Looking for a Cigar tasting Sheet

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For reasons of uniformity I am looking for a cigar tasting sheet you enjoy using. We will take one or several and create a tasting sheet for the World Cigar Blind Challenge

Upload them to this thread or post a link. Much appreciated.

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This is the best I've seen. I believe Chuck, Tampa 1257, is the author. It is a sticky on the HCF board. One may quibble about the 100 point verses the 6 smoke ring system, but I think the foundation for a clear concise, and uniform rating format is here.

Thanks, Chuck

The cigar review should begin with an informational block to include the following information:

CIGAR: The cigar you reviewed.

DATE: (Date reviewed) as it may differ from the date posted.

SIZE: length and ring gauge



AGE: The box code date for Cuban, Minimum of what year required

For NC's we would like to have the following in addition to the above information:




As many of the NC smokers detect many differences from a Corojo wrapper, Mexican Binder and Nicaraguan filler as just an example.

Following the Informational Block, a short "Set Up" paragraph to include the following:

AMBIANCE: Tell us about when, where, you were smoking it. Add lib if you like.

BEVERAGE: of choice if any

APPEARANCE: Wrapper color, appearance was it smooth, veiny, bumpy, under-filled, hard, soft. ????

PRE-LIGHT: Pre-light aroma and Draw.

Then the Main Body of the review, this is where the meat of a review comes into play and education for everyone.




This is where the reviewer tells everyone what was experienced when they smoked the cigar. The flavors, changes in complexity, etc. This is where and how the cigar burned, the volume of smoke, how the ash did and or affected the pleasure of smoking the cigar. This is where the reviewer describes the strength, body, flavor etc.

Summary and Rating. Following the body with a brief recap or summation of the experience prior to but basically leading up to a systematic rating scale that is conformative as well as easily understood. In this case, we would like everyone to use a Standardized Rating scale, basically because it makes since and everyone can understand it.

6 smoke rings = a classic

5 smoke rings = an excellent cigar in all respects or a classic to be

4 smoke rings = a very good cigar

3 smoke rings = an average cigar

2 smoke rings = a flawed cigar

1 sm

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And my 5 cents. I've seen a tasting sheets on AmiCigar Club site (Italy). There are some different sheets - cubans, spains, authors by R. Bernardo and their own one. Here is link http://www.amicigar.it/sigari.html

Look at "scheda degustazione" (tasting sheets from italian)

For example here cubans one in pdf http://www.amicigar.it/docs/AAA_scheda_deg...ione_cubana.pdf

Why not?

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