oscar - don't shoot the messenger (and excuse the pun)

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Roses are red,

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Oscar Pistorius.


When Oscar Pistorius said he wanted to be just like able bodied athletes, who knew he meant OJ Simpson?


She didn't notice Oscar sneaking up behind her. It was the silence of the limbs.


New evidence has been found outside the Pistorious home that completely acquits him of his girlfriend's murder. Footprints.


What did Oscar Pistorius get for Valentine's day?...

20 years.


Oscar Pistorious' lawyer is trying to claim mistaken identity.

Personally I think he hasn't a leg to stand on.

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ugh, i can always appreciate an attempt at humor but I'm sorry, sir, i cannot appreciate this humor... now if he were an evil dictator from a third world country, all the more please.... but this is clearly a kid who tried to overcome diversity and made a terrible terrible mistake....

I thought this was a thread about the upcoming Oscars show this sunday.... anybody liked "Lincoln"......????

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but this is clearly a kid who tried to overcome diversity and made a terrible terrible mistake....

Yeah I suppose putting four bullets into your girlfriend could be called a "mistake"! I obviously don't know what news feeds you're reading or watching but certainly it doesn't look very innocent from what I've seen.Of course there's more evidence to be presented,no doubt.And of course none of us were there so will we ever know the full and undiluted truth,who knows?.

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i'm not saying the guy is innocent and to be honest i don't know anything about it at all... unfortunately in my line of work i don't get much time to read the papers....

in regards to the line you quoted, that is in reference to the fact that he impressed me as an olympian with no legs... i think those jokes are a little out of line... if he's stupid enough to fire a gun at someone he loves, i have no defense for that (nor should I)...

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Something tells me the messenger should have been wearing a Kevlar vest. Jokes like these are going to be around it's just human nature. Perhaps we handle things better when we can see a humorous side. It doesn't make the jokes right or wrong but with the passing of time they gain more acceptance.

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As anyone else in life, Oscar Pistorius strove to be accepted as what we term 'normal' & stated that his disability should neither isolate or detract from who he was or what he's achieved.

By suggesting that these 'jokes' are tasteless is undermining all that he stood for...

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each to their own with umour

Lmao. Always relaxed. It isn't so much that these are tasteless, they just lack any cleverness. I suppose there is an eternal place for elementary school humor.

each to their own with humour - plenty of stuff i don't find amusing that others do.

but, with respect, that was not your original argument. or at least certainly didn'tappear to be.

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each to their own with umour

each to their own with humour - plenty of stuff i don't find amusing that others do.

but, with respect, that was not your original argument. or at least certainly didn'tappear to be.

My original point was merely a smirk. Like ... 'really mate?'

I withdraw my comments.


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Honestly, if you don't like a particular joke just ignore it. The back and forth on this type of topic just brings the whole community down, IMO.

Very good point as I feel perhaps I began the back and forth.... Truthfully if we were sitting around having a drink and a smoke I'm sure the conversation wouldn't be so black and white, so lets not make it that....

And cohibastevie, I bet you'd have a drink with ALL of us.... If we were buying.....

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Can you explain that remark?

I know better than to read in to redicluously crass comments made on a forum by somebody who knows nothing about me, but i really would like to know how you arrive at the above conclusion.

Relax, I think he's just joking… I'll have a glass of Lagavullin 16 years please… lmao.gif

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