Custom Rolled Cigars

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Would like to start a conversation on the Custom rolled cigars in Cuba?

Smoked some " interesting" custom rolls from El Laguito and Crisantos custom Dalias recently = did anyone ever hear about the waste of money?

Thank you in advance,


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I have only had wonderful experiences with the custom rolls I have been fortunate enough to try, as long as they have been recommended by fellow FOH members. On site events or Toronto shops not so much. For example, Hamlet robustos? Exquisite. Fresh coronas or robustos by Arnaldo on site, probably need to go home and rest a year.

By the way, hello Leo, nice to see you here!

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They can be very very good if smoked "fresh" and I define fresh as within 6 months of being rolled. Afterwards even custom rolls from the best roller can't escape the dreaded dead period that can last for a year or more. I am in that period with some awesome custom rolled sublimes. They were absolutely stellar when I received them (12 months ago) and as of 3 months ago are dead men walking. I don't know how long they will take to turn, but I am going to wait until they are 2 yrs old to smoke another one. Hope this helps a bit.

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The only customs I've had the pleasure of trying were the two commissioned by Rob. I liked them but would consider them as a secondary line up to my normal rotation of smokes considering price and availability.

In general, I would be interested in trying more/other customs to see what kind of variety is out there.

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Hi BV, hope you are well.

Would like to start a conversation on the Custom rolled cigars in Cuba?

For starters, here's a good article that provides some color on the subject matter for those unfamiliar or have little experience with custom rolls.

I do not have enough experience with custom rolled cigars to give you the type of information or opinions that you are looking for. However, my thought on custom rolls is an extension of my belief on cigars; Cigars are an encapsulation of time. I'd image that it's a fun experience to stand there and watch the master roll a bundle for you. It's nice to take them home and smoke them, relive the memories. Furthermore, my stance has been that this is the only manner in which I'd ever purchase a custom roll. Custom rolls by nature are different from regular production in that there is no "blend." It changes faces on availability. I would even go as far as to opine that there is nothing holding a purveyor back from knowingly delivering bad quality or faked rolls, given that premise.

Smoked some " interesting" custom rolls from El Laguito and Crisantos custom Dalias recently = did anyone ever hear about the waste of money?

Any pictures of the suspects? I had heard about the EL rolls...the VR farm rolls have been great, however. Have you tried? Ok, I'll stop there, as that is the extent of my limited understanding.


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What's your discussion? Custom rolls are a "waste of money"? Please clarify... Sounds like the discussion is already over based on your first post. :P

Sir, the question at hand is :" interesting custom rolls from El Laguito and Crisantos custom Dalias" - there is no input on those, whatsoever. Do you wonder why?

I would like to direct your attention to other threads about the same issues:

I have only had wonderful experiences with the custom rolls I have been fortunate enough to try, as long as they have been recommended by fellow FOH members. On site events or Toronto shops not so much. For example, Hamlet robustos? Exquisite. Fresh coronas or robustos by Arnaldo on site, probably need to go home and rest a year.

By the way, hello Leo, nice to see you here!

Lisa - thank you for your reply - I am not talking about custom rolled cigars coming out of Canada, I am talking about custom rolled cigars, which come out of Cuba.

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I've tried 3 rollers customs, hamlet, santos and coh customs, hamlets and santos phenominal, coh not so much...I have no issue dropping coin on customs...

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Would like to start a conversation on the Custom rolled cigars in Cuba?

Smoked some " interesting" custom rolls from El Laguito and Crisantos custom Dalias recently = did anyone ever hear about the waste of money?

Thank you in advance,


I'm curious as to what you are asking. I haven't heard about a "waste of money", is this to do with a specific incident?

I'd like to know what you mean by "interesting" regarding the custom rolls from "El Laguito" and the Crisantos.

"Interesting" bad, "Interesting" good, "Interesting" too expensive, "Interesting" fake ?

I'd be certainly willing to take part in a conversation if I had a better idea where you're coming from.

If you're being vague for a reason, forgive me, I'd just like to know what your question is.

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Sir, the question at hand is :" interesting custom rolls from El Laguito and Crisantos custom Dalias" - there is no input on those, whatsoever. Do you wonder why?

Lisa - thank you for your reply - I am not talking about custom rolled cigars coming out of Canada, I am talking about custom rolled cigars, which come out of Cuba.

The question is a bit clearer now. I assume English isn't your first language? :confused: No worries if it isnt'. I have no experience with customs from either source. I'm in the same boat as Lisa. Here in Toronto, we've been lucky to get access to some great customs from Hamlet, George Lopez, Arnaldo Alfonso and Miltania Perez. The tobacco is Cuban but they're rolled here.

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Yes, I did not have the specific names of the rollers, just Jorge and Arnaldo, who are guests from Cuba. Arnaldo, pictured here, is a guest at LCDH Toronto, and one of the oldest most respected rollers in Cuba. Here he is inspecting my box of fauxhibas, and he does not speak English. He just threw his hands in the air and shouted some kind of Spanish expletive. :coverears:


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  • 7 months later...

Weird. I just got a Hamlet and Crisantos TODAY in the mail.

The aroma just from opening up the saran that covered the finger-bags, which were still closed, bowled me over. The Hamlet was from 11, and the Crisantos was just rolled as my friend recently got back from the festival.

Should I let the Crisantos rest or spark it up, as in, TODAY.

The aroma is KILLIN ME!

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