carb day

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I have been on very interesting diet, or a particular eating lifestyle, if you will, for a good two months or so. I have seen my body fat just melt off and my athletic performance return to me as if I were back in college.

Well one of the things it calls for is a carb day, if over 15% body fat, or two a week if under 12% ish. Usually I'll eat an entire large pizza from a famous north end pizza shop. But today, my coworker (whos doing this with me) challenged me. "Marc, you won't eat that entire tray of oatmeal fudgies." Ok playa. Challenge accepted.

To give you an idea of this thing, it's a 7x7", 2" thick of gooey ridiculousness. 1.5" of fudge and .5" of oatmeal cookie on top. It's also 7456 calories, 189g of fat, 1388g of carbs, and 1338g od sugar.

No big deal, will post pictures through the day.

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I have been on very interesting diet, or a particular eating lifestyle, if you will, for a good two months or so. I have seen my body fat just melt off and my athletic performance return to me as if I were back in college.

sounds great, what are some other aspects your diet/ exercise regime ( if you don't mind sharing) ?

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sounds great, what are some other aspects your diet/ exercise regime ( if you don't mind sharing) ?

I'd be keen to hear it too- I'm about to start training for the "Tough Mudder" challenge in September and need to loose approx. 10 - 15kg's... not to mention increase my athleticism. I'm about to start cycling again, but need to combine with a good diet, so I'm weighing up the options (so to speak).

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Haha funny clapping scene. I will post the regiment later - I'll try to get in depth into it so it makes sense on every level. Back to my carb day...usually I will try to down around 5000g or so on a carb day, but today, I ended up with 10k.

12pm: We got the oatmeal fudgie thing, aptly named the "Chocolate Revel Bar." I got a gallon of whole milk, and started munching on it. Co-workers are looking on and making side bets, per usual whenever there is a bet. My MD is laughing and calling all his buddies about it. Emails flowing in, "pics or it didnt happen."

1pm: I'm 1/2 of the way through. Making great progress here, people are stopping by the cube to witness the act in horror. Or amazement. Or both. Whatever.

2pm: I can't stop standing up and sitting back down. I want to just get up and scream random lines from movies, but I know it'll be bad. I just start laughing hysterically and don't stop.

4pm: I got like a third of a quadrant left. This is pretty tough. I didn't factor the liquid intake into the calculation. I'm drinking a gallon of whole milk on top of this pan of fudge here. I slowed down to an ant's pace around 2pm and the fudge is laughing at me. My Director, who is the one doing the diet with me, leans over the cube and asks if I had enough, with that prep school smirk on his face.

I just pound that thing right there. In his face. All of it. Worst decision I've ever made in my life. My stomach is punching myself, I want to drink water but I can't fit anything else in, I want to go run around but surely I'll throw up, it's just not the ideal situation. But I won the respect of colleagues, and most importantly, glory. "Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory, lasts forever."

5pm: I go to the gym and try to work out, but it's not happening. My body is crashing from the sugar rush and there's nothing I can do. I crank out some light sets and go back to the office.

7pm: My Director laughs and tells me that was one of the funniest things he's ever seen and walks away like it was no thing. What do I do? Boom, I order the large Pollo Regina pizza and house the whole thing right there. Do a little dance too. Co-workers looking on in horror/daze/amazement like you read about. Just pure win.

11pm: Back home, sitting, smoking a Partagas Super Partagas like another day in the life.




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Yeaaa Bloomberging, getting that newsfeed like you read about. haha

My understanding of this diet is as follows:

- The human species, as it evolved over the couple million years were "hunter gatherers."

- The concept of grain eating is relatively new in the last 10k years, as the product of agriculture, in order to satiate population spikes and thus demand.

- As a species, through hundreds of thousands of years, we woke up, roamed for food, and ate when we found food - usually, one big meal at the end of the day.

- In fact, what animal do you know eats a regimented 6x a day, it is actually preposterous when you think about it.

- When did we decide we need 3 meals a day and a hearty breakfast? Look at all the companies that exist to fit that market. Preposterous.

- When did we decide that we need 6 small meals, a gram of protein per bodyweight, this much of that, etc? It's ridiculous. It's back in the 70s when the whole fitness industry came about in force and people realized they could sell nutrition as a business.

