Recomendation on humidor please

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Currently I use 2 desktop humidors and 2 huge tapperdor.

But I have been feeling that they're not large enogh to storage all my cigars.

So, I'm thinking to purchase winecooler or cabinet humidor when I get money.

The south Japan where I live is very warm in summer about 35 celsius degree.

e.g If I purchase a cabinet from US, I must pay about 600 USD for shipping.

On the other hand, Winecooler is much less expensive about 500 USD with shipping.

But I'm not sure they're suitable for cigar storage.

Which or what do you my mate recomend for me?


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Yossie, have you looked into off site storage in your area of Japan? Often, the climate on an off site

wine storage facility will be suitable for cigar storage as well.

It may be worth looking into if you can't spring for a cabinet for your home.

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» Yossie, have you looked into off site storage in your area of Japan? Often,

» the climate on an off site

» wine storage facility will be suitable for cigar storage as well.

» It may be worth looking into if you can't spring for a cabinet for your

» home.

No. First, Cigar is not common here and Where I live is very rural.

So, I can not even purchase cigars without the net.

Colt, I've heard that There're many kind of cooling method in wine cooler or cellar.

What kind of ways do you recommend for me?

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If you go with a winecooler you want to make sure it has a thermostatic cooling unit, not a compressor.

Try to see if there are any distributors of Vinotemp over there. They make some large winecoolers, but also offer humidor versions.

My biggest complaint about the smaller wine coolers (35-50 bottle) is that they really don't hold many cigars. I think a 35 bottle unit will hold maybe 20 boxes.


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Yossie, just get a winecooler, set it to 15 or 16°C (whatever is highest) and put enough humidification beads inside for the volume the cooler has got.

If you get a compressor cooled wine cooler, humidity will fluctuate when the compressor kicks in, but it will essentially stay constant over a long period of time. If you get a Peltier cooled wine cooler (the smaller, cheaper ones), humidity will be virtually constant.

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Thank you so much guys.

I've found 32 bottles wine cooler at inexpensive cost by peltier.

When I afford to get it and the place where the cooler is, I will get it .

But I concern with what 56Tweed said. 20 boxes are somewhat little even for me.

Therefore, I may re-think whether I purchase it or a bigger one.(I don't have place to set it):crying:

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» Currently I use 2 desktop humidors and 2 huge tapperdor.

» But I have been feeling that they're not large enogh to storage all my

» cigars.

» So, I'm thinking to purchase winecooler or cabinet humidor when I get

» money.


» The south Japan where I live is very warm in summer about 35 celsius

» degree.


» e.g If I purchase a cabinet from US, I must pay about 600 USD for

» shipping.

» On the other hand, Winecooler is much less expensive about 500 USD with

» shipping.

» But I'm not sure they're suitable for cigar storage.


» Which or what do you my mate recomend for me?


» Thanks

i'd avoid the wine cooler idea and just save the extra money up until you have enough to get a real cabinet humidor and have it shipped. i can promise you that you won't regret the purchase.


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If you can find an old fridge it will work. Clean it, buy a Johnson controller for temp control and use it. I know a couple people who use this set up with great results both use a lot of beads for humidty and to stablize the humidity. you can bag the boxes for the humidity swings (this only happens when the compressor kicks on) but is not really needed.

I know there are threads on this and would be similiar to wine cooler setups.

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» e.g If I purchase a cabinet from US, I must pay about 600 USD for

» shipping.

» On the other hand, Winecooler is much less expensive about 500 USD with

» shipping.

I have the same problem living here in Beijing. I contacted Bob too and the shipping for the humidor is just too much for me at the moment :(

So I have just bought a cheap wooden cabinet ($100) here which I am going to convert into an interim humidor and use beads for humidification - the temperature in my apartment we keep at around 17 degrees so there shouldn't be a problem temperature wise. This is certainly not the best solution but it will keep me going...

I also seem to remember seeing on another post by El Pres that there is a firm in Japan that make humidors...?

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