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I was thinking about getting the Ipad but I am going to hold off till next years release and see the difference and then decide. But I will be getting the Iphone 4 . That is what I am looking forrward to .

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An amusing post.

I just love the haters. It reminds me of the age old Ford verses GM argument.

I have both Apple and PC products and these days Im leaning a little more towards the apple gear.

I used to carry a laptop with me for work and just got tired of the time it would take to boot up and shut down if I wanted to access information I had stored on it.

Yes I bought an iPad and I'm using it for scheduling jobs and logging work that I have completed.

I can store machine schematics on it and view the information at the touch of a button, no waiting for it to decide if it wants to come to life or not.

No its not a replacement for a regular PC but it is a good addition to the tools that I use in my job.

I'm writing this on an iPad right now.

If you want one get one, if you don't then don't.

I say don't knock it till you've tried it. If you haven't tried it then in my opinion you can't knock it.

thats a very niche market for it. I'd say 95% of the people who have one don't have a good reason for it

oh, and there are always non-apple alternatives to things that always kick the crap out of the apple version...

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thats a very niche market for it. I'd say 95% of the people who have one don't have a good reason for it
Who needs a Nintendo? Who needs a sports car? Who needs cigars?
oh, and there are always non-apple alternatives to things that always kick the crap out of the apple version...

I have heard this before... let me change out a few words...

oh, and there are always non-Cuban alternatives to things that always kick the crap out of the Cuban verison...

Apple... the "Habanos" of electronics! ;)

Maybe the Apple hate is because Jobs uses buzz words that sells Apples products as more than what it is actually is? Welcome to Marketing 101...

That said HP... products are GARBAGE! :D

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Who needs a Nintendo? Who needs a sports car? Who needs cigars?

I have heard this before... let me change out a few words...

Apple... the "Habanos" of electronics! ;)

Maybe the Apple hate is because Jobs uses buzz words that sells Apples products as more than what it is actually is? Welcome to Marketing 101...

That said HP... products are GARBAGE! :D

I think you are missing the point because those statements are asinine

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Of course I want an iPad! For me it's not about having the fastest gizmo in the universe, it's mostly about the user interface. I really prefer Apple products because of this. If I was writing this on an iPad I wouldn't get heat rashes on my thighs either... ;)

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I have an iPad and absolutely love it. It really serves its purpose for me... I have a 17-inch laptop and don't want to carry it around when I watch TV and surf the web for example! Only complain is still the lack of Flash compatibility.

I'm no fan boy of Apple or Microsoft or any company for that matter, I just like their good products. But it looks like Jobs is getting all the hate that Gates was getting back in the late 90s... Now that he's out of the spotlight nobody even remembers him even if their main product (Windows) still is below par in terms of reliability. Nonetheless, they offer the best business softwares there is available IMO (Excel and Word).

People are mentioning that Apple doesn't create anything new... That may be it, but tell me which touch-screen is as responsive as iPhone's? Which tablet computer works as smooth as the iPad? Which online media store offers more stuff than iTunes. They may not be creative, but they sure know how to make things work fine. IMO

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Don't you wish they made something with technology like this for us cigar smokers, I mean, I think we can all agree that it would be pretty great if it came with a cutter and lighter, some how. Get Q Branch to work on it or something.

I think the main thing is you either love Apple or hate Apple.

I would rather spend my money on more premium cigars. I have a laptop and a cell, and hate them both.

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I have one and love it. I also have a laptop and desktop, both pcs so I'm no apple junkie. I like the portability the most and the fact you don't have to wait for windows to boot every time that I turn it on. Apps are great and so is viewing pictures. It is definitely not a must have for anyone, but neither are cigars.

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I have an Ipad. I love the damn thing. My first Apple product ever. I was planning on buying a Kindle as I travel two weeks a month. I decided on getting an Ipad instead. I have been on a cross country trip to Phoenix and a trip overseas. Both times, I read books, watched movies, and used the thing the entire time. The battery never got below 50%. Absolutely awesome if you are a traveler. As soon as they make a Slingplayer for the Ipad I will have no use for my laptop on short trips.

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I have an ipod (80gb) and an iphone and a Mac Book. The mac book was the best purchase ever, beside all the cigars i've ever bought! My children each have an itouch. I'll probably get the 4g iphone once it comes out and hand down my old iphone to my oldest. I've been a Mac guy since 1989. From my first desk top to the newest iphone. They're so easy to work with. With the Mac Book I've never had a virus or any other problem with it in 3 years. The best ever. But as for the ipad. I wouldn't be getting it. I'm good with my mac book and iphone. I'll save my money and spend it on cigars!!

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I travel for work too, and as my work laptop is 'secure' I generally have to lug my own along as well for all other purposes. I'm going to buy an iPad and save myself the backache!

Played with one a few weeks ago - its a toy, but what a toy!

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I was talking to my missus about this the other day, an ad for the Ipad came on tv and the conversation went something like this:

Her: I want an iPad!

Me: Why?

Her: Because they are cool

Me: But why do you need a tablet? You're not a designer. Why not just get a good computer? Or a net book if portability is what you want?

Her: You don't get it, iPads are cool.

