El Laguito

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My pals and I were fortunate to get a special invitation to El Laguito during our visit in Cuba and I'd like to show you some pictures from the Cohiba factory. The setting is beautiful in an old style mansion with surrounding gardens and houses. Production is spread throughout several buildings and we were able to see most of it - a fantastic opportunity and a memory for life! Thanks to the friends who arranged this and to Berta who was our host in the factory!











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» Kjell, at what stage in the rolling process are they draw tested? I'm

» assuming way before the caps are applied, but is it before or after the

» wrapper?

They are tested before the wrapper is applied, Greg. The ones that are to tight or too loose are returned to the roller after inspection to determine the problem.

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» » Kjell, at what stage in the rolling process are they draw tested? I'm

» » assuming way before the caps are applied, but is it before or after the

» » wrapper?


» They are tested before the wrapper is applied, Greg. The ones that are to

» tight or too loose are returned to the roller after inspection to

» determine the problem.

And I seem to remember reading that a certain percentage of cigars go through this, or all of them?

Thanks for the photos btw.

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» » » Kjell, at what stage in the rolling process are they draw tested? I'm

» » » assuming way before the caps are applied, but is it before or after

» the

» » » wrapper?

» »

» » They are tested before the wrapper is applied, Greg. The ones that are

» to

» » tight or too loose are returned to the roller after inspection to

» » determine the problem.


» And I seem to remember reading that a certain percentage of cigars go

» through this, or all of them?


» Thanks for the photos btw.

I think a percentage goes through the draw testing machine...although it would be nice to have all tested...in a perfect world of course;-)

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» » are these pics 8 and 9 Cohiba DCs ? its hard to gauge the size but they

» » look like double coronas to me?

» »

» » any info ?


» No they are ordinary Esplendidos! :-)

Are you sure? Hmmm... go figure, the box is missing the classic glass top! ;-)

BTW, thanks for posting such awesome pictures...


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  • 2 weeks later...

» My pals and I were fortunate to get a special invitation to El Laguito

» during our visit in Cuba and I'd like to show you some pictures from the

» Cohiba factory. The setting is beautiful in an old style mansion with

» surrounding gardens and houses. Production is spread throughout several

» buildings and we were able to see most of it - a fantastic opportunity and

» a memory for life! Thanks to the friends who arranged this and to Berta who

» was our host in the factory!


» DSC_1047.jpg

Hey, you got Adelmo as tour guide!

He's a good guy isn't he?

Guib:-D u

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» Hey, you got Adelmo as tour guide!

» He's a good guy isn't he?


» Guib:-D u

Yes he was very much the perfect host to us. Also his command of english was very good which was a blessing to all of us! :-)

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