- Well people say, but look at all these bodybuilding magazines saying the body only processes 30g of protein per hour. You HAVE to eat constantly. Ok, so you're telling me that those gigantic 350lb gorillas in the gym eat 350/30 = 12 small meals a day? Are you kidding me?

- Easiest example, prison inmates. It is a documented fact that inmates do not receive proper nutrition, nevertheless the daily 2000k cals a "grown man needs." However, they (ones who work out) get very robust and fit. This, at the least, shows that if a body is put into stress, it will inevitably result in muscle synthesis.

- Thus, it is possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time - not the beaten dogma of "bulk and slim" the supplement industry tries to feed you.


- Eat organic things. No processed foods. Grassfed beef. Free range chicken and eggs.

- Do not be afraid of fat. Whole milk over skim milk. CLA is good for you. Fat doesn't translate directly into you becoming fat. Moreso that bad, indigestible carbs do.

- Think about cigarettes and coffee. Do you know the types of additives that are added to make cigarettes less in nicotine, or less in caffeine? It's insane.

- If you are over 15% body fat as measured by the US Navy standard, you should really start with poultry and eggs.

- Do not eat breakfast. When did that happen? Your cortisol and insulin level is at an all time high when you wake up. While you sleep, your body is making testosterone and HGH. When you wake from your sleep and fasting, your body demands nutrition to fill back your glycogen levels. However, these nutrients you may intake does not go into your muscles. It goes into depleted energy pockets and your fat cells.

- Don't eat breakfast. Wait until noon. Or 1pm. Let your stomach rumble. What's happening there is that your liver is detoxing. All that crap you have eaten your whole life, and the past night, all the toxins, etc, are in your liver. Let your body recover while you skip breakfast and strip any nutrients there may be left in the lining of your organs.

- For lunch, on top of 3 hard boiled eggs or 15g of protein, eat a bag of organic spinach. Or a head of broccoli. Just a serving of greens. Dash of olive oil and salt with vinegar. No fatty designer dressing. Remember, you are getting rid of all marketed and processed goods.

- 5pm have another serving of veggies and protein piece. At this time, I go to work out. You should work out regularly, but even with the diet by itself, you will notice a difference.

- 7pm, dinner, whenever. Eat as much as you want. But it should be CLEAN. I usually eat an entire Whole Foods rotisserie chicken with a salad of baby spinach and balsamic vinegar.

- Repeat

- One day per week, you are allowed to have a cheat day. On a cheat day, you may eat whatever you want, however much you want. This is completely necessary. Think about it, a bag of spinach is like 100 calories. Then you eat a whole chicken and some greek yogurt or something. You can't possibly eat anymore. The chicken's maybe 700 calories, and yogurt 200. Call it 1500 calories to be safe per day. I guarantee you that is still a 1000 calories less than you are eating as a FDA approved adult male.

- The cheat day serves as a day when your body refills its leptin levels and glycogen supply. I usually ingest about 10k cals. 1 tub of whole milk ice cream, large everything pizza, and a bag of raw organic nuts. I don't care. It doesn't matter. Your body will process as much as it can in that day and poop everything else out. There is no way your body synthesizes 10k calories and 500g of fat. If it did, I would be fat as hell. I am not - and neither are my coworkers who are doing this with me. We have actually bought completely new warddrobes of clothing.

- If you are over 15% bodyfat, you should have one cheat day a week. As you do this and approach 10-12% bf, you NEED to do 2 a week. Why? Leaner, muscular bodies burn hotter, burn more calories, are more efficient. It is easier to maintain and/or lose weight when you are already slim. You have more test/estrogen ratio. It just makes sense right?

Comments and Results:

- I won't lie, it is incredibly hard the first week skipping meals, but it gets easier. I used to be on 6 meals, 2 workout shakes, the drill while in highschool and college for athletics. Not eating makes you feel like you lost a part of your routine.

- I don't recommend it, but I slowed my way into it. I had a lunch on the first day, the third day, 6th day, one late next week, and then I was in the system.

- You may think that skipping breakfast is ludicrous. That is ok. But try it. It's evolution. If you don't eat, your body goes into "I need food NOW" mode. You are more aware of your surroundings, desperately looking for sustenance. This leads to the next point.

- From 9am until the first serving of veggies, you will feel like you just had 5 cups of coffee. It is the most incredible, reverse science BS I have ever experienced. I thought I was in a state of sugar high the first time. You can't stop giggling, your brain is ON, everything's pumping on all cylinders - because the body is kicking into survival mode.

