Who here hates Shopping Centres?

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So Ben (son...aka Jacque Cousteau) wanted to purchase a new computer. Apparrently although 19 next month, I have to go and organise it.....pay for it...and he will fix me up later. Apparently I also have business tax right offs, he is getting money from family for his birthday...so I may owe him money potty.gif

No problem, there are a squillion computer stores near us here at Czars....but no...the only place that has this computer is one of the largest shopping centres in the nation......"Carindale Shopping Centre" shead.gif

Now this shopping centre is the size of a medium sized suburb.

I hate shopping centres. I buy my shirts from 2 places. An online store in Dublin and a trendy place in Melbourne ....that will now ship to me.

As I approached Chermisde Shopping Centre and saw the football fields of full carparks ......the music from star wars started playing in my head.

I felt that I was like Luke Skywalker heading into the "Death Star" for a hit and run mission. ph34r.png

In the end it was a successful mission. In and out in 35 minutes. Car neither ransacked, dented nor stolen. Yes..the entire of Australia's population was inside but if you don't make eye contact they don't accost you with pamphlets, spray perfume on you or wish to give you a 15 minute survey.

Does anyone else here have this phobia? I mean....does the thought of going into a "mega shopping complex" reduce you to a wreck? I would seriously consider giving up my small toe to boltcutters than spend time in these cesspits of retailing humanity.

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Part of my previous job had me in lots of random cities/towns hanging out, waiting for the phone to ring to ferry "logistics" from A-B. Going to shopping malls, walking round and sitting at Starbucks looking at eye candy is how I spent a lot of my working life in my 20s.

Now if only I'd discovered cigars at that time...

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The only place that had it was Carindale and you went to Chermside??? lol..

I take it that the computer was an Apple and you were going to an Apple retail store.

If it was a PC... then you crazy for getting one from a shopping centre.

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I hate shopping of any kind( except for guys stuff) . I live in a house full of female shoppers. On the rare event that I get drug along I get a kick out of how the smart stores have the "man bench" just outside the door and the men don't talk to each other,just give that knowing nod and slide over to give the bro a spot to sit.

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I hear ya pain Pres, one of the shops here in Perth is huge too, and i don't go there by principle, if you can't see the shops on the other side of the shopping centre, it's too big. I dont mind shopping centres overseas where they tend to be 5 or 6 stories high but relatively small footprint wise. Here of course there is no shortage of land so they just build it a kilometer long.

I only buy clothes from Big W. Because they are across the road. Although there is now a Cotton On across the road but that is a bit too trendy for me, Big W is where it's at.

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Hate them myself. Only go when I know what I'm getting and from what store. Apart from the obvious, like Miner mentioned Aircon and free toilets, I see no reason to spend any more time than necessary in a shopping centre. Most stressful environment ever. Has anyone ever seen people looking like they are enjoying themselves there?

Yep, when the shopping mall in question (Berjaya Time Square) has it's own indoor theme park.

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I was on a job last year that sent me to Valley Forge, Pennsylvania and I arrived at night and went straight to our hotel located in a town called "King of Prussia"... the next morning I stepped out of the hotel to go for a run and after five minutes of running, realized i was in a giant shopping mall.... King of Prussia is one giant shopping mall.... it has hotels, four of each store and like 12 starbucks inside.

yes, i hate shopping malls...

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I am surprised I have not been excommunicated from the tribe decades ago. I hate shopping in malls or shopping centers. Give me a nice store with some interesting clothes and I will be on my way, probably while on a trip somewhere. In between drinks, great food and a cigar. As for computers etc, research online, then order it and boom at my front door.

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Same here. Not a fan. Practically every shopping mall is geared 98% towards women, with a huge majority of that demographic being teenage girls. Malls, big box stores bother me. The only time I tolerate shopping is on streets where there are just little privately owned shops. There tends to be more interesting stores in those setups.

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one of the things I love about NYC is that you can still find mom-and-pop hardware stores, specialty stores and restaurants in the neighborhood.... now if I drive an hour outside the city, you find towns with shuttered downtown areas and a strip mall a mile away....

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I can't stand the indoor shopping malls with the food courts, etc. but I can tolerate the outdoor shopping centers a bit where at least you can get some fresh air while going from store-to-store. Would prefer not to do either though.

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Don't like them much but they do serve a purpose as a one stop shop. you can get everything you need there and then get out quickly enough. shopping done ! no need to anywhere else but home.

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I avoid the shopping malls because I have my wife buy all of my new clothes etc. I hate those places and become very very cranky if I have to spend 3-4 hours of my life walking from store to store. If I need to buy something I jump on Amazon.com and using my prime account have whatever I need within 24-48 hours max.

But I am a little torn by my decision to do so much online shopping because malls and shopping centers support people and provide jobs to our community. Yes it can be a pain, but if everyone were like me and shopped online the corporations would just expand and invest their money on distribution centers and technology to replace sales people etc. So in a way I am happy my wife continues to shop at out local shops and even the malls to help our local economy.

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Something tells me that they aren't going to go away. I feel bad for the small business owner trying to make a go of it but big big $$$ rules the day in a capitalistic world. The best thing we can do is not give them our business but we are the privileged few.

Think we're not?

We spend $25 to $65 for a SMOKE !!!

So many now NEED to shop at Walmart because they simply don't have the capital required to make that type of choice. When a flat screen is $200 less at a big box store, who of us will dig our heels in and drive over to "Uncle Dan's" on the corner. A lot of us will... But... We are NOT the majority.

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I don't consider Costco in this list. I bought our flat screen TV there, socks, steaks and tons of house stuff there. We go every couple of months and stock up on all kinds of junk so it is done in one shot.

We are usually in and out in about 30 minutes. A mall or shopping center that has you going from store to a store and pipes in music... That's the retail wonderland I think we are talking bout here?

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I hate shopping centers as well. I do almost all my shopping on amazon or Costco. When I'm traveling abroad, I prefer shopping at small shops/boutiques. Went into a centre commercial in France and boy, wouldn't go back to a shopping center if you paid me. lol3.gif

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I hate shopping centres. I buy my shirts from 2 places. An online store in Dublin and a trendy place in Melbourne ....that will now ship to me.

Is that Dublin Ireland ???? (I figured they had to French or Italian given the "style")

My father advised my brothers and I to avoid such shopping centres with high concentrations of shoe shops and jewellers....especially with women!

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