I'm ABD and Feelin' Free!

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Great stuff Wilkey, sorry, Doctor Wilkey.

A great achievement mate. I'll hoist a drink to you.

Thanks! Technically just PhD (ABD) at this point but that will allow me to start looking for work. Since my research is well under way, the final defense of the dissertation (not just the proposal) should be just an extension of the proposal...so maybe 150 pages instead of just 90. Pretty compact considering the thesis for my chemical engineering masters (1990) was over 300.

I'll be smoking the celebratory cigar this afternoon, US Eastern time, when the little one goes down for her nap. :clap:


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Thanks! Technically just PhD (ABD) at this point but that will allow me to start looking for work. Since my research is well under way, the final defense of the dissertation (not just the proposal) should be just an extension of the proposal...so maybe 150 pages instead of just 90. Pretty compact considering the thesis for my chemical engineering masters (1990) was over 300.

I'll be smoking the celebratory cigar this afternoon, US Eastern time, when the little one goes down for her nap. :clap:


Technical, schemnical. I still say it's a proper job Doc and more than worth both congratulations and celebraton. If I was wearing a hat, I'd take it off to you, but I'm not so I'll just have to pour another glass of Turkey Flat in your honour and make do. Get some sleep Wilkey, you're probably overdue!

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Thought I'd share with my FOH mates...today I successfully defended my doctoral research proposal. I am officially ABD or "all but dissertation." It's been two long months of writing the proposal itself and then finally doing the oral defense today. After they grilled me for two hours, I got called back in and given the news. My advisor told me I killed 'em.

So, I got a big weight off my back and have a little breather. Feels good. Hope to smoke a few cigars for pleasure this weekend instead of just to stay awake.

Anyways, thanks for being patient with my mental absence.



Awesome- good for you pal...!

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Nice Job Wilkey...

I just submitted a pitch for a new project last week. I had some staffers in the meeting (I was on the phone) and

they were informed that they were blown away by the pitch. Fingers crossed waiting for the results. Would love to add another success story to the forum...

What did you smoke?

I've got a special stick and a bottle of champagne waiting.... patiently.......

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Thought I'd come back and update you guys on my celebratory cigar: the legendary Tang Upmann Monarch. What can I say but this cigar lives up to the expectation. Clearly of Upmann pedigree, it is the exemplification of the very best of the two venerable Upmann julieta2 vitolas, the Sir Winston and the Monarch and then some. Normally I am not very sensitive to ammonia. I rarely ever detect it even with cigars that others readily report as having this trace, however, this cigar was strong with ammonia prior to lighting. A mild, leathery cold aroma belies the sheer magnitude of this cigar's character. Starting off seductively mellow and closed, the power, depth, and extraction build along its length, almost without limit. This cigar is some 7 years old but it is it might as well have come off a master roller's table yesterday afternoon. This cigar is NOT READY to smoke and I say this only because it gives the impression of being so incredibly youthful, all coiled up muscle and vicious elegance like a panther who's taken his fair share of springbok.

It surpasses, at their own game, the finest Sir Winstons I've experienced (2001 with bottomless finesse and more velvet than sharkskin) as well as Monarchs from the last few years (raw power and pure essence of tobacco). It's like pulling up at a Porsche-fest driving a MacLaren F1. It simply outclasses. Utterly and without apparent strain or unseemly effort. Smoking this cigar signals the crossing of the Rubicon in my career as a devotee of the Havana cigar.

I call them as I see them. I've smoked some expensive clunkers and some great budget cigars. But the Tang is truly a singular experience. I count myself fortunate indeed to have found this one box, the most treasured in my collection. I can't say any more than that I look forward to growing old with these cigars.


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I can't say any more than that I look forward to growing old with these cigars.

And I look forward to the first FOH moderators get together (if I haven't lost my stripes by then), where you hand these out like

beads during mardi gras (I'll show 'em if I have to).

Rock on, Doc :D

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Congratulations, this is a big milestone!

You very properly told everyone that they shouldn't call you Doc yet. Your mentors have obviously taught you well. The final step, actually successfully defending the completed dissertation, is a huge hurdle, one that many very capable people fail to complete. From everything I have seen of you on the Boards, I am sure that we will be giving you the ultimate congratulations after you have put in the necessary sweat equity in completing your project, and after you have passed the detailed scrutiny that your dissertation committee will certainly require.

Full steam ahead!

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Hi Wilkey

Not sure i fully understand what its all about, but a huge congrats any way, hope the next part goes ok as well, as i am sure it will.

As they say Luck is not a factor :party:


Oz :party:

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