Do You Remember Your First Cigar?

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I love stories of firsts... first date, first broken limb, first job, first cigar? what's your first cigar story?

I'll start....

I had quit college and moved to daytona beach to crash with a friend and work as a bartender to make some money. one morning, I woke up and really wanted a cigar. No idea why, I just did. So my buddy and I drove to the local gas station and asked the attendant (a teenage slacker pot head) where the cigars were. He handed me a pack of Philly Blunts (of course). We jumped back in the car and put lighter to stogie.

we didn't even make it out of the parking lot without gagging and chucking them out the windows. My buddy then mentioned a new cigar shop that opened up called "The Big Smoke" in Ormond Beach.

For a rookie as I had been, that "first" experience of walking into a real tobacco shop was like all those feelings you always wish (and yearn) to feel over and over. The guy who owned the place humored our naiivity and presented us with A Fuente 8-5-8. He asked if we wanted them, "dipped".


And that's the way I smoked my cigars for that first year, with the head dipped in cognac... until that fateful day where I had "over-soaked" the cigar and it burst into flames while hanging from my lips.

god, I love cigars....

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My first cigar was a 5 Vegas Gold churchill when i turned 18. First legitimate CC was a Siglo I from La Civette in Paris sometime during the summer of 2009. That Siglo I is still to date the best CC I've had.

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My first cigar was a tueros, tubos. All in all, it was really bad. It's been living in a drawer at my parents house forever. It was dry as hell but better than any cigarette I had smoked. My first cuban was a Monte 1. At time, I was 17 and a friend of mine gave it to me. It was something else.

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First smoke was a RyJ number 3 tubos from a servo about 6 years ago. First real smoke was Diplomaticos number 4 about 5 years ago. My mates and i were having a BBq and poker night. There were 6 of us, with 2 smokes each, and we decided to clsoe all the doors and windows in the room and smoke it up for a few hours. It smelt awesome while partaking, but it took about 3 weeks for the ashtray smell to get out of the curtains ans the walls. I've always wanted to try and recreate the Seinfeld episode where Kramer gets weird skin after having a mega smoke session in his house...

The last 5 years i've been not really a regular smoker, until 2 months ago when i bought a humidor and some sticks, and then progressed to a second humidor and more sticks, and now a winador and 6 boxes.

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It would probably be about 15 years buddy had just got a box of Monte 4s, we hit the links that day....out there in the golfcart like a couple kingpins. Glad to say nothing has changed except now its 2 or 3 cubans a round!!

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An hupmann (NC) in a tubo when I was 13. I saw some guy on TV dip his cigar in liquor so I thought it would be wise to put the foot of the hupmann in some Bacardi 151...

First cigar since that time was a monte 2 three years ago given to me by a friend a few months after I quit smoking cigarettes. Off to the races since then.

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first real cigar was a Probably an Acid of some sort 2 years ago boy have a moved up since then first CCs were from kevin (ophidion) two summers a ago he sent me a Monte 2, 2 Boli PCs, and RASS. My collection has been growing like wildfire since then.

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First cigar HDM Epicure No2. Fancy 3 box set back in 2009.Was the birth of our first son. The first cigar sent me green and had my head spinning. The following 2 things improved. Spoke to smithy and bought a box of Siglo 6. WOW! Aint no turning back now!

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1st NC - Circa 1991 - I think it was some form of drugstore Macanudo Trash (maybe a Grenadier)

1st CC - Oct. 2001 - Cohiba Siglo V = 5 pack birthday gift from my Dad. Still have the box and bands. CC's from then on!

12 years later down the CC road........

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My first cigar was a Cuesta Rey bought in a four pack or something from the grocery store. My first Cuban cigar was a Montecristo Especial pigtail gifted to me. Didn't do much for me as that's not my favorite size. My Cuban cigar experience that gave me that first taste of "Twang" was a Saint Luis Rey Churchill that was truly a wonderful experience.

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Century Sam. About 30 years ago. They sat in a plastic container at the cash of the convenience stores and were 25 cents each. So I grabbed a handful to hand out to buddies at the bar. We stunk out the bar and pissed off everyone there. It was a good laugh, the cigars were horrible...but I was completely enamoured with cigars from that day forward.

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Matthew got a couple of cigars in a golf tournament and we lit them out of curiosity. That was about 7 or 8 years ago. A cigar shop at the end of our street helped us get started and I was smoking these vanilla POS, Matthew was smoking various PC's like Quinteros and RyJ #1's, or other machine rolled crud. Then I got into NC's and started buying online and going to the cigars store near Rama, the casino north of Orillia, Ontario.

Only after I came here and met you losers did I get hooked on CC's, lost all my money but found true happiness.

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I dont remember my first premium cigar ever.

i do remember my first Cuban cigar. It was a Diplimaticos No.4. i remember being unimpressed with it. to be fair, it was fairly early in my cigar journey and i dont think i understood it as well as i would if i smoked it today.

the first Cuban Cigar that i was impressed with was a Romeo Y Julieta Petit Piramides EL 2005.

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The first day I smoked cigars I smoked 4, but it's the 3rd one I remember.

As I was lighting up a Monte Especial my father said "your going to get sick", I remember tasting carmel, chocolate and roasted nuts thinking how could this make me sick.

Can't remember what I smoked after dinner but it's been love ever since.

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It was my 19th birthday and my Dad gave me $50 and said "don't just spend it on crap!"

So I went to Crown casino turned that pineapple into a chip and walked straight up to the first roulette table I saw and put it down on the third 12 and what do you know, it came up! So I walked away and cashed in my $150.

Straight to a bar and spent it all on Hoegaarden and a RyJ something or other.

Sat at that bar chatting to the bartender and random strangers and smoking my first ever cigar

while my mates lost all their money.

It was a great night, I didn't end up going home with my mates 2thumbs.gif

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