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I'm having so much trouble picking a new TV series to watch. My favourite all time shows are Oz and Six Feet Under. I also enjoyed Dexter. Some people have suggested Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones and The Wire. Interested to hear some suggestions.

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Just started watching justified, don't mind it at all.

Archer. Absolutely hilarious!

Penny dreadful gets a vote from me. Silicon Valley is quite funny


Agree with Shlomo - The Wire is excellent!

Also on my favourites list:



Mad Men


Oldy but a goody:

Twin Peaks


Game of Thrones



Boardwalk Empire


The Newsroom

The Borgias

House of Lies

Arrested Development

Friday Night Lights!!!!!!

Parks and Rec

The Office - US

Modern Family

Rules of Engagement


Gold Rush


Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia

The Real Housewives of Orange County

The First 48

Family Guy


So many TV shows, I love Big Bang Theory! I think I'll start with Game of Thrones or Boardwalk Empire.

I had a lot of trouble with the Wire, I enjoyed season one but just had trouble getting into it. It's the kinda show I'd like, just so slow


You can never go wrong with anything produced by AMC

Breaking Bad... AWESOME (Chemistry teacher cooking meth)

Walking Dead... Well written Zombie Apocalypse (based on a popular comic series)

Mad Men... Incredible


You can never go wrong with anything produced by AMC

Breaking Bad... AWESOME (Chemistry teacher cooking meth)

Walking Dead... Well written Zombie Apocalypse (based on a popular comic series)

Mad Men... Incredible

I have been watching Walking Dead actually. My dad really likes Breaking Bad and I would like to watch Mad Men... maybe because of Christina Hendricks.

So many choices


I strongly agree with Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead.

Breaking Bad just gets better season after season. Pity they are only making one more.

The Walking Dead is a good one as well. Its more of a slow burn rather than an action series.

Other good ones are The Killing, again a good slow burn series.

The other one i would recommend is True Blood. I am by no means into vampires but i do enjoy True Blood.

Dexter has to be my favorite series. Pity that it seems Season 4 was the high point and its been downhill ever since.


some great stuff.

the best of the lot not yet mentioned. and i know the responses but....


seriously, one of the classics. very funny show. done so cleverly. and yes, the thought of watching a show about a 16 year old american teenager who has powers to kill vampires sounds horrific but the show was done so well, the writing so sharp and clever, it is a must.

west wing. brilliant series.

sopranos, mad men, supernatural, stargate, heroes, 24, alias, lost. all good fun, in degrees.


As already mentioned: The Wire, Deadwood, Breaking Bad and Friday Night Lights.

Carnivale is also very good (and very weird), and Justified is excellent (great dialog and acting, based on an Elmore Leonard story).


Sopranos and Boardwalk empire are really exellent series. Big Bang is hillarious.


I found all these to be awesome:

Boardwalk Empire


Mad Men

American Horror Story


The Wire

True Blood (something different!)


A lot of good ones listed... I'll just add Treme

also, The Story of Film: An Odyssey by Mark Cousins...


Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I think I'll start with Boardwalk Empire and watch Sons of Anarchy in between :)


My favorites, in no particular order...

Breaking Bad

Dexter (how can you not like a show where you are lead to root for the bad guy?)

Boardwalk Empire

The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret (just discovered this one - frigging hilarious)

Mad Men (I want to marry January Jones (and so does my wife!)!!)

Life on Mars (the UK series only!)

The Office (again, the UK series only)


Modern Family

30 Rock

Arrested Development (all-time best comedy series ever!!)

Freaks and Geeks


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