Cigar Exoneration

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I just don't "get" some cigars. RASS. Monte 2. CoRo. PLPC. Haven't had a good experience with them.

But, I have faith. Faith that my examples were just off...bad boxes..,.maybe just me that day.

Rather than writing off a brand, specific size, etc., I thought it would be interesting to start a thread where we can post our Cigar Nemesis(s) in hopes that our fellow BOTL/SOTL can exonerate these bad cigars.

The idea is this: Post your top cigars that are your nemesis, of which you'd be willing to give another chance.

Generous members can post a reply that they want to exonerate your cigar nemesis. They pony up an example of that cigar. The sender should vouch that the sample has been "on" for them.

The recipient should then post back some kudos and let us know if indeed the cigar was exonerated!

I'll start - My Nemesis:

RASS - never got a "stewed fruit" bomb

CoRo - wheres the magic?

Monte2 - same as CoRo

PLPC - where is the Caramel love?

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This is an awesome idea and ill throw my hat into the ring for the following:

Hoyo DC - I just don't get any evolution at all in these. One note through and through for all the examples I've had.

Coro - never had one do anything for me

Hdm epi 2 - just doesn't hold a candle to the epi 1 for me.

I'm looking forward to someone posting that I can help with.

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I posted on another topic yesterday how the PLPC was nothing more than bland and boring to me, and thats after having a box of 50 (tho I will admit I did not smoke all of them, they were that bad) If someone had a cracker PL, I'd trade it for an awesome Hoyo du Prince.

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'PLPC - where is the Caramel love?'. Certainly in my box! Did I send you a couple to try last year?



Michel, I believe I still have yours in the humi! Or I blasted it upon receipt, never to find that love!

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I have not smoked a great deal of Trinidads, but I want to love them, but just dont. I do like the "tea leaf" character, but they never quite get my attention.

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LGC. I just don't get it. Outside the jar release, I have always gotten a soapy taste from them, regardless of RE or regular production. Just doesn't float my boat.

HdM: I find them inconsistent. Broad range of flavours and variance in construction. Sometimes the flavour profile is overpowering woody and cedar notes. Other times, a nice profile, and other times just a dud.

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LGC. I just don't get it. Outside the jar release, I have always gotten a soapy taste from them, regardless of RE or regular production. Just doesn't float my boat.

HdM: I find them inconsistent. Broad range of flavours and variance in construction. Sometimes the flavour profile is overpowering woody and cedar notes. Other times, a nice profile, and other times just a dud.

I got you for lgc at the herf. My box of dark mdo 2 may change your tune.

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Correct me if I am wrong but my experience with the PLPC is that they take time to mature and to reach their potential (at least 3, better 5 years after production). The only cab of 50 I've got left is pretty recent (June 2011) but these cigars are getting less 'bland' than they were when I received them last year. For me, if you can find a hint of honey and caramel tastes in a young PLPC (which I did with my last box), it has always indicated that these flavours will increase and become dominant a few years down the road.

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Monte 2's where is the magic? Well its out there... it can just be hard to find. I have smoked a few boxes and find there averages about 5-7 great ones in a box, the great ones are great, the rest... well arent.

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Parti lusis, i bought a 50 cab on the recomendation of Hamlet a couple years back in was a czar HQ box, i dont know if anyone remembers that magnificent PSP 50 cab that rob posted (only psp 50 cab of these ive seen here) i almost jumped on it but disnt, well i grabbed that HQ cab the following week not quite as nice looking and i was terribly disappointed in them. I moved them as they were too expensive to burn through and not enjoy...this is a cigar my head tells me should be magnificent but just hasnt :(

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On a good day almost any Cuban cigar will thrill me with its flavours, draw, construction and burn. On a bad day the same cigar will leave me asking myself if I would have been better off getting up on to my roof and throwing my money into the wind.

There were times when I've smoked HDM double coronas and I wondered what all the fuss was about and then I'd try another some months later and be amazed with it's beauty.

Same with the Trinidad Robusto Extra, I'd see a one dimensional stogie with pretty good taste one day and the next time I lit one I'd have a glorious experience.

All this tells me that I still have a lot to learn.

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for me:

Monte 2 just hasnt been REALLY good and here i assume from the 4 (all different boxes) they just werent on.


Part shorts.... why are these so good to eveyone?

Hoyo Epicure #2 always always just ok.

*dodging shoes*

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Partagas 898 still looking to find that great one, everyone else must be hording them :)

Anything Punch just dont do it.

Wont give up though still optimistic :)

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Anything Partagas for me. Never had one that made me have that aha moment.

PM me your address and I will send you an 898V that did it for me the last time I broke out the box...about a year ago.

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