hello all

Guest shine1

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Hello all from Central Florida. I have been smoking for about 7 years now. I am fairly new to the forum scene and was introduced to this forum by a couple very nice BOTL.

I hope to gain some great knowledge here and meet some new and interesting people.

Thanks for having me.

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Welcome, its a great time to join. I am relatively new here myself and its amazing the experience and the wealth of information so many people here offer. If your new to habanos, spend a lot of time reading reviews and trying some singles. This will help you quickly see what you like and dont like. Before you know it you'll be up to your ears in boxes. Enjoy!

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Welcome to FOH!

We are happy to have another member here in the central part of Florida. I live in the Tampa Bay area and a few of us generally get together for cigars and such on Thursday evenings. Would love to have you join me and Professor Twain and some of the others here in Clearwater if you are available.

I encourage you to read, contribute and get to know the members here and allow them the opportunity to get to know you as well.


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» Hello all from Central Florida. I have been smoking for about 7 years now.

» I am fairly new to the forum scene and was introduced to this forum by a

» couple very nice BOTL.


» I hope to gain some great knowledge here and meet some new and interesting

» people.


» Thanks for having me.

Welcome to FOH!

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