Fish caught over the weekend

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» Here Here Smithy!


» Outside of Lisa nothing great has ever come out of Redcliffe...or if they

» had they never stayed :lol2:

Clearly Lisa hasn't read this post yet or she is downstairs plotting not only your demise, but I also get a sharp stabbing feeling that she has just made a voodoo doll in my likeness. :lookaround:

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» » but I also get a sharp stabbing feeling that she has

» » just made a voodoo doll in my likeness. :lookaround:


» That was easy as she just went and bought a *** "Ken" doll.

Blah Blah Blah. Thats the sort of easy humor I expect from Colt not from El Presidente

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» Darlin Smithy......


» After the special lunch I organised with Diana for you on Friday....

Lisa, did you see the nice comment I said in the SLR DC review. The comment at the end not the Zimbabwean comment....

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» » Darlin Smithy......

» »

» » After the special lunch I organised with Diana for you on Friday....


» Lisa, did you see the nice comment I said in the SLR DC review. The

» comment at the end not the Zimbabwean comment....

No :-( Remember Smithy I have that photo from your sister's wedding :-D

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» » but I also get a sharp stabbing feeling that she has

» » just made a voodoo doll in my likeness. :lookaround:


» That was easy as she just went and bought a *** "Ken" doll.

and what the hell did i do to you, today?

as for lisa, you live at redcliffe? i did not know that. i am so sorry. so much becomes clear. i promise never to be anything other than completely supportive in future.

redcliffe? seriously? i thought that there was an age restriction - 75 and over?

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ps - nice fish.

for those in the states, who are not familiar with redcliffe, think of it as somewhere like one giant retirement village in a really poor part of florida.

in terms of queensland beaches, even the poms don't get excited.

st peter set up an office here to save time.

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» Blah Blah Blah. Thats the sort of easy humor I expect from Colt not from

» El Presidente

There I was , minding my own business.....

And to think, on the SLR DC thread, I commented on how great it was to to see you back in the fold.

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» Ken all I can say is I hope you catch lots of fish in Pullenvale......

» maybe you couldn't afford a house in Redcliffe ;-)


» Early bird catches the worm... remember that...

they have houses in redcliffe now? the trailer parks must love that.

as for pullenvale, i don't even know where that is. i thought that was minature waygu country.

brookfield, darling, have you not heard of it? telstra certainly haven't.

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» Hmmmm...something tells me Lisa is one to fear. She seems to have Rob and

» Smithy cowering back into their corners while Ken is still up for the

» fight !!! You guys are a riot.

rob hides on his balcony or goes to lunch. smithy turned ***. i just try and hold the fort.

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» » Ken all I can say is I hope you catch lots of fish in Pullenvale......

» » maybe you couldn't afford a house in Redcliffe ;-)

» »

» » Early bird catches the worm... remember that...



» they have houses in redcliffe now? the trailer parks must love that.


» as for pullenvale, i don't even know where that is. i thought that was

» minature waygu country.

» brookfield, darling, have you not heard of it? telstra certainly haven't.

Honey it is you Telstra don't want to know about :-D

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» There I was , minding my own business.....

Don't make out like you're an innocent bystander. By the way thanks for the compliments, when are you going to join us for a cigar on the deck?

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