What smaller format Monte's are smoking well?

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Everything from No. 1 to No. 5 are smoking very nicely IMPO. The No. 5 makes a delightful morning companion to a good cup of java. I'm smoking a (MOB MAR 15) Monte No. 4 accompanied by 3 fingers of Laphroaig single malt as I write this, and it is really tasty, I would gladly add more of these. 

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18 hours ago, Petepepinherrera said:

I haven't had much luck with 4's lately.  Any insight would be appreciated.  

It may be there is a problem with your handling of the product.

to make an informed statement about your problem, some information is needed.

Monte 4?

what is the box code?

who is the source?(friend,a vendor, vacation spot)

how are they kept?

how long have you had them?

what problem are you having?


remember the early times of computers, when the saying was " garbage in, garbage out ? "

happy to help if given the facts...........;)

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