Hobbies we have left by the wayside......

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Cleaned out my spare room on the weekend (no Lise...I am not moving into it...yet).

What I found:

My Guitar...18 months of lessons and if possible... worse at the end of it. Very patient teacher although we had a falling out...I thought I was great...he thought I was crap :blink:

Golf clubs...I last played seriously when banking more than a decade ago. Never really liked the game although played 2-3 times a week with clients and played off 12. Off to e-bay they go.

Wimbledon tennis racket. What was I thinking. Explained to me that tennis was not a contact sport. Found photo of my coach (Elaine) and I. I now remember why I persisted.

Karate Attire. I can wear the purple belt on *** pride days.

Boomerang. International career stopped abruptly the day I got it to come back where it promptly hit my son in the head. 5 stitches under the eye. Furious wife. What are the chances of a white man getting a boomerang to come back?

"Raising Poultry Encyclopedia". I was going to be a hobby farmer on my acreage. Bad experience killing a chicken. Children and wife traumatized. Career over.

Boxing Gloves. "Don't talk the trash if you can't take the bash"

Hydroponics kit. .....I never worked out how to put the kit together.

Model Motorized Plane....same as above. Broke the wing on assembly.

Bike Riding Pants and Shirt.....I looked like the Michellin Man. Never wore them.

Surfboard wet suit.......see above. I only venture into the surf rarely these days and it must be stinking hot with gentle 3 ft right handers.

Archery Bow. Family vetoed me ever using it.

Not a bad clean out for the first weekend :D

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Lol. I don't even know where to begin.

Currently.. I have bitten by the pipe bug. I have purchased approximatly 30 pipes in the past 2 months.

Remote controlled cars. Moved onto real cars, had to let em go. Too frustrating and waay tooo expensive!

Cycling, off and on since age 18. At one point I had a custom 10K Italian bike. Ebay'd em all.

Hockey cards. Still have about 10 tubs full of trading cards if anyone is interested. :blink:

Stereo Equipment. I have what amounts to 35K in high end high fidelity electronics. Have not listened to any of it in quite some time. Cat climbed up on the Record player and destroyed a 2K needle. Did I mention, I love that cat :D

High grade air rifles. Precharged pnematics, 22cal, and above. I had one that shot a 9mm 50 grain air bullet. Good times :)

And of course cigars. I have managed to amass a 15K collection of the finest habanos that the czar sells.

I am sure there are plenty others that I am forgetting, but you get the idea.

Sometimes I feel like a dumbass with all the hobbies I manage to become obsessed with, but such is liffe. At least I gave up internet porn :P

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Paintball. Gear and all sitting in my garage.

Playing against a team of adolescents who are faster and shoot straighter is a humbling experience. Haven't played in over a year. Having been lit up in a game of speedball left an indelible impression on me. Ouch!

Kinda like that last scene where Willem Dafoe gets lit up by the Viet Cong when trying to run from them in Platoon. Except that three kids had me bunkered and shot me at close range when I was on my knees reloading.

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Cleaned out my spare room on the weekend (no Lise...I am not moving into it...yet).

What I found:

My Guitar...18 months of lessons and if possible... worse at the end of it. Very patient teacher although we had a falling out...I thought I was great...he thought I was crap :blink:

Golf clubs...I last played seriously when banking more than a decade ago. Never really liked the game although played 2-3 times a week with clients and played off 12. Off to e-bay they go.

Wimbledon tennis racket. What was I thinking. Explained to me that tennis was not a contact sport. Found photo of my coach (Elaine) and I. I now remember why I persisted.

Karate Attire. I can wear the purple belt on *** pride days.

Boomerang. International career stopped abruptly the day I got it to come back where it promptly hit my son in the head. 5 stitches under the eye. Furious wife. What are the chances of a white man getting a boomerang to come back?

"Raising Poultry Encyclopedia". I was going to be a hobby farmer on my acreage. Bad experience killing a chicken. Children and wife traumatized. Career over.

Boxing Gloves. "Don't talk the trash if you can't take the bash"

Hydroponics kit. .....I never worked out how to put the kit together.

Model Motorized Plane....same as above. Broke the wing on assembly.

Bike Riding Pants and Shirt.....I looked like the Michellin Man. Never wore them.

Surfboard wet suit.......see above. I only venture into the surf rarely these days and it must be stinking hot with gentle 3 ft right handers.

Archery Bow. Family vetoed me ever using it.

