Removing health warning lables

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Does anyone have an effective way of removing health warning labels from cigar boxes? The labels from Australia are particularly frightening, what with the photos of cancerous growths and dying children. Taking them off wooden boxes is easy enough, but getting them off a cardboard dress box without tearing the paper has eluded me.

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There are many that do a great job all around the house. Goo Gone, Goof off and the list goes on. Heat also works but the citrus removers remove all the sticky. Good luck. I do the same thing. LOL

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There are many that do a great job all around the house. Goo Gone, Goof off and the list goes on. Heat also works but the citrus removers remove all the sticky. Good luck. I do the same thing. LOL

Yeah, they do a great job, but they have a very strong odor. I'd be a bit leery about saturating a box that will hold cigars or be put into a humidor with anything with a strong odor. In fact. I'd be a lot more than leery. I wouldn't do it.

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I just leave them on. I don't think it is a big deal. may not be so aesthetically pleasing, but if I was really worried that what is on the box is happening to me, I wouldn't be smoking in the first place.

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can't stand those flipping stickers. I use a hair dryer, but sometimes there is residue, so I hit it with some light soapy water, and then blow dry it off. So far has worked perfectly. some other places just have the warnings, and I am ok with that. but these graphics are over the top. My next step is to make stickers of the same size that say "habano's cure cancer" and place them over these attrocities.

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can't stand those flipping stickers. I use a hair dryer, but sometimes there is residue, so I hit it with some light soapy water, and then blow dry it off. So far has worked perfectly. some other places just have the warnings, and I am ok with that. but these graphics are over the top. My next step is to make stickers of the same size that say "habano's cure cancer" and place them over these attrocities.

Ha ha - you might be onto something there.

I remember when warnings first came into being in the UK years back.....and then some joker came up with a set of stickers you could buy that went over the fact...

here it is

I particularly like - ''smoking makes you look big and clever''

Honestly - and sad as this may seem to some of you - if there was a sticker pack which just had the habanos logo or whatever to fit cigar boxes for say $5, I'd buy it. It's not so much the images, although those aren't the best, it just bugs me every time I pick up a box some nonce telling me not to be big and clever.

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Yeah, they do a great job, but they have a very strong odor. I'd be a bit leery about saturating a box that will hold cigars or be put into a humidor with anything with a strong odor. In fact. I'd be a lot more than leery. I wouldn't do it.

I agree. It definitely leaves a residual odor that can dampen a humi's scent. Warm, soapy water's better.

I just leave them on. I don't think it is a big deal. may not be so aesthetically pleasing, but if I was really worried that what is on the box is happening to me, I wouldn't be smoking in the first place.

I'm with you on this. Errr, well, until my wife starts getting on my case about the warnings...but, that's why I never open the humis when she's present. :lol:

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Errr, well, until my wife starts getting on my case about the warnings...but, that's why I never open the humis when she's present. ;)

The warnings would be the least of my problems if I opened the humidor when she was around...but seriously she's the best, I'm using her allotment to bring back a total of 100 sticks in a couple of weeks. Home of the Cigar, here I come.

Although I am a bit concerned about a comment RA had on another post about Caracol stores. Given where I'll be I think it's my only option - depressing to think I could get fakes for top $$$. Would have thought that the Cuban government would have this crack down in effect (at stores in resorts) especially considering the hassle I'll be getting at the airport on my return.

I will be sure to post my procurement experience from Cayo Coco.

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reminds of the best anglo->american lost in translation line:

''I'm just going outside to smoke a ***''

Reminds me of my English buddy who took a trip to Houston, got off the plane and asked a bloke if he could "Bum a ***".

The reply was quite terse apparently.

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Reminds me of my English buddy who took a trip to Houston, got off the plane and asked a bloke if he could "Bum a ***".

The reply was quite terse apparently.

ahhhhhh, I actually laughed out loud. Great chat. Imagine some random walking up to you and asking if he could nail a bloke....fantastic.

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