Recharging Boveda packs

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I came across this video where a sales rep from Boveda talks about the issues with recharging Boveda packs (skip to the 7:30 mark of the video below):

Now I do recharge my Boveda packs and occasionally I forget that I’m recharging a pack and come back a week or two later to find that the Boveda pack has ballooned / bloated and is even a little bit damp / degraded (though that may just be my imagination). I still re-use these packs but I have noticed that boxes in which I put these bloated packs do seem to have maybe slightly more mold issues than boxes with fresh / non-recharged packs. 

So after watching this video, I had two main questions for the forum:

1. If you use Boveda packs, do you recharge them?

2. Do you think his comments are legit and of concern or just self-interested / self-serving?

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19 minutes ago, EasternPromises said:

I still re-use these packs but I have noticed that boxes in which I put these bloated packs do seem to have maybe slightly more mold issues than boxes with fresh / non-recharged packs.

I don't recharge them myself but I wouldn't use those if I were you.

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Of course, when refueling, it is necessary to control the nominal weight of the Boveda, otherwise it does not work properly. As for recharging, I use Boveda in conjunction with crystal humidifiers, so no special recharge is required.

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3 days usually does the trick and then I put them in a sealed bag again as if new.

Best method I’ve found is get piece of kitchen roll, dampen with the deionised water, put in watertight Tupperware for three days. Lay the packs apart from it or the water “stains” them. 3 days and the kitchen towel should be completely dry. Never had an issue this way. 

Boveda have still made a lot of money from me as even using this system one has effectively to “double up” to have replacements ready when they recharge. So if you need 20 of them you need 20 backups for 40 total.

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No. Amazon subscription that replenishes me every 3 months. I don’t know how to recharge and the savings don’t justify the hassle / risk IMO.

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Absolutely I do. Checked with my giver hygrometers. No problems yet. Going on 4 years and the cigars I trade/send out come back with good reviews. 👍🏻

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I've been lucky that my cold storage room goes between low 60s to low 70s humidity throughout the year. So 3.5 years in I've never had to replace or recharge my bovedas. I use 2-3 320g packs per cooler.

My fourth cooler has started creeping up in humidity and so I'm actually "discharging" a boveda right now.

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I always recharge them. I never let them soak in water though.

I used to do the cup of water in a Tupperware with the bovedas around it. I now just take a few handfuls of 69% small packs and put all my 62% that need to be recharged together. Within a week or two the 62%s are good to go.

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20 hours ago, Bijan said:

I've been lucky that my cold storage room goes between low 60s to low 70s humidity throughout the year. So 3.5 years in I've never had to replace or recharge my bovedas. I use 2-3 320g packs per cooler.

My fourth cooler has started creeping up in humidity and so I'm actually "discharging" a boveda right now.

Just like my basement, I've never had to replace or recharge mine in 3 years.

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If your storage has a good seal and your put more Boveda than required it will take much longer before you need to replace/recharge them.

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