Not a bad clean out for the first weekend :D

Aren't you forgetting one??? The Montesa, no wait that was taken away from you, you actually haven't given up on it yet?

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I spent so much time rowing and working with the boat club at university that it almost cost my degree. It was the most important thing I did - pretty much lived to race and train. Kept it up for a couple of years but I haven't pulled an oar in anger in 5 years. The Lycra getup probably wouldn't work that well with my new beergut either. Getting old sucks!

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Oh I forgot about the Montesa.... that is the one Rob got taken away after hitting the tree with his daughter on the back a glass of wine in one hand with a cigar in the other....

Yes Rob when is that going to show up all freshly painted.... sorry that is right the guy painted it 3 years ago and by the time he gives it back it will be due for another paint job :blink:

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Impressive list there Prez. Let's see what I've got lying around...

Tae Kwon Do Attire - 4 years of lessons, had to give up after numerous joint dislocations and other injuries

Guitar - tried to teach myself, gave up after realising stubby fingers don't play well.

Piano - 3 years of lessons, gave up when I took up archery.

Archery Bow + accessories - 18 months of use. Got tired of getting up early on Saturday mornings and the long drive to the range (what 15yr old wants to get up early?)

Tennis Racquet - used once... and that was enough.

Squash Racquet - well used throughout high school and early twenties. Really should pick up this one again.

Bowling Balls - joined a league back in the early eighties when I was a kid. They haven't see the light of day since 1995.

Roller blades - conned into buying them by friends who said it was fun. Used about 5 times.

Comics book collection - all safely sealed in Mylar, boxes collecting dust though.

Golf Clubs - got serious about it 5 years ago, now also collecting dust. No golf buddy to play with (and heckle)

Paintball gear - used recently for a Buck's party. Need to play again!

There's probably a dozen more hobbies that I've forgotten about. Right now I'm into collecting statues (Marvel and Star Wars) from Sideshow Collectibles.

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Small collection of both coins and stamps. Several zombie toys, magazine collections (many of which ive never read). Too much shiraz tonight to think of any others.

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Golf Clubs: I used to have the time to devote to it but quickly realized that I was horrible unless I played at least a few times a month. Became more frustration than relaxing. Would rather spend the time and money elsewhere.

Offshore Fishing Rods: Used to own a big boat and still have some big tackle laying around from those days. Just got burnt out on it I guess. Sold the boat. Still enjoy fishing fairly regularly, just on other peoples boats.

Surfing: Used to go every weekend. Now maybe once or twice a year.

Hunting: Have lots of guns/hunting gear but I haven't used any of it in three years. One of my best mates was killed in a hunting accident a few years ago. I was with him on the hunt and haven't been able to get back into it since then. I doubt I ever will.

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I've always had too many interest and not enough time, so some had to be left behind.

Martial arts: I wish I persisted, arrived to semi-professional level in kick boxing but had to leave to continue my studies

Football (Soccer): I also wish I kept practising. I am starting now again 10 years after becoming a lazy bastard and its painful.

Guitar: Been playin' guitar for 18 years but I left serious practise behind 10 yrs ago.

But my interests have the funny habit of returning back in cycles every now and then...

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Man it's hard to even recall every thing...

Bass guitar - I played for about 6 months in college, then let it collect dust for 5 years... just let my brother borrow it, so he con attempt to learn it for 6 months then quit

golf clubs - played regularly from age 8 to 18, but was never really that good. They are still sitting in my basement

sports cards/memorabilia - collected a ton of them when I was a kid... just hoping my kid gives a crap about them one day, if/when I have one

harmonica - see bass guitar

paint ball - played a lot when younger, then sold everything as soon as I got tired of it. I actually made out pretty good selling before the gear became worthless

fishing gear - I haven't been able to fish much in the past couple years, but I do plan on getting some fishing done this summer

coins/currency - see sports cards

I am too damn fickle...

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Hm. Let's see

Golf Clubs



Bassoon (???)


Millions (maybe billions) or collectors cards

Gym clothes (can never stay consistent)

Tennis racquet

Footy jumpers/boots

Only two things which remain in operation:

Cigar collection

Collection of flags (from countries I visit)

Oh, and the cat is still alive and very much happy, so that's another hobby success I suppose

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hmm.. well, i dont play that much golf as i used to, my handicap card say 3 (something) but i would like to play more

Alpine skiing, i switched to telemark skiing (so i guess that dont count) but i have some dynafit gear left that i dont use (but I think it should head for the bin)

snowboard, but i sold it

Canon 5D MarkII, but sold that one also, then of course a pile of cameras... 4 large format, 3 Hasselblad, 1 Digital Hasselblad, to many Leica...

