Intangible qualities of cigars

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On Sunday I sat on my balcony on a crisp and sunny Melbourne afternoon thoroughly enjoying a Siglo IV coupled with a lovely Appleton Estate Reserve 8 year old and it got me thinking.

How much does mood and setting affect the enjoyment of a fine cigar? Or a lousy one for that matter. I am only very new to this hobby and already it has spoken to me on many levels.

Does the same cigar (any type) smoked in 2 different times and settings have always have a different experience.

Clearly when Ken and the Prez get together they look forward to it with child-like stupidity because they are clearly such long time mates they know they are going to have a blast hanging sh!t on each other for the next few hours.

And so do we all when we catch up with mates. You know you will enjoy yourself. And I guess that is my point. How much is a cigar changed by our surroundings? A crap stick will always be a crap stick but is it slightly better when in great company. And by the same token do people feel the reverse applies... Smoke a supposed great stick in less than ideal situation and how much worse can it get?

Wine is often the same. Having a great time and all of a sudden that $9 pinot your tightass best mate brought over doesn't seem so cheap. You will remind him of it for many years but you still probably got drunk together and made fun of him publicly jester.gif

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This is a great thought, and, you are right on the money.

I recall vividly from my studies in psychology, particularly subjects that touched on substance abuse and harm minimisation, that in some schools of thought, the setting and the company can have a greater effect on the overall experience than the substance itself.

Interesting topic.

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How much does mood and setting affect the enjoyment of a fine cigar? Or a lousy one for that matter.

My take, briefly - when the suroundings and company are paramount, the cigar - good or not so good, means rather little - the enjoyment is much less about the cigar, much more about everything else, memories made include but not defined by the cigar.

That said, I don't think an ugly duckling can be turned to a swan, regardless the scenario.

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With some stupid cold weather setting in lately in Melbourne, for me, the window of opportunity to smoke a cigar is getting smaller and smaller and last time I was out braving the cold with a little El Principe, I just didn't want to be out there and I turfed half the cigar which may or may not have been good I just don't know cause I was just too cold.

So I think I will be anticipating some nice weather before really enjoying my next cigar.......... poo!

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Smoking is ALL about the experience, and nothign about the smoek itself for me. I don't smoke alone, only with company. I have had terrible smokes and enjoyed the evening and have had good smokes and hated the evening.

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I have two cigars.

One is the night out with mates cigar- usually at RA Lounge in Melbourne and it's enjoyed with the laughs, conversation and appreciation of sharing with botls and sotls.

The second cigar is the solitary relax the mind and concentrate on the smoke cigar. Maybe solve the world's problems, read a good book or just watch the sunset.

I like em both :)

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