It can't be that hard......Fishkeeping 101.

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So.....Czars now has a fish tank with one fish. OK it is a big fish...a male Pearsei Cichlid about 13 inches long and the size of a bream.

Di and I were visisting an aquariam recently.....where we found this fish attacking us through the tank glass. It huffed and puffed...rammed the glass...did the best Monty Python "Is that all you have got!" impersonation of all time. Naturally we had to find him a place at Czars.

And so I bought a tank, filter, gravel, heater etal and handed them to my son Ben to put together. You see...Ben after a semester at the University of Queensland doing Marine Biology is now apparently an incarnation of Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Mind you, we never had a fish tank at home but no problem....Ben had it under control ok.gif

Smithy I should point out ....wanted nothing to do with it.

"Bla Bla Bla......ridiculous"...."Bla Bla Bla......I am not feeding it". "Bla Bla Bla.......Blah" You get the idea. Mr negativity lol3.gif

Di on the other hand loves fish...has a 4.5 metre fish tank at home, occasionally remembers to feed them and has named each and every one of the 30 odd fish living within.

I have no idea. For a brief period as a child I had a fish tank. Dad spent a small fortune and one day when he was cleaning the tank, I removed the fish to a bucket and blew through a tube into the bucket to maintain oxygen levels.....Ok I was 7.....I didn't realize that although I was blowing bubbles....I was blowing CO2. All fish died. Dad upset. Fish tank disappeared forever lookaround.gif

Fast forward to today and no problem. Ben had the water primed but between him and Smithy they couldn't get the aerator to work. Apparently between Jacques Coustea and one of Australia's great Industrial Designers....they didn't work out to remove a plastic cap.....after 10 days trying to get it to work. wink.png

No problem, after attending the prefect pinning of my youngest son Tom (school function), I popped around to the Aquarium master in order to sort out the aerator and pick up Persius (good name for the fish). It took 5 seconds for him to sort out the problem. Rang Smithy...Aerator working and hence I arrived back at Czars with a 1 and 1/2 Kilogram fish.

Now apparently I have to slowly let the fish "adapt" to its new envronment. I had every intention....but you try netting this behemoth who managed to wet me head to toe. I got upset and dropped him directly into the tank....which I then found out that Jacque hadn't turned the heater on.

If the fish survives until the morning......I will take a photo biggrin.png

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If it doesn't survive, at least you know what is going to be on the lunch menu tomorrow! laugh.png

I used to have an aquarium when I was a kid. Had a heap of tropical fish over the years, swordtails, guppies, neon tetras, gouramies, angels, and catfish.

Everything went well for a year or so, right up till the day I bought a pair of kissing gouramies. That day marked the end of my aquarium. Within a year, the male head killed most of the neon tetras and swordtails. Even the catfish that used to bully the other fish started to hide under his rock.

In the end, the aquarium was just his alone. Twice he jumped out of the tank and once out of the bucket I kept him in while cleaning the tank. The first time he escaped, he was one the floor for at least an hour before I noticed (he was completely dry). Threw him back in the tank as I was in a rush to go out, but when I came back home he was swimming around the tank! Couldn't believe he managed to survive that long out of water.

When I finally decided to give the tank to a family friend (gouramis included), he decided enough was enough and commmitted suicide one night. Found him lying on the floor the next morning. Threw him back in thinking he might be faking, but alas, he was well and truly dead by that time.

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Good news "the fish survived the night" that is because I was the last to leave, so as you do, I said goodnight, checked the tempature of the water to make sure he is nice and cosy and ready for his first night at his new home. .

He is a happy little fish swimming around this morning and I know he over the shock of fighting the net and being thrown into a tank of cold water because when I went up to him this morning he head butted the glass, his version of "hello"., But he got his back with Rob was the funniest thing I saw when Rob turned around after "throwing him in the tank" and Rob was soaked rotfl.gif

When Rob turned up yesterday with him, he informs Ben and I "don't feed him until tomorrow as he as already eaten", no problem but not 2 hours later he comes down and says "have you fed the fish yet", both Ben and I in unison say "NOOOOO". Rob says but he looks hungry!!!

Needless to say I have taken over the feeding of the fish hungry.gif

Photos are to come...he is soooo cute

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Like this? (I only used this picture because I make this face when I see something delicious in the fridge... minus the horrible nose/eyes)


Thought you had a spy camera in my house!!! Same face I made when I dropped a litre of beaded desiccant on my office floor, tile floor, a few weeks ago!


Fish! Is that the same stuff that they make fish sticks from? Just askin'. -pig.gif

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