50 Cabs

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I was watching one of Ajay's videos from Oct 2016, and he mentioned that Cuba is no longer producing 50 cabs.  I couldn't quite understand whether he was referring to the cigar in the video (HDM) or generally.  I recall reading on here that 50 cabs of the BCG were discontinued (right?). What about other lines? While harder to come by these days, you can still find some 50 cabs in the market.  Is this all there is going to be? Do I need to stock up now? 

Thanks for any insight. 

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Others are aware of this video and this is obviously not a correct statement. We can only assume Ajay was referring to something else or misspoke. Many cabs have indeed been discontinued but many are still in production such as RASC, HdM, PLPC and Party Shorts.

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Very funny responses here....

I now, very much, regret including the source of the information and should have just indicated that "I had heard 50 cabs were being discontinued...". 

In any event, I appreciate NSXCIGAR's response, and would also appreciate anyone else's input or thoughts on the subject, aside from comments concerning the source of the rumors (and mostly just so the thread doesn't get hijacked or deleted).  


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2 hours ago, Smallclub said:

Maybe he was referring to 50 cabs with mold? :P

1 hour ago, PigFish said:

... have you learned nothing! Vendors never have mold, its plume!!! -LOL -Piggy

will you boyz behave!


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There were 50 cabs of one type or another in every LCDH I visited in Cuba this November. There are some cigars (like PLPC) that are only available in 50s. I know that plenty of 50 cab presentations have been deleted from the line up, but I haven't heard anything regarding their total disappearance. 

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8 minutes ago, boopdeep said:

In any event, I appreciate NSXCIGAR's response, and would also appreciate anyone else's input or thoughts on the subject, aside from comments concerning the source of the rumors (and mostly just so the thread doesn't get hijacked or deleted).

NSX pretty much covered the topic. A lot of 50-SLB have been taken out of production, while a few are still being made. For more extended info you may consult our highly valued CCW, though the data base search function is not available right now. But you can find the current packaging options for each particular cigar. For what you can't find - just come back and ask.

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20 minutes ago, boopdeep said:

Very funny responses here....

I now, very much, regret including the source of the information and should have just indicated that "I had heard 50 cabs were being discontinued...". 

In any event, I appreciate NSXCIGAR's response, and would also appreciate anyone else's input or thoughts on the subject, aside from comments concerning the source of the rumors (and mostly just so the thread doesn't get hijacked or deleted).  


I've heard no such rumor anywhere else. Ajay does make the statement in the video at 7:35 , clear as day, and follows it up with "we probably think by, year and a half--all gone.

I'm going to try (hard) and assume Ajay may have heard a rumor regarding the particular cigar that was in front of him at that moment which was a vintage 50 cab of Hoyo Epi 2. Possibly he heard that specifically 50 cabs of Epi 2 were to be discontinued at some point before 2018. However, I admit his phrasing is quite vague and it does very much sound like he is referring to all 50 cabs coming out of Cuba. Poor choice of words? With recent events, who knows for sure.

50 cabs in general ain't going anywhere. That would mean bye bye PLPC completely. RASC, Punch Punch and Party Short cabs are extremely popular. I guess we'll see in 2018  if they're still around...:rolleyes:

You can always PM Ajay--he's on FOH (although he apparently forgot he was). B)

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10 minutes ago, PigFish said:

I notice that you punctuated with a !... and not a ? As someone who knows me, I assume you have more sense than to ask that as a question...! -LOL 


Of course I do :lol: (and you see - I put you in the same sack with SC...:wink2: )

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Ok, this topic brought back a little bit of nostalgia for me as it prompted the topic below after a get together I had with @Trevor2118, the founder of Cuban Cigar Website, about a year ago. Because the search function on our board requires 4-letter prompts, a search with the words '50 cab' won't bring this topic up, rather, I had to do an advanced search with the Content Title only (and the word 'production').


The links on that topic to CCW's search finds won't work currently at the time of this post, however, CCW will be re-built and we will be able to enjoy specific search queries on the site like the one I did a year ago. Enjoy! :ok:

The main change in the last 12 months from that topic is the Saint Luis Rey Double Coronas (49rg  x 194mm Double Corona). It hasn't been seen for a long time and is apparently discontinued. Hence, he may now be left with 9 regular production vitolas that come in 50 cabs.


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Thanks John.  Makes sense now why my search on here didn't bring up that thread, and, of course, with CCW not having search function right now made it harder for me to verify the claim. Much appreciated. 

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oh no another ajay misquote since everyone already used the "mold" in joke I wont go there lol

ahh those 50 cabs I have a love and hate relationship with them, they are the cause of my space problems!! its the 50 cabs!! that make me buy more wineadors!! stop the madness!! but man those 50 cabs are the greatest

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1 hour ago, Fugu said:

Of course I do :lol: (and you see - I put you in the same sack with SC...:wink2: )

I don't know whether to laugh or cry!!! -LOL

Like you, SC and I don't agree on a lot of things, but when we align... watch out forum!!! -tP

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3 hours ago, aes8 said:

Insert popcorn eating jif here and start timer until this tread gets deleted.

Yup, here we go again down the slippery slope................

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I can't say for sure but I've heard it from a few people including the director of marketing for The Pacific Cigar Company when I met him at Partagas last November.

I do know I have seen none with 2016 box codes and it is mainly what I have been buying the last six months just in case. I hope it isn't true as it is always my preference when it is an option.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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20 hours ago, boopdeep said:

I was watching one of Ajay's videos from Oct 2016, and he mentioned that Cuba is no longer producing 50 cabs.  


Do I need to stock up now? 

Thanks for any insight. 

The answer is Yes You Must Always Stock Up...... Always!

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