Quai d'Orsday and Punch Super Seleccion No 1 Cigar Porn

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We received shipment of both yesterday (I will post some photo's and add them to the cart shortly).

Just wondering what members opinions are of them. I have had plenty of Punch SS1 (which I enjoy) but I have never had too many Quai d'Orsay ?

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Shameless hucksterism! I love it! :ok:

Never had a Quai d'Orsay, but I am surely fond of the SS1's. If you like the Punch marque, you will find these Corona Grandes to be middle-of-the road in terms of flavor, body and nicotine. They don't have the intensity and tannins found in the SS2 and RS12, but they mature sooner, and have more oomph than the Churchill. I find them comparable to the RS11 and Petit Coronas del Punch in terms of body and depth of flavor. I have only had '02's, but I would expect the '03's to be approachable now, or within a year. A nice addition to one's Punch collection.

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I am currently 1/2 way through a box of the Coronas PEL OCT 02. I happen to like them very much. I think it is a mild to medium smoke, but packed with great flavors. A sweet tobacco flavor.

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I have smoked both the Gran Coronas and the Coronas...have a box of the latter. The Gran Coronas were mild, with a grassy/herbaceous flavor that I liked. It was a light, daytime smoke, very clean. A couple of them had tight draws, but most were OK.

I expected the Coronas (they are 01s by the way) to be similar..boy was I wrong. They were not a mild smoke at all, but medium to full bodied and full of flavor. There was a grassy/herbaceous note to them, but there is also toasted tobacco and some spiciness as well. Good smokes.

I flippin' love the Punch SS#1...the Punchiest Punch on the market IMHO.:ok:

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Good God, how Cigar Porn does the heart good!

I really enjoy the Quai D'Orsay Corona and Grand Coronas. I find the flavors deep and toasty, with a bit of citrus thrown in as well. They can be herbal, but I have not experienced them being grassy at all. I really enjoy them as a change of pace cigar, and IMHO, they are not nearly as appreciated as they should be.

Personally, I enjoy them much better than Punch.

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The '01 Qd'O coronas I have have been full of flavor in a milder cigar. Actually stronger than I thought, more medium strength. Some of the flavors I recall were floral over a toasted base with some dark sweetness.

A VERY smooth cigar filled with flavor. I look forward to trying the others.

How does the SS#1 profile compare with the #2, which I LOVE?

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Ugh, you're killing me Rob! Summer vacations, summer camps, and now summer cigar releases! Why does everything happen at the same time?


Also, the last time I asked Lisa about SS.1 she said that you said they were "tent poles". Are these '03s a lot better about not being plugged?

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i have gone through several boxes of qdo coronas. that cigar, more than any other for me, demonstrates that full flavored does not necessarily mean full strength. i find qdo corona to be mild, but bursting with flavor - an overwhelming toast note with clear hints of citrus and, at times, an almost floral, highly fragranced nose. it certainly is full flavored, but not full strenghted, as many erroneously use those terms interchangibly.

like chuck, i prefer the the qdo marque above the punch. i have never had a vitola in the punch line that consistently impressed me.

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The Qd'Os were configured to appeal to the French market.....

It's bad enough I have to see them make the Quarterfinals in the World Cup.....I'll be damned if I'll be smoking anything that was developed to appeal to their smoking preferences......

Now ---those PUNCH sticks------ those are a beautiful cigar....;-)

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» Ugh, you're killing me Rob! Summer vacations, summer camps, and now summer

» cigar releases! Why does everything happen at the same time?


» Prices?


» Also, the last time I asked Lisa about SS.1 she said that you said they

» were "tent poles". Are these '03s a lot better about not being plugged?

Wiley, I was so dissapointed with 99/00 Punch SS1 stock (due to plug rate) that I refused to purchase any. For every one great stick (and when"on" they are great) there were 10 plugged ones.

The situation has turned which is a great thing.

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» Good to hear, as I love all things Punch!

Wiley, here is my last tasting note from 2001. You can sense the frustration !LOL!

I love this cigar and that is taking INTO account it's tendency to draw like a brick.

When rolled properly (for @#$K's sake...how hard can it be?) it is smoooooth with a coffee cream core which is to die for. Unfortunately, far too many can only be used as tent pegs. We will be happy to SELECT some superb examples.

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  • 2 years later...

» Quai d'Orsay Coronas PEL OCT 02


» image1042.jpg

Awwwwwww, fudge!

I just bought a box when all you guys had were the '05. I was all resigned to leave these untouched for a few years and now you tempt me with these? Bad Pres! Bad! :-P

I love a QdO Coronas with a few years of age. For me, they are mild, aromatic and the epitome of the "Darjeeling with cream and sugar" flavor profile.



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