundreds of thousands that you mention maybe 30%, at best, actually enjoy a Cohiba and reach for it because of its flavors. The rest would fall into the "expert" category that have been completely blinded by a story, some gold leaf, and a "mythical" factory. Just like ELs, as long as they're pricey and have a fancy box/band, the cigar within doesn't matter to a huge chunk(read majority) of the people that smoke it. Cigars are status symbols to many people. If you want a status symbol cigar, Cohibas are undeniably the best, if you want the best cigars on the planet, I would advise spending my money else where. 

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34 minutes ago, Corylax18 said:

I'm sure that after the thousands of cigars you've smoked, your pallet is solid, an you've identified the profiles that you like. But, I would venture to guess that of the hundreds of thousands that you mention maybe 30%, at best, actually enjoy a Cohiba and reach for it because of its flavors. The rest would fall into the "expert" category that have been completely blinded by a story, some gold leaf, and a "mythical" factory. Just like ELs, as long as they're pricey and have a fancy box/band, the cigar within doesn't matter to a huge chunk(read majority) of the people that smoke it. Cigars are status symbols to many people. If you want a status symbol cigar, Cohibas are undeniably the best, if you want the best cigars on the planet, I would advise spending my money else where. 

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Let's see how it plays out. let me run a poll. :spotlight:

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Sounds like you've just never had a decent cohiba? Did yours look like the ones Rob posted from Mexico? That could explain a lot.

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1 hour ago, PigFish said:

Frankly folks, take the words Cuban cigar out of this and you just described all forms of media forces.

Research is one thing. And frankly the net is great for this if you can filter. If you cannot filter, your opinions will be formed by the many that preach but don't practice! Certainly many that know the very least are attempting to force the minds of others, some already more experience and knowledgable than those writing the books.

I believe in heuristic humanity. Sure you can learn from others, but not all others. Why live life from TV or a sports network? Experience the world, smoking, love, hate... and your own passions your own way. Everyone is not a winner. Reality is far more interesting than fantasy.

There is one aspect of media that never changes, its redolence to bullshit. The sooner you learn to trust the education you gain by doing, the faster you discover the world runs largely on fraud.

My 2cts. -Mr. Piggy

Mate, I agree with you 100%. 

The Cuban cigar world is ripe with inconsistency, fakes, generalisations, and the cult of celebrity.  A world where mould is plume, A $50 cigar is rolled by a person on 60 cents a day, where David Soul is paid to attend the Habanos Festival, where even though a luxury product is unsmokable due to negligence.....there is no recomplense nor acknowledgement of error. 

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1 hour ago, El Presidente said:

Mate, I agree with you 100%. 

The Cuban cigar world is ripe with inconsistency, fakes, generalisations, and the cult of celebrity.  A world where mould is plume, A $50 cigar is rolled by a person on 60 cents a day, where David Soul is paid to attend the Habanos Festival, where even though a luxury product is unsmokable due to negligence.....there is no recompense nor acknowledgement of error. 

Hear, hear!!! Love ya' brother! -R

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I happen to enjoy the hay/grass flavor. Reminds me of being on the farm.

Not sure why people say thats the only flavor a Cuban has. I'd have to disagree with them on that one. Plus, there are plenty of NCs I enjoy smoking because of their hay/grass flavor. Doesn't seem like it should be a negative connotation to me.

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:P I was going to reply earlier but got distracted (by work :rolleyes: ).  I was going to tell my CoRo story about how my first pack of 15 all tasted like fresh lawn clippings :P  silly to harp on about, because the very next box will be different.  I suspect our "CC's taste like hay bales" reviewer doesn't have the depth of experience needed to make such a statement.  It takes many boxes and many years to be worthy of such a simplistic generalization. :cigar: 

I consistently love Siglo IV's and VI's, but otherwise Cohiba isn't my preferred marca.  And most of the time I don't get flavors of grass off of these.

Irony of ironies . . . as I type this out on a rooftop bar in Saigon, I pulled out a Siglo VI and the cold scent was 100% hay bale! :D  The lit flavors were very different though.  Go figure! 

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13 hours ago, El Presidente said:

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Let's see how it plays out. let me run a poll. :spotlight:

I think this is a good idea, I'm heading over to add my two cents now. Unfortunately I doubt we'll have many people raising their hand and identifying themselves as the suckers here. There is only a bit more transparency here than at your local cigar lounge, where its much tougher for a green faced, quezzy, Cohiba lover to honestly tell you he's "really loving this one." 

12 hours ago, El Presidente said:

where even though a luxury product is unsmokable due to negligence.....there is no recomplense nor acknowledgement of error. 

This single sentence echoes exactly what I'm saying. $60 dog rockets, wrapped in binders, with cool glowing codes on the bands and not a single review I've read comes out and honestly states the truth. They beat around the bush for an entire article dropping cliche catch phrases; needs a few years, still wet from the factory, hints of blahblahblah on this puff. But I understand, its hard to admit you've been had, nobody wants to do that. I have to give credit where credit is due, the last Cohiba I remember you and Ken reviewing (a Pyramides Extra) was panned. Neither of you were impressed, at all. I think I remember you both putting them down and grabbing something else before you finished. FOr cigars that cost 2 to 6 x as much as the same vitola in other brands EVERY SINGLE CIGAR should SING. There shouldn't be a scrap of doubt that every cigar in every box is going to sing true to the Marca. But what we get is construction issues on par with or worse than, (I've never, ever had a plugged Jose L Piedra) the other marcas, wild inconsistencies in flavors, wrapper shades all over the place. That sounds just like every other lowly Marca to me..............

So what REALLY separates Cohiba from the rest? Marketing. 

13 hours ago, prodigy said:

Sounds like you've just never had a decent cohiba? Did yours look like the ones Rob posted from Mexico? That could explain a lot.

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As I said above, Maybe. But that would be quite a run of unprecedented bad luck. I've bought a full box and some samplers here, singles in Cuba and yes, Mexico. I've been gifted Cohibas in the States, in Cuba, in Mexico, in Europe. No dice. Maybe, I've had the poor examples from every Vitola, year and factory that I've had a Cohiba from. Maybe. 

Or I just don't like them. Which seems much more likely, however that doesnt explain the plugged examples I've received. Which has been just as many, if not more than any other marca I smoke, which is simply inexcusable for the "best cigars in the world."



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