Stuttgart Germany..

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Stuttgart is my hometown as well as from Lotusguy.That being said the last time I was there was in 2005 befor the LCDH opend up.On the other hand,Lotusguy goes there frequently on bussiness. avatar is the Coat of Arms from Stuttgart.Don't forget to visit the Mercedes and Porsche Museums if time permits.

Have a good trip.

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LOL, thats for sure, i am actually flying Luftansa non-stop into Frankfurt and taking bullet train to Stuttgart... Much Cheaper and faster than making a connection and flying into Stuttgart..

That bullet train is super fun to ride on. It's a shame you can't enjoy a smoke while on it.

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I thought you could smoke anywhere and everywhere in Europe?? lookaround.gif

Not anymore. Zurich was the last place you could smoke almost anywhere but they passed a ban I believe in 2010 (smoking in restaurants and bars).

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Steve and I will miss each other by a few weeks - I'm not going back until early March. My flight was actually the same cost going to Stuttgart versus going to Frankfurt only - but I book through our company internal travel agent.

Of the two Museums, I recommend the Mercedes Museum over the Porsche Museum - simply because it's bigger and there is a lot more on exhibit. Both are awesome since they've been renovated.

In that State, you can only smoke in designated smoking areas (and outside, of course). Quite a few bars provide an enclosed smoking section. No smoking on trains.

Have fun!!

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with a few exceptions (as Greece) it is forbidden to smoke almost everywhere indoors, including pubs, restaurants, bistrots, cafés, tobacconists, etc.

The sad truth :(

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Thanks for the reccomendations on the Museums Claus, I was debating over which one to visit, you just made my decision for me. Thanks!!

I cant wait to crank open a window on that bullet train and light up a Behike 54... :jester:

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Make sure to enjoy some Bavarian beer when there. Best beer in the world in my humble opinion!

Not in Stuttgart,for that you have to travel to Bavaria.Almost every small town in Bavaria has their own brewery which is not shipped beyond its borders.Only bigger breweries shipp outside.

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Not in Stuttgart,for that you have to travel to Bavaria.Almost every small town in Bavaria has their own brewery which is not shipped beyond its borders.Only bigger breweries shipp outside.

Can you reccomend any good on tap beers to try??

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My favorite Stuttgarter beer is Dinkelacker(a very big brewery).From Hofbräu I stay away as it always gave me a headache even after one bottle.Another nice beer I always enjoyed was Sanwald Weizen.I don't know if Schwabenbräu still exist as it was bought out by Dinkelacker a long time ago but still brewed,That was a good beer also.There're also smaller breweries in the surrounding area of Stuttgart but they might have been bought out by the bigger ones.You have to keep in mind that if you go into a restaurant you can find only one beer(besides some imported beers as the restaurants are sponsered(financially)by one or the other brewery.At least that how it was.I left Stuttgart 43 years ago and the last time back was 8 years ago and most of that time I spent in Bavaria where my sister lives.Of course every brewery makes several types of beer and the ones I liked the most was a Pilsen beer and in springtime Bockbeer.Then again there's Hell(pale)or Dunkel(dark).Not to forget are the Wines being produced there.The wines are Dry from that region which means you get less of a headache.Stuttgart itself is surrounded by Wineyards and Forrests.One of the wineyards(called Kriegsberg) reaches almost to the Hauptbahnhof the main trainstation(huge construction site right now and very controversial).I hope this helps you somewhat and enjoy your stay there.

When I stated above one beer in the restaurants I meant the lines of beers that brewery produces.

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