I dont really like to collect things, if i dont use it i get rid of it (except the cameras, but i actually use them all)

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Wow...where do I begin...

Ducati Monster - Sitting around for years now. Used to be my wife (then girlfriend, eventual fiance) would ride on the back. Now she won't even let me get on it.

Scuba Gear - Haven't used it in close to a decade. Used to dive all the time off Catalina growing up. A mishap while diving in the Caymans has led my wife to forbid me from diving again. She has an extreme fear of water as she (nor anyone on her side of the family) can swim. This is also the reason why she won't let me put a pool in the backyard.

Surfboard - In case anyone out there is wondering, the surf around NYC blows...except maybe for Montauk, but that is about a two hour drive if your lucky. Growing up, I could walk out the house with my board and be in the water in 15 minutes. Needless to say this gets no use.

Paintball Gear - Used to play on a sponsored team as a teenager, back when most paintball markers were still pump action, and many tournaments still did not allow semi-autos. Boy have times changed. Most of my equipment is obsolete, but I wouldn't mind playing again one day if my son gets interested.

Tennis Racquet - I used to play all the time, but after moving to NYC, never played again. You have any idea how expensive court time is in Manhattan? After moving to Westchester my health club has indoor and outdoor courts...still dont' play.

Racquetball Racquet - Played maybe a dozen times. Just couldn't get into it.

Skateboard - Getting close to 40 years old. At some point it just looks ridiculous.

Rollerblades - Haven't used them since college.

Comic books - Have tens of thousands of dollars of these things lying around. I guess it accumulates if you've been collecting since 1986 until 2009. Stopped last year though. When you literally are buying comic books week to week that number in the hundreds that you don't read...it's time to stop.

Golf - Haven't quite given up on this game as I love it, but I'm getting close. I've got three sets of clubs, none have made me better than the previous set. I've got a membership to a club down the street form my house which I pay a five figure sum to every year and average about 3 rounds a season. As I said, I love the game, just can't find the time to play. On the plus side...they've got an amazing chef there.

Coins - Have a pretty extensive coin collection that I haven't looked at in three years.

The three hobbies that still consume me are cigars, wine and vintage sportscards...

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Given up...

Piano - didn't have one at home so couldn't practice and consequently sucked at it.

Accordion - wanted to learn guitar, but the grade school I went to only taught accordion.

Guitar - self taught, self sucked.

Model Airplanes - had more fun loading them up with firecrackers and blowing them up than building them.

Comic books - man I wish I had taken better care of them when I was younger.

Music recordings - I still have some LP's and 8 tracks of old stuff like Elvis live from Hawaii and the soundtrack to Dr. Zhivago. Unfortunately no equipment to play them on. Not that I'd even listen to it.

hanging on to...

German beer glasses

3 Stooges autographs from Moe, Larry & Curly

and always looking for old tobaccaina stuff that has some history to it.

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Golf. Still love to play but lucky if I get 10 rounds in a year. I have a fantastic set of sticks (all Pro-grade Taylor Made clubs) and used to shoot in the high to mid 70's.

Only broke 80 once last year, and I fear those days are behind me now.

I'm awaiting the day when my son (now 8 months) will beat me. Hopefully that doesn't happen for a few years.


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There is no way I still could posses al the gear from the hobbies and I probably can't even remember all.


Raquet ball





hang glidding

scuba diving

competition swimming



wood working

classical music cd collection


exptic pets, mostly lizzards and snakes



snow sking

Skimboarding, yeh two years ago tried to show the kids how it's done and fell badly.



That's most of it

I still like cigars, motorcycles, cooking, hunting and fishing.

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There is no way I still could posses al the gear from the hobbies and I probably can't even remember all.


Raquet ball





hang glidding

scuba diving

competition swimming



wood working

classical music cd collection


exptic pets, mostly lizzards and snakes



snow sking

Skimboarding, yeh two years ago tried to show the kids how it's done and fell badly.



That's most of it

I still like cigars, motorcycles, cooking, hunting and fishing.

Mel...and I thought I was tragic :covermouth:

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Lacrosse gear, finally gave up playing Men's league a few years ago. Just not as fun as it was in collage and I would rather spend my weekends doing something else. Still like to throw around though.

