Cigar Room

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Very timely post. I am about to start into my basement as we recently moved house and I now have the room to build a temp/humidity controlled walk in humidor and adjacent temp controlled wine cellar.

Check it out! This is what I will be doing when I move to a house with a basement.

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Very nice project. With energy costs on the rise it makes me wonder if conditioned air filtration would not be more viable than the fresh air alternative. I can just see here not being able to afford to smoke cigars in your room due to the cost to heat or cool the room.

Nice post and good food for thought! -Piggy

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Thats great. I too am in the process of building my cigar room. Actually, I tore down my old detached garage, and rebuilding it. Hopefully it'll be up by the end of the yr-early next yr. Will post pics when all is said and done.

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This exact room inspired me to do my own cigar room at the house. I don't have a basement so I converted an upstairs bedroom. Nothing like smoking a nice cigar in the house. Best improvement I ever made to the house.

Maybe I'll make it to the Beach soon! :o

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This exact room inspired me to do my own cigar room at the house. I don't have a basement so I converted an upstairs bedroom. Nothing like smoking a nice cigar in the house. Best improvement I ever made to the house.

Post some pics when you get a chance.

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I would make the cigar room a walk in humidor and then smoke in the bigger room! ^_^

I would keep the smoking room and make the bigger room a walk in humidor! :D

Seriously though, a very nice project. I'm particularly inspired by the ventilation solution.

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Both the exhaust & air intake are beside one another, but he stated he used dampers. I would assume those dampers would keep out any unwanted exhaust (depending on the type he used). I agree as to where are you storing your cigars??

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