Bucket List Holiday Destination

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Ireland- To sit in an old Irish pub and sing. Hopefully hook up with the Foxes and Andy Ryan.

London- Cause Dana wants to go there and then I can check out Fox headquarters and all the other Cigar joints. Hook up with Peter because he spends more time there than in Minnesota.

South of France. Love the scenery. Looks like a cool place sip Negronis and people watch.

Cuba again- I can never get enough 

Those are the next places. Dana and I have been lucky  to travel a lot already but can never seem to get enough.

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Ah so many places to visit and so little time.  Japan (been thereabout 15 times) and still love it.  Oz because I'd like to meet

the gang in Brissy plus they have (Oz) what is most dear to my heart, the 3 W's.  Water, Warmth and Waves!

Cuba of course;  I should have already been there, I'm four hours from there as the crow flies.

Germany, more of Italy, Spain and France.  Anywhere in the Carbi......No cold weather location unless it

is summer time there.  So many places so little.............you get it!



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So many...

Madagascar, Africa, Galapagos, Maldives, India. So hard to choose.

But at the moment, I’d love to visit some of the great wildernesses and National Parks in America. Desperate to see Yosemite Valley after seeing those amazing Ansel Adams photos!

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1 hour ago, kwsaw63 said:

Charter a super yacht and cruise round the world for a year. Never going to happen but a man’s entitled to dream.

I know someone that did this, would be an amazing experience for sure! My bucket list vacation is probably Monaco during the Grand Prix.

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19 minutes ago, EndangeredSpecies said:

I know someone that did this, would be an amazing experience for sure! My bucket list vacation is probably Monaco during the Grand Prix.

i can say i got to walk around the monaco track while staying on a superyacht (it was the week before the race). good fun though in monaco, i was more interested in getting down to the extraordinary cellars of Louis XV.

i will also say formula one has no real interest for me and my mate has now sold his yacht. so not really as exciting as it might have all first sounded.


my bucketlist is probably various places around the planet where i have not fished. otherwise, an awful lot of going back to places i loved. can't really think of anywhere else i want to go that i have not been.

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Since moving to Taiwan I've checked Thailand, Hong Kong and Australia off. Maldives, Korea, Japan, Bhutan and Bali definitely before we leave... Maybe New Zealand too. A month in Italy, Uruguay and Argentina are high on the list too. Expat life has it's perks.

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3 hours ago, Islandboy said:

To Australia, to attend Havanathon. Then to New Zealand, just to piss my new friends off :D

As long as you spend most of your money here first, we don't really care if you want to punish yourself by going to NZ. :P

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5 hours ago, El Presidente said:

You have the time. 

You have saved hard and you have the money.

You have between two and four weeks.

Where would you go/what would you do and why? Google up and post a few pics. :ok:



Why? So few of us have been there.

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1 hour ago, Phillys said:

I would love to visit the region of Burgundy in France. I would drink and eat my way from Dijon down to Santenay. The regions' deep history draws me to this place; the architecture, the food the wine... I could easily spend 4 weeks there.

That would be quite amazing, drinking one DRC and Dujac after the next!   I am a big burgundy fan.  I am more passionate about Port and spent two weeks in the Port & Douro a while back.

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1 hour ago, Phillys said:

I would love to visit the region of Burgundy in France. I would drink and eat my way from Dijon down to Santenay. The regions' deep history draws me to this place; the architecture, the food the wine... I could easily spend 4 weeks there.

A trip like this to me is food for the soul, enjoying the pleasures of life at a slower pace. There are multiple other places like this I would like to visit, but this one is the first on the list. Making new friends, enjoying life to the fullest with a glass of wine in one hand and a cigar in the other.

I don't know how I would pull it off as it is nearly impossible, but for a bucket list trip, a visit to DRC. Tour of the domaine, wine tasting in the cellars and meet the man himself, Aubert de Villaine. If anybody has a connection :rotfl:

burgundy is one of the great places on earth, not just wine regions. great food - Ma Cuisine is a fave. so much to see/do.

i could spend a year there. longer.

good luck with DRC. extremely hard to get into. i've managed a couple of visits but only because i was writing - not so silly to think it was because they liked me. and they do it so well. last time, we had a very knowledgeable Indian gentleman, ran several high class hotels but could still not get an allocation of a single bottle, and his son along at the same time. the son was a nice guy but not quite so in tune. "so, what are these made of?" i thought we might be relegated to just corton, but they opened wines, including romanee-conti, back into the 60s and 70s.

bernard, cellar master who just retired and who usually does the tours, said we'd finish with a little aligote. fair enough but...

came back with a cleanskin, which i assumed was normally a vineyard workers' bottle. i remember thinking that this was extraordinary. had no idea aligote could be this good. turned out to be a 1988 montrachet, which explained things. Ma Cuisine had a bottle for sale that evening for 3,000 euros.

aubert is the ultimate gentleman. nicest and most humble guy imaginable. first time i ever met him, we were discussing the book on DRC/romanee conti. i questioned why no pics (the same author's book on Yquem was full of great pics). apparently, the english version had no pics. a month later, a knock on the door and a courier with a copy of the french version with pics.

mind you, aubert is a very keen fly fisherman and a mate of mine was his guide in nz. they finished every day with a bottle. then a week or so after the week's guiding, a box arrived for him. a mixed case as a thanks. even with the outrageous amount guides charge, this alone would have been worth many times the week's takings.


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2 minutes ago, Ken Gargett said:

burgundy is one of the great places on earth, not just wine regions. great food - Ma Cuisine is a fave. so much to see/do.

i could spend a year there. longer.


Always enjoy reading you, great stories. The man sounds like a real class act. 

The food is definitely the other reason for the trip.

I would go every year if I had the chance, maybe in a few years when things calm down.


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     I'd go to Scotland and drink myself under the table with all those professional, heavy drinkers.

    Then go to Cuba and enjoy the food and smokes of that island

    Lastly, I'd go to Honolulu, Hawaii and recover being under the "lovely moon of blue Hawaii"

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