I love Saturdays!

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Was up at 5am today, tiptoed out of the house and sent Cohiba my Chesapeake into the the back of the Jeep.

There is a little spot 15 minutes from my house where he can chase some surface feeding mullet (fish). We sight them from bushy embankment about 2 metres off the water. The water is metres deep so the dive is safe but the mullet get spooked into the shallows and that is where the fun starts.

The ambush is set. This could be the day.

Cohiba tenses as he sees the group of mullet come into play. They are rounding a log and turning into the stoney shallows . Maybe 30 fish in total averaging 1.5 pounds.

It is all whispers..."hold it mate...hold it" His eyes haven't left the school.

The mullet are nearly directly under us.


Cohiba launches into the water and on top of the mullet.

I love this part..the impact takes him below the surface but I can see him paddling around looking for the fish as if he was a cormorant. He rises to the surface and heads to the shallows to where the fish have dispresed. He darts left and right through the water chasing the flashes of silver from the mullet turning into the morning sun. Before long he will exit the water and chase them along the bank...planning another ambush.

I call him back after an hour. I have read the morning paper & had a great coffee while sitting under a gumtree overlooking this gorgeous piece of wilderness.

He is exhausted.

"Next week mate.....next week. Lets go home"

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Man's best friend...sounds like a great adventure. How excited is your dog on Saturday mornings BEFORE the event?!?

On Sundays I take my girl on a hike in the woods. She knows what day it is because it is the only day I sleep in (and don't work). From the second I wake up, she stalks me around the house until we go out for our hike, pulling me until we get to the trails.

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Cleaning the coffee machine and doing some garden work was how I spent my Saturday morning.

Sounds very relaxing and enjoyable, Rob. I agree that getting back to basics, and enjoying those quiet moments is the highlight of my week.

I hope no storm clouds ruin your day... :P

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Great Saturday morning story Rob. I love our dog....Gracie. She's a goldendoodle. A beauty. 1.8 years young. Last weekend my family and I had a busy weekend with a niece getting married. Cousins and family members in town so we weren't around much Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We imposed upon friends to stop by...walk with her...swim in the pool etc.

One of our friends boys came by to visit and play with her on Saturday. He entered the property thru the back yard...walked up to the patio to say hi to her. She hadn't seen him in a while and barked and growled like a killer pit bull. He called me on the cell phone...he was a little scared...to enter the house. I let him know she had never bit anyone.

Well...he opened the screen door and she headed for the hills...bolted to our bedroom and hid under my desk.

He had to coax her out to play and swim. They had a great time. Not really a Saturday morning story....but it did take place on Saturday.

She's not a Cohiba...more like a fauxhiba...so to speak.

She's my Petite Corona. All 50lbs of her.


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Rob I just wanted to take a moment and tell you what a wonderful short story that was... really. It is nice to take a moment to reflect on the wonders of life and write about them in an inspiring way. The hell with trashing the cigar business; here's to Cohiba Mate, your Cohiba! Cheers, R

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Thanks for sharing this Rob.

My pup Indy is my "smoking mate" -- I enjoy most of my cigars outside on the back deck or out walking with her, and she perks up whenever the humidor is opened. Saturday and Sunday mornings are some of our best times.

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Great, yet you did not mention the morning cigar that danced on your tastebuds while Cohiba played with the fishes.

No cigar Chuck. I don't drink or smoke on weekends unless I have friends or family over. I like the two day break as it freshens me up for Monday :)

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I have read the morning paper & had a great coffee while sitting under a gumtree overlooking this gorgeous piece of wilderness.

Yeah well while you were playing with the dog and having a coffee, I was in the office, sporting a hang-over helping the IT guys upgrade our computer systems.

Oh yeah I love Saturdays like that. :cigar:

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Had a friend in from out of town for our fantasy football draft Friday night. Up until 3:30 dissecting our picks and playing poker with the rest of the league.

Sat slept until 10, then hit the golf course. It was easily the best weather of the summer. 72 degrees light breeze and sunny. Just amazing Finished up golf, showered then headed to the local pub to watch the Bears light up the Giants. Great day.

On a sidenote, smoked a Casa Magna Robusto during golf. I use golf to smoke my NC as I find they have less construction issues and I do not have the time to pay proper attention to a cigar. Plus there is always the chance of it being stepped on, run over or forgotton.

Anyway, the cigar was FANTASTIC. I bought 2 in Feb. First one in April was eh. Some good flavor but nothing to write home about. Saturday's cigar was woody and leathery then developed into a sweet caramel taste halfway through. Showed more complexity then any other NC I have smoked in the last 6 months. I was pleasantly surprised and at $5-$6 they will be in the regular rotation and may become my go to golf smoke as they are a good size. Best cigar of the year is prob a stretch, but the very best NC I think is reasonable.

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Nice story Rob.

I too enjoy watching my 2 bull terriers Rosie and Loki frolic in my yard. They have the run of the full fenced acre in the back. Bullies suffer from a phenomenon we refer to as Hucklebutting. When hucklebutting they completely lose their minds running full speed , jumping which includes the occasional mid air barrel roll, and rearing up and smashing into each other like goats. Incredible to watch as these antics would hurt most dogs but not the rough and tumble bull terrier.

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