H. Upmann Sir Winston - DTF MAY 03

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(review done 03/02/08)

What a glorious day! Mid to upper 60’s, lots of sunshine, a nice breeze. I spent a good bit of the morning working on the back lawn spreading out some weed killer/fertilizer. Weeds popping up all over the place! Of course, the wife and the baby girl take off to the little baby shop down the street leaving me and Mandy (JRT) to some nice relaxation time. I decided this was a perfect opportunity to try that Sir Winnie!


I have to say I’ve been really anticipating trying this smoke. I’ve seen and heard so much about them, so today was the day! This 7 x 47 stick was a thing of beauty; a solid stick with very nice weight in the hand. It had just a small amount of give when pressed between my fingers, just about perfect. The golden brown wrapper had a nice oily sheen and only one slight vein running down the length. I could see little tiny hairs (no not mold :laugh: ) and some crystalline if held just right in the sun. The triple cap was all but perfect, and I couldn’t wait any more so put the punch to it.





Pre-light draw was spot on perfect, not too tight nor too loose. I got a slight spiciness with cedar notes as well as a wonderful taste of matured tobacco. Oh this was gooood. I toasted up the foot and put fire to it.




An abundance of smoke poured from this thing. I took the first draw very carefully as I wasn’t sure what to expect. Oh yes, a little spice with notes of grass and cedar. My second draw I made a little deeper and wow, a lot more spice, as was my third draw as well. However, after that third, the spiciness subsided and the true flavors started coming through. A delicious taste of cedar and grass along with hints of cocoa. Or, was that coffee? Hmmm. Yes, fresh brewed coffee with a very rich cream. Definitely some leather in there somewhere. All the while the spice was at the perfect level.

Around a third into it, I took a draw and suddenly it was a different cigar. That coffee with rich cream disappeared and the absolute delectable flavor of melba toast hit my palate. No, not Melba toast. Gingerbread! Tasting like it had just come out the oven! Wow. But wait. Maybe, more like, toasted white bread spread with butter? Oh man, this thing had me all over the place with flavor. Downright delicious! The amount of smooth and creamy smoke flowing from this cigar was a beautiful sight to see.

Right at the half-way point, the delicious “baked/toasted bread” flavor subsided and the smoke took on a more herbal flavor. Maybe not herbal, fruit? Yes, fruit with honey. It was so good it tickled the back of my throat! I’d say the first half was a medium to medium-full body, however after hitting the half-way point, it took on more of a medium-full to full. I found that a full, long draw was a bit much, so started taking in smaller amounts of smoke. Perfect!



My wife and baby girl pulled up, and I unfortunately had to help take some things in, so had to sit it down. I intended to go right back to it, but ended up playing with my little girl (and yes, more toys she just got! :laugh: ). I did however, come back to it later in the evening after dinner. I don’t care much for lighting up a stogie once it’s gone out and sat for a while, however this one I wasn’t about to waste. It took several draws to finally get the initial bitter/powerful taste to subside, however it got back to that same fruit with honey flavor along with a chameleon of other flavors coming and going. It was like a kaleidoscope of flavors!



And so, all good things must come to a nubby little end. Now I know what so many have talked about. This seemed to me to be one complex cigar but with a wonderful balance of flavor and spice. I’m sure I didn’t do justice to the many flavors that came through. If you have one of these, smoke it! If you don’t, get one. :D


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Awesome review, Greg! wow . . . :clap:

Great pics, great descriptions of flavors . . . really makes me curious to try one of these bad boys.

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Excellent review -- I could almost smell that Winston via your description...

Haven't partaken in one of these for a long time -- might be time to buy a box, smoke a few, and set them aside for a needed rest. I wouldn't think they'd be at there best until a few years of life pass under the bridge; but, then again, I've been wrong many times before...


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  • 1 year later...

sorry to drudge up old threads.

But I'm enjoying another lovely 03 Winnie which was originally intended to celebrate paying off my motorcycle.

Unfortunately it's now to also mourn some friends who lost a lot of family in the Montana plane crash this weekend.


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I just smoked my first 03 Sir Winston a couple of months ago. I found your review to be spot on.

When people ask me wich cigar I like the most? or could smoke everyday? This one certanly comes to mind for me.

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sorry to drudge up old threads.

But I'm enjoying another lovely 03 Winnie which was originally intended to celebrate paying off my motorcycle.

Unfortunately it's now to also mourn some friends who lost a lot of family in the Montana plane crash this weekend.


So sorry to hear that---I lost a loved one to a small plane crash 12 year's ago. On a lighter note-I smoked a similar '03 Sir Winston the other day and it was absolutely sublime!! Again--sorry for your loss and hopefully the cigar and some solitude provided some comfort.

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