- The effect of passing breakfast gives your body time to clean out your liver. After a week you will just feel cleaner. You will be calmer. You will poop like no other. These are all facts.

- I have been doing this for 2 months. I went from 32" waist to 30", I benched bodyweight to 1.2x, etc. I feel and look like I'm back in highschool.

Sorry for the rant but I think a couple of the guys wanted some thoughts.

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Very interesting stuff.

I'm pretty lean, but can develop a bit of a beer belly at times. Usually it's because I've stopped exercising as much. I don't worry too much about what I eat but try to exercise enough instead.

Ultimately, do what works for you!

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Yeaaa Bloomberging, getting that newsfeed like you read about. haha

My understanding of this diet is as follows:

- The human species, as it evolved over the couple million years were "hunter gatherers."

- The concept of grain eating is relatively new in the last 10k years, as the product of agriculture, in order to satiate population spikes and thus demand.

- As a species, through hundreds of thousands of years, we woke up, roamed for food, and ate when we found food - usually, one big meal at the end of the day.

- In fact, what animal do you know eats a regimented 6x a day, it is actually preposterous when you think about it.

- When did we decide we need 3 meals a day and a hearty breakfast? Look at all the companies that exist to fit that market. Preposterous.

- When did we decide that we need 6 small meals, a gram of protein per bodyweight, this much of that, etc? It's ridiculous. It's back in the 70s when the whole fitness industry came about in force and people realized they could sell nutrition as a business.

- Well people say, but look at all these bodybuilding magazines saying the body only processes 30g of protein per hour. You HAVE to eat constantly. Ok, so you're telling me that those gigantic 350lb gorillas in the gym eat 350/30 = 12 small meals a day? Are you kidding me?

- Easiest example, prison inmates. It is a documented fact that inmates do not receive proper nutrition, nevertheless the daily 2000k cals a "grown man needs." However, they (ones who work out) get very robust and fit. This, at the least, shows that if a body is put into stress, it will inevitably result in muscle synthesis.

- Thus, it is possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time - not the beaten dogma of "bulk and slim" the supplement industry tries to feed you.


- Eat organic things. No processed foods. Grassfed beef. Free range chicken and eggs.

- Do not be afraid of fat. Whole milk over skim milk. CLA is good for you. Fat doesn't translate directly into you becoming fat. Moreso that bad, indigestible carbs do.

- Think about cigarettes and coffee. Do you know the types of additives that are added to make cigarettes less in nicotine, or less in caffeine? It's insane.

- If you are over 15% body fat as measured by the US Navy standard, you should really start with poultry and eggs.

- Do not eat breakfast. When did that happen? Your cortisol and insulin level is at an all time high when you wake up. While you sleep, your body is making testosterone and HGH. When you wake from your sleep and fasting, your body demands nutrition to fill back your glycogen levels. However, these nutrients you may intake does not go into your muscles. It goes into depleted energy pockets and your fat cells.

- Don't eat breakfast. Wait until noon. Or 1pm. Let your stomach rumble. What's happening there is that your liver is detoxing. All that crap you have eaten your whole life, and the past night, all the toxins, etc, are in your liver. Let your body recover while you skip breakfast and strip any nutrients there may be left in the lining of your organs.

- For lunch, on top of 3 hard boiled eggs or 15g of protein, eat a bag of organic spinach. Or a head of broccoli. Just a serving of greens. Dash of olive oil and salt with vinegar. No fatty designer dressing. Remember, you are getting rid of all marketed and processed goods.

- 5pm have another serving of veggies and protein piece. At this time, I go to work out. You should work out regularly, but even with the diet by itself, you will notice a difference.

- 7pm, dinner, whenever. Eat as much as you want. But it should be CLEAN. I usually eat an entire Whole Foods rotisserie chicken with a salad of baby spinach and balsamic vinegar.

- Repeat

- One day per week, you are allowed to have a cheat day. On a cheat day, you may eat whatever you want, however much you want. This is completely necessary. Think about it, a bag of spinach is like 100 calories. Then you eat a whole chicken and some greek yogurt or something. You can't possibly eat anymore. The chicken's maybe 700 calories, and yogurt 200. Call it 1500 calories to be safe per day. I guarantee you that is still a 1000 calories less than you are eating as a FDA approved adult male.

