Smithy\'s Birthday Party

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» looks like it was a grand time smithy........with some mighty fine ladies

» too. :-P


» bruce

look closely, the one with the bow tie has an adam's apple. smithy feels safe with him.

that is, of course, unfair and i should not make disparaging comments about smithy's choice of an alternative lifestyle.

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» They feel safe with Smithy ;-)

Thanks mate for putting the picutres up on the web. I'm sure a variety of male heads will be photo-shopped in over the coming months, yes I'm talking to you Colt.

Ask Rob and Lisa to come on up for the party Rob had some excuse about wife, and going to Cuba a couple of days later.

That is a PLPC in my hand and the party theme was Naughty or Nice so I went as Alex from A Clockwork Orange. Cigars and the Devil I think are a good way to celebrate ones Birthday.

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» » Looking a little worse for wear though sweetie ;-)

» »

» » Miss ya


» Most of my memory from the evening is a little scetchy but the devil is

» still burnt into my mind.

Given your brains are in your arse ...that explains a lot :-D

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  • 9 months later...

» » They feel safe with Smithy ;-)


» Thanks mate for putting the picutres up on the web. I'm sure a variety of

» male heads will be photo-shopped in over the coming months, yes I'm talking

» to you Colt.

I'm hurt......

And besides, no need - I think you've made things quite obvious:






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