Is the Lifting of the Embargo getting farther away?

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Obama better get off his high horse soon before the proletarian masses and swing voters lose faith in this young upstart with lots of glittering talk and minimal action.

That ship has sailed. Interesting race in Massachusetts, vote tomorrow. Coakley wins, Obama might have a second term. Brown wins...see ya Barry.

As for Cuba, it is neither politically nor economically advantageous for any political party to tackle this issue...therefore...

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I think its probably on Obama's list, but way down the list as there are a lot bigger issues he needs to address first and foremost.

-Short, concise, and correct. The chances of him lifting the embargo in his first term are non-existent. The way the Republican party is taking shots at the man I am not completely sure that he will be in power for a second term.

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Personally, as an American, for the sake of Habanos, I don't want the embargo to end and I don't think it will

i'd be really interested if you could elaborate a little on this.

and i think that the comments of some re him facing a weakened second term, as in the numbers in house/senate, does make a lot of sense and will make it harder than we might wish.

jimmy, do you really think he won't get a second term? from outside, that is hard to envisage, unless the republicans can come up with a stellar candidate and i get the impression that every time they find one, he buggers off and has a scandal. and rob, before you start on no political threads, remember that this was your in the first place.

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do you really think he won't get a second term? from outside, that is hard to envisage

He may well earn a second term. However, his poll numbers are not falling, they are screaming downward and it's very likely that a Republican is about to take Ted Kennedy's seat. Opinion seems to be growing manifestly against his policies and Dems are making scandal headlines more frequently of late.

To return to the question at hand, if he gets a second term it will be because he spent the remainder of this one in serious damage control mode. As a matter of opinion. :P

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I didn't vote for Obama, but for pity's sake, if that numb-nuts Bush could win re-election, it's completely unrealistic, right-wing optimism to think he won't get re-elected. I seem to remember a few members saying there was no way he'd get elected in the first place!

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I can't think of a simpler campaign promise than the one Mr. Obama made to broadcast congressional activity on CSPAN. It gets even simpler when the CEO of CSPAN sends a letter to the Whitehouse saying, "We would like to video broadcast the committee meetings on healthcare."

If you can't or won't even keep that promise, allowing the American people to witness their congress in action, what good is your word?

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and rob, before you start on no political threads, remember that this was your in the first place.

Listen Ding Bat....the question was in relation to a specific topic. It made no mention of disparaging either side of politics so put the can of petrol away and address the question at hand.

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and rob, before you start on no political threads, remember that this was your in the first place.

Listen Ding Bat....the question was in relation to a specific topic. It made no mention of disparaging either side of politics so put the can of petrol away and address the question at hand.

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the ending of the embargo is not even on his desk anymore. reason being, what political capital does he get from ending it? since there are no benefits, other than maybe a warm, fuzzy feeling, there are just too many risks. Can you imagine another wave of illegal immigrants coming to the US, this time from Cuba, if that border was opened?

Obama's already bit off more than he can chew and the entire effort of the Executive Branch at this point is damage control on the economic crisis and to what they need to do to win a second term. At this point of the game i don't think you could outrule him getting a second term. Who is out there right now that can beat him?

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Personally, I don't think it matters who is in the White House, with regard to Cuba. If big business wanted the embargo lifted, it would be lifted.

It doesn't matter who is president of either country, point #1 above and for point #2 both countries need to find a way to save face i.e. neither admit that they were the ones that were wrong. Sadly to say this but the recent tragedy in Haiti would have been a very good political chip for both countries. If they would both put in a joint effort, everyone gets along and then afterwords "Hey we worked well together as a team...why were we fighting anyway?...come over here you big lug and let me give you a hug ... :forkyou::2thumbs: " or something like that.....

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I think the lifting of the Cuban Embargo is off the table. Basically Obama just does not have the political leverage to get something like that done right now. With the black eye the Democrats are getting in Massachusetts today, Obama's coat tails just aren't what they used to be. If things don't get dramatically better it is a near certainty that Republicans will pick up seats in the House and Senate. As mentioned before, Obama's approval numbers are in a Free Fall...they are actually the lowest of any president on record (yes that includes "W") following their first year in office. Cuba is just an afterthought now.

As far as a second term for looks very unlikely at this point. I know that there is a big rift in this country over Wall Street compensation, but these Wall Streeters were big contributors to Obama's campaign. His new policies will not endear many of them to contribute a second time. And the concessions that he made to the unions on his healthcare bill are just hilarious. Obama can't get his house in order and is doing a piss poor job of things right now. Change? What change? It is politics as usual in D.C.

