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This is in regards to the last four pages or so of this week's LFTH thread....

Guys, enough with all the moaning and arguing.

Does it take away from the thread? Yes a bit. Especially, as mentioned before, when there's a "Nice" reply or something like that to a cigar listing, with the post by Smithy quoted, but everyone left unsure if it's a buy-offer or not.

But, on the other hand, a bit of playfulness can't hurt things sometimes. It's what makes these threads fun, and not only about purchasing. Things don't always need to be the same - some playful banter makes it fun sometimes.

I don't feel the extra posts take away from the operation of the thread myself. Since the forum/server upgrade, it seems that things can handle the extra traffic/posts/refreshes.

But the content of some posts (we still always seem to be straying into the rude/vulgar/locker-room chat time and again), and the confusing replies-that-quote-a-box-but-aren't-a-purchase-grab posts, do sometimes take away from things also.

We need to find a middle ground.


And, about comments like "it used to be better" or "less talk, more buying"...

It always has been like this. True, before, the server would lock up and crash, and people couldn't get posts in sometimes, and were just simply more worried about getting their purchases done. But things work faster and better now. It adds a bit to it. It used to be better? It always was like this with the conversation, since before you or I joined, and it just seems to go through ebbs and flows of high and low volumes. If it's all in playful jest, and it doesn't break any forum guidelines, and nor does it prevent anyone else from buying, who's it hurting?

And, less talk more buying? If it's not favourable to whomever, then add more to the overall community. Contribute more, get a sense of the comraderie that some of us enjoy here. Playful jabs is a part of that brotherhood sometimes. Don't be here for many years, contribute only a couple of dozen posts over that time, and then complain at the way we're doing things.

Not trying to target anyone specifically, just generalized comments that I thought of after reading some of those posts. Also, not trying to defend anyone either - I agree that certain times it does take away from things.

It's the mods' and Rob's show. If none of them seem to have a problem with it, and no rules are being broken (nor people being prevented from actually buying), then why should other people complain?

My 2 cents.


A rule about quoting the box means you bought it, or something like "mine please" or similar would be good.

I don't agree that buying everything gives you the right to say what you like or do what you like, particularly we on the other side of the world who survey whats left in the morning.

A little vulgar smut is worth a chuckle now and again, we're pretty much all grown ups, and kids could see much worse than us on the web, I personally wouldn't want to be too puritanical.


This is in regards to the last four pages or so of this week's LFTH thread....


Guys, enough with all the moaning and arguing.....................

Oh...there'll be more a moanin' and an arguin' ! :forkyou::innocent:

The middle ground IMO is the Shoutbox. Server upgrade or not, additional "non bid" posts do put a load on the server and at every users' browser for each refresh. Keep in mind, up to 100 users are constantly refreshing to see the next item or to confirm that they responded before anyone else. The added banter is not malicious..but I don't think it's really necessary.

The LFTH is pretty much a first come first serve auction. Imagine if we conducted one in person. Smithy holds up the first box . :spotlight:"RASS 50 CAB PSP $xxx's gents!!". I stand up and say "nice box"!!! Keith, who was about to stand up hesitates, because he thought I beat him to the punch :confused:. But then Riaz, having that extra split second, raises his hand and yells :surprised:"I'll take them!" He gets the box.

I can't speak for everyone but that is how I see those extra posts during LFTH. They're that extra bit of hesitation that muddles things. I don't think they're malicious, but they certainly are not helpful. And this is where the Shoutbox should come into play. If you're not in a buying mood but want to comment, send it to the shoutbox, it's a lot quicker and it keeps the LFTH forum "clean" for those in a buying mood.

With that said, the LFTH threads don't need moderating but perhaps some discretion on everyone's part? Much like how we treat colorful language.

My 2c gents. Cheers. :buddies:


Well Put, I think right now everyone needs to review and refresh themselves on Forum Rules and Commandments! As I see it recently some of the new members sign up and Jump right in LFTH with no knowledge of the process and or feel for the regulars. This has created some friction. We were all there once, and of course everyone is welcome here. I do recommend new comer’s review Robs Advice…

" Newbie's (newcomers to Cuban cigars) are welcome. Read a while, take your time. Get to know the flow."


Frank, good points. I for one usually don't use the shoutbox, as it takes away from my concentration on my three open LFTH windows on constant refresh.... :innocent:

And....I'd just simply break Riaz' knees in that case. :devil2::stir::thumbsup:



Frank, good points. I for one usually don't use the shoutbox, as it takes away from my concentration on my three open LFTH windows on constant refresh.... :innocent:

And....I'd just simply break Riaz' knees in that case. :devil2::stir::thumbsup:


:lmao: FTR. Riaz's knees are already messed up. Don't ask why. :lookaround:


A rule about quoting the box means you bought it, or something like "mine please" or similar would be good.

