New Yankee Stadium

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Nice pics Jimmy, i saw it a few weeks ago. They are making some nice progress. This stadium is catered to the corporate boxes though. Its a shame that no one living within 3 miles of the stadium can afford a ticket.

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My sister lives in CT and my brother-in-law works in the city and they were telling me about the Red Sox fan who is working on the stadium that burried some Red Sox memerobilia in some concrete that was poured recently. She said they are thinking about digging out the concrete and replacing it because they're saying the stadium would be tainted if they don't remove it. Have you heard about this?


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» Jimmy,


» My sister lives in CT and my brother-in-law works in the city and they

» were telling me about the Red Sox fan who is working on the stadium that

» burried some Red Sox memerobilia in some concrete that was poured

» recently. She said they are thinking about digging out the concrete and

» replacing it because they're saying the stadium would be tainted if they

» don't remove it. Have you heard about this?


» -Patrick


I heard about this on the news this morning. I think it's true.

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» Jimmy,


» My sister lives in CT and my brother-in-law works in the city and they

» were telling me about the Red Sox fan who is working on the stadium that

» burried some Red Sox memerobilia in some concrete that was poured

» recently. She said they are thinking about digging out the concrete and

» replacing it because they're saying the stadium would be tainted if they

» don't remove it. Have you heard about this?


» -Patrick

Here is the article

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PT i am a Union Electrician was doing the fire alarm system.

The bad thing is after 2 years with the company i was laid off with about 8 other workers company is very slow.

Now i sit at home for about 3 to 5 months until the hall calls me for another Job SUCKs but its part of the biz.

Well i have a baby coming on May 14 so maybe its a good thing i guess.

I am hoping that when i do go back it will be the NY Mets stadium as that is the my #1 team.

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» The bad thing is after 2 years with the company i was laid off with about

» 8 other workers company is very slow.

Jimmy, very sorry to hear that. Would you be able to work on your own? I always figured people

need electricians and plumbers. Best luck :-)

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