breath stinks

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Since im smoking about 4-5 sticks a day for the last year or so, my mouth feels quite trashy when i wake up in the morning.

I brush about 5 times a day and scrape my tongue as well. I rinse with mouthwash often, but still that taste lingers and I'm sure that it is offensive.

I carry Altoids with me all the time, but after eating so many, my stomach gets upset.

Any suggestions?

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» OK,


» Since im smoking about 4-5 sticks a day for the last year or so, my mouth

» feels quite trashy when i wake up in the morning.


» I brush about 5 times a day and scrape my tongue as well. I rinse with

» mouthwash often, but still that taste lingers and I'm sure that it is

» offensive.


» I carry Altoids with me all the time, but after eating so many, my stomach

» gets upset.


» Any suggestions?

Rinse your mouth out with an alcohol free mouthwash from time to time. Not only will it help the cigar breath, but you'll have better dental check ups too. I also chew gum, like spearmint Orbit White, that is quite minty and doesn't upset the tummy like Altoids do. I know exactly what you mean because when I was in law school I had practically had a tin a day Altoid habit!

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Guest Warren


» Any suggestions?


4 or 5 sticks per day.

I say to hell with the breath, just wear it as a badge of honor :clap:

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» 5 times a day!! that's alot of freaking brushing!

Friggin tell me about it.........but I'm starting to get obsessed with my bad breath. When I wake up in the morning my mouth just feels like a cat crawled into it overnight and died.

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» It sounds like you're doing all you can. I guess the only thing left would

» be to cut back a bit.

» But I actually enjoy the lingering taste of a good cigar.

The problem is in the morning Colt. During the day, I'm brushing so often that it really isnt a problem, but during the overnight I assume the bacteria and enzymes in my saliva get together and have a friggin party.

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» » It sounds like you're doing all you can. I guess the only thing left

» would

» » be to cut back a bit.

» » But I actually enjoy the lingering taste of a good cigar.


» The problem is in the morning Colt. During the day, I'm brushing so often

» that it really isnt a problem, but during the overnight I assume the

» bacteria and enzymes in my saliva get together and have a friggin party.

I am no juju-doctor but, if I was having such a problem, I would stop smoking for a couple of weeks to see whether it is indeed cigar related... if the problem would persist then it would be advisable to see both a GP and a dentist to try to rule out more severe problems...

I know it is not a happy thought but, IMHO, there are some real nasty bugs/problems out there that are not related to smoking that can cause bad breath...

best wishes mate.

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» » but during the overnight I assume the

» bacteria and enzymes in my saliva get together and have a friggin party.

I've got acid-reflux which makes my breath much worse, and Altoids are a big no-no (peppermint exacerbates an upset stomach). Try an experiment and watch your diet for just one day: avoid spicy foods, cut back on coffee and don't drink alcohol or eat anything more after dinner some night. If your breath seems better, your problem is primarily your stomach, not the cigars.

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5 a day is impressive. How do you manage to fit them all in? Also what sizes do you normally smoke?

I can barely manage 2 a week so I stand in awe!

Seriously though, I wonder whether you enjoy every single cigar you smoke as much as I do, or whether five a day gets a bit tiresome. Also do you find you suffer any adverse health effects other than bad breath?

I would try quitting for one week just as a mental exercise. See if you are hooked to cigars or nicotine!

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Good afternoon fellows

To us the people who love the cigars as I do it, always will be some contraindications, specially from the cigars amount. :-D . ! . Try to enjoy your royal cigars as you are part from the Royalty, keep on mind the care about the amount, and check periodically a doctor, but if you smoke do it with care and harmony while caring from your health:-) MIKE

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» 5 a day is impressive. How do you manage to fit them all in? Also what

» sizes do you normally smoke?


» I can barely manage 2 a week so I stand in awe!


» Seriously though, I wonder whether you enjoy every single cigar you smoke

» as much as I do, or whether five a day gets a bit tiresome. Also do you

» find you suffer any adverse health effects other than bad breath?


» I would try quitting for one week just as a mental exercise. See if you

» are hooked to cigars or nicotine!


Smoking a good cigar is never tiresome. I enjoy every cigar thaI smoke and have learned that life is way too short to sweat the small stuff.

Currently I am under the care of an oncologist and neurosurgeon, so other than having brain cancer.........I'm healthy as a horse :)

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BreathRx - [link][/link] - has a line of products that work wonders.

I'm not sure if they ship overseas, but it's worth a shot.

I use their mouthwash and mints both, and they can knock out the worst morning cigar breath.

Also try eating an orange or grapefruit right before bed - the citrus oils really help.

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I find eating a few dry crackers then rinsing/gargling with Listerine Whitening after smoking really helps. Then again, that's only after 1-2 cigars, may not work as well with the number you smoke.

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» BreathRx - [link][/link] - has a line of products

» that work wonders.


» I'm not sure if they ship overseas, but it's worth a shot.


» I use their mouthwash and mints both, and they can knock out the worst

» morning cigar breath.


» Also try eating an orange or grapefruit right before bed - the citrus oils

» really help.

I'll give it a shot.........thanks.

BTW.....I'm in Atlanta.

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» » BTW.....I'm in Atlanta.


» Cool!


» Where in Atlanta?


» I work in Chamblee and live in Kennesaw...

Sandy Springs. Roswell Rd & Johnston Ferry Rd.

I hang out in Sandy Springs Cigars on Roswell Rd & Abernathy

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If your looking for short terem ( till your next meal or smoke) I have tried close call. Its a liquid in 2 shot bottles. Gargle and drink it. It has been the only thing that takes %100 of everything away.

Tested it on the wife, and she was amazed. Breath smelled like nothing at all. Got a few samples from the president of ther company.

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