Price hike soon

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Shamelessly stolen information from a great BOTL, don't think he will mind me posting though:

google translation from the original German

"Price increase for Cuban cigars! April 1st, 2013 raise prices many Cuban cigars. This will be expected to be only the first step. Heinrich Villiger told us today, that to expect the effect with a significantly higher price. Background is the new tariff preference scheme, according to which Cuba recently among the countries with medium to higher-income, and this increases the import rate to 27%. We will cover us far more for our customers in advance, to sell to old prices as long yet cigars..."


Sounds like Cuba might be raising the fees to importers (H&F/PCC etc etc) if they are importing into a country that has roads/schools/hospitals!

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It sounds to me to most countries but not sure with the translation:

"Preiserhöhung für kubanische Zigarren! Zum 1. April 20113 werden die Preise vieler kubanischer Zigarren angehoben. Das wird aber voraussichtlich nur der erste Schritt sein. Heinrich Villiger informierte uns heute, dass zum 1.1.2014 mit einer deutlichen stärkeren Preiserhöhung zu rechnen. Hintergrund ist das neue Zoll-Präferenz-Schema, demzufolge Kuba neuerdings zu den Ländern mit mittlerem bis höherem Einkommen zählt und dadurch der Importsatz auf 27% steigt. Wir werden uns für unsere Kunden im Vorfeld deutlich stärker eindecken, um möglichst lang noch Zigarren zu alten Preisen verkaufen zu können ...."

It sounds like it is part one of a new set of fees for regional distributors launching this year?

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Yup... It really sucks... With these expensive prices, we kind of are pushed to buy online. Who wants to pay more? Stupid tactic indeed. The sad news is whatever price they ask, people are still gonna buy them... Just look at wines like Chateau Petrus...

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Sounds like Cuba might be raising the fees to importers (H&F/PCC etc etc) if they are importing into a country that has roads/schools/hospitals!

Cool! The way this country is going, we won't have any of those, so no price hike for the importers! tongue.png

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I really hope this does not include Australia.

Australia already has unbelievably high taxes on tabocco. Also I read in The Australian newspaper a few weeks back that both state and federal governments are planning dramatically increase taxes each year until tabacco is simply too expensive for people to buy.

Australia would have to be one of the worst countries in the world for tabacco taxes. Each year, we now know, it will get much worse.

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That sucks...I figured there was another shoe to drop when prices went up in Cuba. Even with the price increase by online vendors before the recent Cuban one, it has gotten to the point where there is only a 5-15% difference between prices online and on the island. They cant miss out on all those BOTL tourist dollars. Lol.

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I really hope this does not include Australia.

Australia already has unbelievably high taxes on tabocco. Also I read in The Australian newspaper a few weeks back that both state and federal governments are planning dramatically increase taxes each year until tabacco is simply too expensive for people to buy.

Australia would have to be one of the worst countries in the world for tabacco taxes. Each year, we now know, it will get much worse.

The plan is to increase the tax by 25%, similar to what happened in 2010.

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This seems to be related to the German market (reference to special status as a developing country that Cuba still enjoys which means lower duties).

Either way, people will still buy Monte 520 and Cohiba 1966, even if they cost 25% more and I don't care much, since at this point I am mostly limited to the secondary market anyway since most of what I like is already discontinued.

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Great, Europe is in recession and Habanos decide to raise prices.....I honestly think they want us to stop smoking so much!

I agree, if there was a 27% hike across the board I would either stop smoking all together or I would reduce my smoking to maybe one to two cigars a week tops. Either way they would be making a lot less money from me.

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Great, Europe is in recession and Habanos decide to raise prices.....I honestly think they want us to stop smoking so much!

I think it's a bit more complicated than that.

Basically they release many new cheap cigars (Upmann half co, RG Perlas, Quinteros Favoritos, Vegueros in bundle of 16…) in anticipation of the expected decline in sales in countries in crisis (Spain, France, Italy, etc), and for the high end items they are focused on huge emerging markets: China, India, Petrolistan, Gasistan, etc. who want big showy cigars in spectacular packaging…

The nouveaux riches don't care for unbanded 42rg cigars in plain wood cabinets of 50!!!!!

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In my short time of buying CC's I've already seen the boxes of regular production cigars go up. All the boxes I own, all four of them (lol) are now several dollars more expensive than just a couple/few months ago.

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If I sold my collection right now (all currently available cigars) I would make a very nice profit charging nothing more than the going rate compared to what I bought them for 6+ months ago. Having said that, if the price were to go up 25% I would not stop buying. I would, however, not buy as much as I have in the past. I remember when the Monte GE went up over $20 a box, that is when I stopped buying those. They were no longer worth the premium to me. This is where we will get with most cigars at some point. How many guys will be willing to pay $10, $12 or $15+ (duty free) for a BRC? I do realize that once prices go up they most likely will never come back down, so I am buying what I like right now and hoping for the best in the future. Based on how often I smoke I have quite a few years worth of cigars if I were to freeze my buying.

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