- The cheat day serves as a day when your body refills its leptin levels and glycogen supply. I usually ingest about 10k cals. 1 tub of whole milk ice cream, large everything pizza, and a bag of raw organic nuts. I don't care. It doesn't matter. Your body will process as much as it can in that day and poop everything else out. There is no way your body synthesizes 10k calories and 500g of fat. If it did, I would be fat as hell. I am not - and neither are my coworkers who are doing this with me. We have actually bought completely new warddrobes of clothing.

- If you are over 15% bodyfat, you should have one cheat day a week. As you do this and approach 10-12% bf, you NEED to do 2 a week. Why? Leaner, muscular bodies burn hotter, burn more calories, are more efficient. It is easier to maintain and/or lose weight when you are already slim. You have more test/estrogen ratio. It just makes sense right?

Comments and Results:

- I won't lie, it is incredibly hard the first week skipping meals, but it gets easier. I used to be on 6 meals, 2 workout shakes, the drill while in highschool and college for athletics. Not eating makes you feel like you lost a part of your routine.

- I don't recommend it, but I slowed my way into it. I had a lunch on the first day, the third day, 6th day, one late next week, and then I was in the system.

- You may think that skipping breakfast is ludicrous. That is ok. But try it. It's evolution. If you don't eat, your body goes into "I need food NOW" mode. You are more aware of your surroundings, desperately looking for sustenance. This leads to the next point.

- From 9am until the first serving of veggies, you will feel like you just had 5 cups of coffee. It is the most incredible, reverse science BS I have ever experienced. I thought I was in a state of sugar high the first time. You can't stop giggling, your brain is ON, everything's pumping on all cylinders - because the body is kicking into survival mode.

- The effect of passing breakfast gives your body time to clean out your liver. After a week you will just feel cleaner. You will be calmer. You will poop like no other. These are all facts.

- I have been doing this for 2 months. I went from 32" waist to 30", I benched bodyweight to 1.2x, etc. I feel and look like I'm back in highschool.

Sorry for the rant but I think a couple of the guys wanted some thoughts.

So you've gone paleo and you're intermittent fasting too eh?

Count two of us it's working great for.

I have dairy... I seem alright with it. I only cut out the processed food and grains.

I shop at the farmers market every week and only buy beef and berries at the grocery store. Makes food shopping way more convenient.

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Hey, yes. Not directly mentioning names in case there are copyright nuts. As far as I know, this is an understanding and my interpretation of several theories.

We are fortunate to have a farmers market here in the Boston financial district as well. All "truganic" (since organic has become a fallacy) and farmers CSA approved.I buy whatever my buddy at Kimball farms brings for us, and we do a grassfed beef pickup along with a 10lb. Farm share - wild range poultry, eggs, lamb, etc.

As for supplements, I have found that Green Vibrants, Healthforce Vitaminerals Greens, and MRN isolate protein (the purest) to be excellent.

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Is this the diet that starts with a w ends in an r? I'm curious because I've been reading a little about it. I've lost 22lbs over the last 10wks doing my own thing but was curious to learn a little more. I didn't want to mention names for the same copyright nazi fear

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Yes, it is. I have supplemented it with Roman's workouts and lifestyle formula, along with Poliquin supplements & theories, and Rippetoe techniques on lifting.

Losing weight when you are overweight is easy - half the battle is the waterweight. Losing from weight from sub 17% bf can become exponentially difficult - but this makes it seem like cakewalk.

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Yes, it is. I have supplemented it with Roman's workouts and lifestyle formula, along with Poliquin supplements & theories, and Rippetoe techniques on lifting.

Losing weight when you are overweight is easy - half the battle is the waterweight. Losing from weight from sub 17% bf can become exponentially difficult - but this makes it seem like cakewalk.

I'm getting down there... and right now I wish it was quicker than 10 lbs a month. Sitting on a plateau at the moment though. Really cleaned up eating and still not helping. I may be working out to much though.

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2

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I've been intermittent fasting lately (started early April).

After the first few weeks when your body adjusts it is awesome. No hunger pangs anymore and concentrate fine at work during the mornings.

Much more convenient and means I can feast when I do eat. I basically don't eat between 8-9pm and 12-1pm the next day.

Eat anything I want but keep protein and fats high.

I've been lifitng weights 3x a week (strength program - Jim Wendler's 5/3/1).

Lost 6 kilos and more importanly gone from 20% body fat to ~ 13-14 %

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