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I fail to find any real reason why would american business be interested in Cuba and, therefore, why would a politician take a risk with that issue. Cuba has almost nothing unique to offer. Selling lifting of the embargo to get Cuban tobacco into the US will not play well with liberals. Selling lifting of the embargo to ease Cuban hardship is more realistic (worm, fuzzy, glowing) but that is only realistic if some kind of political reform happens in Cuba.

BTW, I don't think Americans give a flying .... about Cuban medical, school or other systems. They just need a little bit of movement on Cuba's part closer to the general western openness etc. to make gradual easing of the embargo make sense. It doesn't matter who is in the White House, IMO.

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  • 2 months later...
I think the problem is that American big business doesn't see anything they want to steal. They see the tobacco fields, but really, is it a gain for the likes of General Cigar or Swedish Match?

Aslo, there is a universal medical system which the Cubans would NEVER give up and having experienced it, I agree with them! There is also a highly educated workforce that would not put up with the crap doled out to people like the Haitians. All in all, if American big business thought they could make an easy buck, the embargo would come down tomorrow!

:o HERE! HERE! And thank you. While seeing posts from both obviously Chicken Hawk, arm-chair warriors who are sitting at home in their easy chair, guzzling their beer and watching championship wrestling going, "Duh, yeah-bomb'em, bomb'em," then wondering why everybody in the world hates them] -- [then the more sane persons out there trying to acknowledge a few more glaring facts about people who keep talking about how scared to death they are of everybody in the world, while the whole time THEY'RE the ones who are pointing a gun to THEIR heads!

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No,The embargo will not officially be lifted,as that would be a step too far for some people,but it will be left to become ineffectual,so it is to all intense and purposes,lifted.

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I think lifting the embargo is low on his priority list. Don't think it will happen. Perhaps if he got hooked on cuban cigarettes (if there is such a thing), he might be more motivated. He's a closet cigarette smoker.

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In my personal opinion I am happy that they haven't lifted the embargo! If the u.s lifts that embargo their will be another cigar boom in the U.S and the quality of CC's will go into the toilet and the prices will be astronomical.

Stock up.

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Obama will do nothing to lift the embargo. He has lost all his political power and will soon lose the majority in congress. If he lifted the embargo he would be viewed as weak and ineffective and soft on communism. The american people aren't happy with his embracing the enemy ideas and spit on your allies. If he did lift the embargo he would surely commit political suicide. He can't afford another hit.

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Quote acidmase :

In my personal opinion I am happy that they haven't lifted the embargo! If the u.s lifts that embargo their will be another cigar boom in the U.S and the quality of CC's will go into the toilet and the prices will be astronomical.

My Opinion

Not likely to happen they learned from the mistakes from 99/01 and have been waiting for the US market to open as they know alot of their cigars already reach the shores today and is one of the reasons they have been much better in the last 3 years.

Other stores around the world will get less as Cigars start coming into the US market but hell alot !! have already been coming in for years anyway..

Also they will see the demand and will have to adjust their production slowly so they keep the quality the same as now or better.

The only prices that will go up is the US selling Cuban cigars and thats it...

I have more points to this topic....

The only reason why I say there is going to be a cigar boom is because I feel that its going to be a fad to smoke CC’s!

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Cuba just isn't that important to the U.S. Politically, any president who even tries to tackle the issue is going to lose votes, so what is the incentive for them to touch the issue? It has been almost 50 years now with no end in sight. It is easier to let the embargo remain than to take action. I believe it will be events in Cuba that will eventually end the embargo. Specifically...

1. The Castro brothers have to die (nothing nasty, just old age). Forget communism, it's a personal issue. With their passing it will take the air out of the sails of even the most hardened supporters of the embargo.

2. A move to a more representational form of government that is serious about protecting private industry. Look at China, the U.S. does business with China on a massive scale and this started from nothing as well.

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:P HERE! HERE! And thank you. While seeing posts from both obviously Chicken Hawk, arm-chair warriors who are sitting at home in their easy chair, guzzling their beer and watching championship wrestling going, "Duh, yeah-bomb'em, bomb'em," then wondering why everybody in the world hates them] -- [then the more sane persons out there trying to acknowledge a few more glaring facts about people who keep talking about how scared to death they are of everybody in the world, while the whole time THEY'RE the ones who are pointing a gun to THEIR heads!

sigh... :2thumbs: I don't have the energy for this one.

cigcars, there are other people in the room here, and not all of us are extreme left americans so please keep the political volume down.

None of us are pointing guns, we're smoking cigars, so chill.

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I think it is not going to happen anytime soon. There are so many other issues for u.s. and the world economy. Wars in the middle east. And alot of big business in the U.S. that would not want flood of cuban products to be a direct competition. There are so many layers of issues from all those years. I too beliveve that things in Cuba must start to change for the ending of the embargo. There is too much bad blood between the U.S. and the Castros for much to happen anytime soon.

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