I don't agree that buying everything gives you the right to say what you like or do what you like, particularly we on the other side of the world who survey whats left in the morning.

A little vulgar smut is worth a chuckle now and again, we're pretty much all grown ups, and kids could see much worse than us on the web, I personally wouldn't want to be too puritanical.

I agree with you mostly, Mazolaman.

Yes, a little rudeness is nice now and again. But, that's not what Rob's stated he wants, or he at least wants it in "good taste" :rolleyes: (as much as an oxymoron that this is). If you notice, the mods have definitely had to step up their work in the last few weeks, to edit posts/threads of questionable content. It's just a fine line that people have to walk - and granted, that may be a bit of an aside point for this LFTH issue.

Other than that, I agree - quoting the box shouldn't be there unless it's an attempt to buy.


For the time being, we can add rules (eg. don't quote and comment), but at the end, the forum software is not design for live trading activities. To be honest I shopped less from LFTH for a while because my 10-year old computer can't handle too many f5 presses, and by the time I see the pics they're taken already. I'm sure for the staff at Czar its hard to keep track of who's got which boxes too, and from time to time human errors are made.

In the long run, wouldn't it be better if we move on to a new platform to do LFTH (say a live chat room setting), or some modifications to the existing format (eg. link to an order page instead of replying to post). Not demanding to see it in the next sale but something worth to think about.


I'm with Frank on this one...

I think the shoutbox is there for a reason. for guys to chat and shoot the crap...kind of like a virtual smoking lounge. I think comments on bxes should be on shout box, where one could say check out that box of plpc's damn nice, yaddy yaddy yadda. If one really wants to post a comment on a box on the LFTH thread itself, no need to quote smithy's purchase post, just post, Nice PLPC's without quoting...

I think its time there is something added to the FoH community rules about LFTH threads before it gets out of hand. No tossers no wankers is the motto around here after all. LOL.

If there is a minimum post count for trading, maybe there should be one for LFTH? have the guys who sign up here contribute to the community a little, get to know the gang, feel the flow of the site. Just a suggestion. I'll probably catch some flack for it.


....In the long run, wouldn't it be better if we move on to a new platform to do LFTH (say a live chat room setting), or some modifications to the existing format (eg. link to an order page instead of replying to post). Not demanding to see it in the next sale but something worth to think about.

This is a GREAT thought. Definitely something I'd love to hear Rob and/or Smithy's thoughts on. They know we've had a number of issues and concerns lately ;) , with this then potentially having an added advantage of needing to be a forum member to see the pictures/listings (rather than any old person on the web just being able to see what we're doing).

A cool thought. Thanks Blackham.


Guys, it's pretty simple - quote the box you want, "I'll take these", double check to see if you were first, email Lisa / Diana.

As for the banter, FOH rules of etiquette - written or implied - always apply.


I think the banter is fun and good spirited,and when the newer members figure out the difference of add reply and reply directly to this post it will all work itself out.


I don't see why some people are having such a problem, new or old, just act with a bit of class and don't be a tosspot. Simple rules. I still see people posting sources in the shoutbox too dispite requests from the hosts. No one wants to hear how much you earn just as much as no one wants to hear people arguing about who has the most expensive car...

Act how you would in real life face to face.


I think one of the reasons there is so many comments on the LFTH, it is hard to chat on the Shoutbox and be constantly refreshing. The easy way is to use the LFTH as a chatbox. Not that is right.


The problem arises when members use the thread as their self-entitled personal playground just because they bought a couple boxes. If you're not doing this then you probably don't have anything to worry about.


besides following the rules and etiquette, people need to think about how much extra effort the Czar team has done. Does Rob really 1 person to professionally photograph the boxes, 1 person to post these photographs and 1 person to track down and record customers info. He could just sell cigars like other vendor in the world, hell he could just hire a robot to take orders and all he has to do is go home and put stamps on the parcels. Other places doesn't give you this much transparency of their products and give you weekly free cigar porns. So guys respect what the people has done for us and keep the LFTH positive and in good vibe, so that the team has a reason to continue doing this.


I think this thread is looking too much like CA. Maybe people have forgotten their manners, but this community is not CA. Quit judging and get on with your life. It's just a cigar thread. If you can't manage to figure out if you won a box of cigars or not e-mail Rob and ask him to pick you out a nice one. I hope this thread dies a quick death . . .

I hope this thread dies a quick death . . .

+1 along with all the whining and complaining


Hear hear keith!! I do think its getting a bit out of hand. It becoming a competition who's replying faster. I dont think thats the point LITH but a little banter makes FOH what it is, a fun place to be. But pointless banter is just..... pointless.


"Active Posts: 366 (0.17 per day)"

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It's funny because it's true! :)

~ Greg ~

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