I think that pretty much sums up the whole thing behind them :-P

Not bashing people who do buy them for what they are, there just seems to be a lot of knee-jerk purchases because they are the latest apple gadget.

My wife's birthday is this Sunday and guess what she is getting.

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Why does it have to be an argument about buying into hype. Why cant it just be about seeing a use for something and adopting it.

I agree Warren.

In posting this thread/topic, it was a simple question about weather you have one/want one or are planning on buying one. Of course there will be those who state they're not interested and that is fine, each to their own and for what ever reasons. :)

I do not see the connection in posts where I read the word 'fan boy' or 'Hype' as the iPad is just a tool, no different to a lap top, blackberry or electric razor really. It is an electronic product which I purchased because I find and see use for it that is practical.

Of course there are those out there that want to be seen with an Apple product, but with the huge success that Apple have had with the iPhones, I think those days are over anyway as it is just a 'normal' sight these days with so many people now owning iPhones, iPods and the like.

For those who keep going on about their passionate hate for Apple and Jobs (Perhaps they're a disgruntled 'ex-employee' of Apple? :D or maybe they're Amish and are opposed to technology :D ) you have made your point clear, I see no need to continue to quote or question other members who do like the product or have an open mind for it and attempt to sway others in thinking the way you do.

This is not a dictatorship, its the FOH forum where we are all members of and shouldn't be made to feel 'different' because one likes the iPad or not.

Again, it was a simple question. :2thumbs:

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Reading some of the comments here proves that we still live in the I am a Mac user or I am a PC user.

First of all the Ipad is not a personal computer, it is a new device that will change the way we read our newspaper/books/albums and watch videos.

We purchased an ipad way before it was released in Australia, not because we wanted to be cool and different but because we actually develop Iphone and Ipad applications, and we can already see the massive potential Ipad will have for businesses and individual, I think they are also embrassing this technology for various factors:

1 - Price is perfect as low as $629 AUD + building your own applicaiton, for example restaurants can use the Ipad to allow people to order food from their table, Car Service centre will be using it to welcoming you and educating you about your car and what has been changed, check ins and even sitting in your own hotel room and be able to just order off the room service menu in a click of a button.

2 - Ability for businesses to reach a wider audience, by developing their websites in either HTML5 or creating apps specifically for ipads and iphones.

3 - Eventually Adobe and Apple will come to an agreement, and Flash or perhaps part of flash will be available on both devices.

4 - Being able to broadcast to your audience, knowing that they will be watching you while : on the train, toilet, outside smoking a cigar, sitting on the couch, driving, walking, running, biking, even Ken will be able to use it! that's how simple the device is.

5 - The fact that Apple is now worth more thn microsoft also says alot.

6 - The fact that Microsoft have not been able to penetrate the phone market and the fact that the closest competators to apple would be google android and I woulc say they are still struggling to call it a healthy competator.

7 - The fact that more people are using their mobile devices to surf the net, google, GPS, find restaurants, connect, talk, chat, social media and social network with one another. Iphone and Ipad are the perfect tool to perform all of that. Some would say well why not a laptop? because a laptop is a PC (Personal Computer) an ipad/iphone are new type of devices that are changing the way we interact with one antoher.

8 - The fact that you can buy a video/song/album/game/arcade/book/images with a click of a button makes the ipad and the iphone and anything to do with itunes so different to everything we have experienced before.

I DO NOT like Macs and I DO NOT support what apple are trying to do by controlling everything and not allowing third party(ies) to get involved, but one must admit that what they are creating is unique, revolutionary and exciting. I salute Mr. Jobs on his vision and how far he has taken Apple in the past 10 years since he has been re-assigned as the CEO.

So I do understand the negative comments that some have said, I do agree with some of it, but at the same time I see the potential and what the iphone has done to the mobile world and today the ipad is doing to the tablet world. Remember that iphone counts up to 50 percent of web brosing from a smart phone, that's a very big percentage.

Good topic and some good points from all members.



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I'd say 95% of the people who have one don't have a good reason for it

oh, and there are always non-apple alternatives to things that always kick the crap out of the apple version...

I'd say 100% of the people with any given piece of hardware don't really care if you think they have a justification for owning it or not.

And what competitor's product "kicks the crap out of" the iPhone?

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I can't guarantee "kicking the crap out of iPhone", but here are some alternatives that are just as good and sometimes better:

HTC Desire

Google Nexus One

Palm Pre

Nokia N810

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I can't guarantee "kicking the crap out of iPhone", but here are some alternatives that are just as good and sometimes better:

HTC Desire

Google Nexus One

Palm Pre

Nokia N810

Just as good at what? For one example: which of these phones has multiple options for multitrack audio recording software apps? Which of them has the range of any kinds of software that the iPhone has, for that matter?

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Just as good at what? For one example: which of these phones has multiple options for multitrack audio recording software apps? Which of them has the range of any kinds of software that the iPhone has, for that matter?

DM, I'll give you that, but then again, there are dozens of things the iPhone can't do that other smartphones can. It all comes down to the end user and what he/she will use it for.

I'm not saying the iPhone is crap, far from it. It is a very good product. What I am saying is that it is not the end all and be all of phones.

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