In storage I have large amounts of sports cards and comic books/cards. Plus some autographed memorabilia. Will def hang the memorabilia in my house when I own one. I have a Jordan Jersey and a sweet auto poster that is about 6 feet by 3.5 feet and framed. Its one of those early 90's Ceiling posters. So those will come in handy.

Eventually got to figure out what to do with the sports cards/comic books.

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My hobbies have remained very consistant. Still playing guitar, collecting coins & railroad memorabilia, still have & run an extensive model railroad. Got back into bicycling this year after a couple years of being lazy. About the only thing I don't need is my basketball- getting too old to be any good at that sport.

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Comic book and cards collection - Had to massive cutdown to just 1 title after realising I have no space in the apartment i was going to move into after my marriage.

Anime statues - This was my pride and joy, till I became a father to my daughter and realised i) they were going to be in reach of little fingers ii) How I was going to explain to a child about the way they looked.

Pool / Snooker - 2 cues. Give up after playing in the local clubs (either crap tables or long waiting time). Alternative is to drive to Fuzz's but free time is lacking.

Roller Blades - Used only once. Was conned by @$$hole bunch of mates. Said mates then took the rookie to a hill where I spent the whole time falling on my backside. Then i found out the mates learnt roller blading on FLAT parking lots instead.

Golf Clubs - hardly used - lack of time and patience to putt the ball in hole.

Squash - 3 racquets - lack of buddy and courts around my area to play with

Ten Pin Bowling - Used to play a lot (trying to pick up this one chick). Lost interest when i gave up on the girl

Remote control car - the amount of maintainence far exceed my abilities as a teenager of 15 at the time.

Paintball Gear - the lack of ppl willing to drive an 1hr out from Sydney. have to admit that i actually liked to this. Batism of fire of this sport was when we played against a group of very aggressive cops and their friends - 30+ bruises but then I gave as good as i got that day. Could not move for 1 wk later.

Computer / Game console / Game Arcades - it is amazing how you lack the time for this when you have a baby / toddler

Cigars - When Lisa heard i was to have a baby, Rob knew that my spending was going from around 1-2k every 2-3 mths to none.

Stamp collection - This was a regular hobby until my teenage years

Advertising and Design magazines - This was during my Uni years as a graphic designer student

Film development and processing gear - This was during my Uni years

Film SLR cameras - I have 3 - 2 Nikons and an Olympus, plus various lens. 2 manual and 1 adjustable full auto. Gave up on the manuals when the subjects being taken were complaining. Gave up on film due to the costs and the unknown outcomes of the shots until processing. So went and got a compact digital when they first came out. Just got a new Canon 550D and love it.

Video camera - I just could not be bothered to go and grab the video camera. most of the time, I did, by the time I got back the moment is gone.

Cooking / cook books / utensils - This was good till I realised that a) my wife needs the training ;) my child likes to be engaged in the cooking process. However, this also means that the cooking process is twice as long and 3x as messy.

Wine / Alcohol - Went from quantity to now quality. 1 - 2 bottles of premium spirits / sake and 1 - 2 cases of excellent red wines I like.

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Boy this topic brings back some memories ;)

Hobbies I gave up, but wish I could still partake in:

Motocross - nothing like that adrenaline of racing/riding

Paintball - again, tons of adrenaline. More so when playing tournies (and winning them!)

Baseball - ah, the memories of High School ball and little league

RC Cars - fun working on and running them

Boating/Offshore Fishing - $ and time that I just don't have these days

Mountain Biking - lord knows that you have to be in shape for that one

Hobbies that I am hanging on to, with a thread!

Golf - once or twice a year

Fishing - a few times a year, hopefully more

Shooting (Sporting Clays/***** - Trap is for girls)

Hobbies that are still in effect

Outerbeach Day Trips with the 4x4and the family

Cooking/BBQ/Smoking on the Weber

Hikes with the Dog/Family

UFC Fight Night with the Guys

Craft Beer Taster


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Here's a hobby that will be a blast from the past for most guys. Not sure if this hobby made it overseas or not. Funny thing is I still play this hobby from my childhood. There are still leagues all around the country, as well as tournaments and even conventions. My what we guys will dream up as a way to drink & smoke cigars :unsure: . I have included a few pics, hopefully their not to big, as far as hobbies that have fallen by the way side, most of those are same as you have already listed.

I have posted the Redskins team & field field I played with this past season, and I have posted the 1986 Browns team I will be playing with this coming season:










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