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and no, nothing to do with ninja turtles.

checked the internet and can find no reference to tortoises or turtles climbing trees. and that may not surprise you. i don't mean climbing onto a log in a pond, i mean scaling a tree. granted that the tree in question is not exactly verticval but on a slight angle, even so, had i not seen it with my own eyes, i would not have believed it. will load some photos but this tortoise took itself about 8 foot up a tree. amazing. and just in case you doubt it, it managed to climb past a large water dragon (one of the large lizards we have in queensland - they do climb trees, sometimes the best part of 90 to 100 feet).

will load the photos shortly.


Was the angle of the tree relatively steep or?


Tree climbing turtles? Giant lizard dragons that are not afraid of water? Insane speeding fines? Australia sounds like an awful, awful place! :o

Probably goes a long way to helping explain Ken's unadulterated obsession with Canada!



In addition to a very large head, the big headed turtle is known to readily climb trees near rivers and fast streams.

That being said, that particular turtle isn't a native so who knows what it is that you saw... Good job spotting it though - bring on the pics.

i think a turtle deserves a big head if it can climb trees. will get on to the pics tongiht when have a mo.

the angle is certainly steep enough to be such that one would think it very unlikely.

an obsession with where? seriously? i can honestly say that, and i mean absolutely no offence with this, few countries (few anythings) pop into my mind less than canada. but i have no problem in allowing you to think otherwise if it makes you feel good.

no wonder people call canadians the kiwis of north america.


Tree climbing turtles? Giant lizard dragons that are not afraid of water? Insane speeding fines? Australia sounds like an awful, awful place! :o

Australia is a wonderful place! Sure, there are plenty of things that can kill you in a heartbeat; sharks, spiders, snakes, crocs, drop bears.... seeing Ken in his Reg Grundies :surprised: ... but those incidents are far and few inbetween.


I feel a "as God is my witness I thought turkeys could fly" moment coming to this thread soon as Ken tries to coax some poor, non-climbing turtle 8 foot up into a tree to pose for some pictures.


Ken, we have apologized MANY times for Celine Dion and Justin Bieber. No need to keep on holding a grudge. :(

justin beiber is one of yours? oh, it just gets worse!


herewith the famous climbing tortoise of queensland. for scale, he'd be 8 - 10 inches across.

and anyone thinking that someone just stuck the tortoise there for the photo, no way known would the lizard have hung around if it was dodgy.

unfortunately, the angle doesn't show just how steep the tree is. the second photo is actually the tortoise, having decided it had soared as high as tortoises can, turned around, went back about a foot and then dived past the lizard.

i have named him jonathan livingston tortoise.





and no, nothing to do with ninja turtles.

checked the internet and can find no reference to tortoises or turtles climbing trees. and that may not surprise you. i don't mean climbing onto a log in a pond, i mean scaling a tree. granted that the tree in question is not exactly verticval but on a slight angle, even so, had i not seen it with my own eyes, i would not have believed it. will load some photos but this tortoise took itself about 8 foot up a tree. amazing. and just in case you doubt it, it managed to climb past a large water dragon (one of the large lizards we have in queensland - they do climb trees, sometimes the best part of 90 to 100 feet).

will load the photos shortly.

You fell off the chair on your deck again ....didn't you.


Tree climbing turtles?

I once saw the ugliest specimen of a female at a party looked pretty dam hot after a 4 beers, 6 patron shots, and a wine cooler.

Ken, do you think you might have beem punk'd? Did you look around the brush. Perhaps Rob and Smithy hiding behind the bushes giggling like little girls playing a prank on you?

Rob: "I bet if we put this turtle on this tree, Ken will think it's a climbing turtle" (giggle, giggle)

Smithy: "yeh, yeh, yeh" (giggle, giggle)


I would of named him Gary Oldman and told him to "Get out of my tree!" like Harrison Ford and stuff...


Tree climbing turtles?

I once saw the ugliest specimen of a female at a party looked pretty dam hot after a 4 beers, 6 patron shots, and a wine cooler.

Ken, do you think you might have beem punk'd? Did you look around the brush. Perhaps Rob and Smithy hiding behind the bushes giggling like little girls playing a prank on you?

Rob: "I bet if we put this turtle on this tree, Ken will think it's a climbing turtle" (giggle, giggle)

Smithy: "yeh, yeh, yeh" (giggle, giggle)

:lmao: LOL, good gawd, I can SOOOOO see those two doing that!!!! :lol:

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