My, What Fine Weather We\'re Having

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The following will qualify as a whinge. I accept any ridicule that may follow. Chopper might tell me

to "Harden the F@#k Up!" - right now, he could kiss my pale, goose pimpled behind.

I've F@#$&*g had it. It's almost F@#$&*g April, and it's in the 30sF with high winds taking it down

to a 20s wind chill.

Blah blah blah, curse, curse, curse. Time to throw a shawl on the back and crack a Pacifico.

Now back to your regularly scheduled mayhem.

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Sorry to hear Ross. If it makes you feel any better, I just got off the boat, rinsed off, poured some rum, and lit a JL Sel. #2 out on the porch. Oh, did I mention it's 80 deg with a slightly cool breeze?:cool:

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You guys rock :-) Right now I'm pretty envious of all our warm climate members.

And speaking of members, in the category of more information than necessary, while

walking on the beach this morning, it was so cold and the wind so strong, I thought I

was getting frostbite on some near and dear body parts...... (yes, I was wearing pants)

Hey Austin, are you going to be tournament fishing this year? If so, best luck! I hope

you'll keep us posted.

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» You guys rock :-) Right now I'm pretty envious of all our warm climate

» members.

» And speaking of members, in the category of more information than

» necessary, while

» walking on the beach this morning, it was so cold and the wind so strong,

» I thought I

» was getting frostbite on some near and dear body parts...... (yes, I was

» wearing pants)


» Hey Austin, are you going to be tournament fishing this year? If so, best

» luck! I hope

» you'll keep us posted.

Ross...I usually put a sock on the kid when it's that cold out;-)

I had to back out of 2 events because they fall on dates that I will be too busy with work. I will hopefully be fishing a few tourney's in August. There are also a few 1 dayers that I might compete in in early July. I'll sure post a report and pics. We went today and got skunked...but did some exploring in some creeks I have never been in which is always fun. I'm happy just to be on the water.

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» Not.........


» The following will qualify as a whinge. I accept any ridicule that may

» follow. Chopper might tell me

» to "Harden the F@#k Up!" - right now, he could kiss my pale, goose pimpled

» behind.


» I've F@#$&*g had it. It's almost F@#$&*g April, and it's in the 30sF with

» high winds taking it down

» to a 20s wind chill.


» Blah blah blah, curse, curse, curse. Time to throw a shawl on the back and

» crack a Pacifico.


» Now back to your regularly scheduled mayhem.

got a little fresh here too. must have dipped below 20 celsius overnight but not a cloud in the sky.

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» » got a little fresh here too. must have dipped below 20 celsius overnight

» » but not a cloud in the sky.


» Yeah that's pretty cold - thanks KG.

Colt...see the pics in my SLR review and quit whining :-D

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» I've F@#$&*g had it. It's almost F@#$&*g April, and it's in the 30sF with

» high winds taking it down

» to a 20s wind chill.

I'm with you Brother. Thermometer in the kitchen reads 28 degrees. If it get any colder I'm going to have to put on a shirt.

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» Colt...see the pics in my SLR review and quit whining :-D

Ha! Good to see you posting - enjoyed your review. So, you consider going to Wisconsin from

Chicago a getaway?!? :-D

» I'm with you Brother. Thermometer in the kitchen reads 28 degrees. If it

» get any colder I'm going to have to put on a shirt.

Please do - perhaps an FOH linen guayabera - oops, nevermind........

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» Ha! Good to see you posting - enjoyed your review. So, you consider going

» to Wisconsin from

» Chicago a getaway?!? :-D

Yeah..they love us FIB's up there !! Had the place 13 years...1.5 acres and room for the kids to go ATV riding...close to Castle Rock lake for my little boat too. Pulling ticks out of my ass is no fun but the kids have a ball there. Plus I can actually RELAX and enjoy my cigars !!!

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» 90's and sunny here today, beautiful little breeze...


» Think I'll sit on the patio in the shade with a tall icy rum n coke, a

» good book and a cigar.... :-P

Not so hot down south in Sierra Vista but what a great day. Feel really bad for all of you up north. That is until summer hits Arizona with all of its intensity.

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  • 7 months later...

» » Please do - perhaps an FOH linen guayabera - oops, nevermind........


» No Problem!


» What the heck is a guayabera?

The Guayabera is a fine gentleman's garment of Cuban origin...

a very fine (and expensive) example is the [link=]Vegas Robaina Gayabera[/link]

(link originally supplied by [link=]Colt45[/link])


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