Thank God for Friends of Habanos

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I just had to write this post. This is usually the only forum I read, but today I started looking at another forum (I am sure everyone knows the one I am talking about) what a joke. If the people were not sniping at eachother they were ragging on newbies for asking "who is your source"(I found 6 seperate posts in the first four pages). I am serious, just pages and pages of crap. If I would have come accross this board first, I would have never looked at another board. When I first joined, I had a bunch of people welcome me. I even feel like a few of you are my friends now. That is a what a board is about. Friendship and sharing knowledge, not attacking eachother.

So I guess my reason for posting this,is this. We are all very lucky to be members of this board.Rob and Lisa are great, and all of the regular people that post are wonderful. We should all thankful for Friends of Habanos.

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» Yossie,


» Dont forget we cure stomach problems and other ills here as well!

Yes, I really thank you.

But after cured, I smoke longer and bigger vitolas on the contrast to before and my bank amount is decreasing.

I therefore can not be sured that It is good for me or not:-P

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Great post bro!

» But after cured, I smoke longer and bigger vitolas on the contrast to

» before and my bank amount is decreasing.

» I therefore can not be sured that It is good for me or not:-P


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» thank god he is off fishing and we don't have to put up with him strutting

» around smug all day.

Ahhhh Ken...

You've had me laughing all day. But what I am really looking forward to is the retaliatory posts when Rob gets back from fishing. You guys keep me in tears. :rotfl:

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couldn't have said it any better myself. I love all the information, the laughs, and the camaraderie here. great people and great cigars, its what life is all about!

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Yes, there are other good cigar boards around the internet, but this one is free from cross board disputes and the difficulties you mention. It's the reason so many of us left that site you mention in the St. Valentine's Day massacre of 2004. They banned us, I think, because we had been trying to limit the public exposure of on-line vendors. We could never get them to monitor that site, and that trend seems to continue. The other trend that permeated that site was new people were criticized for their lack of knowledge. There is no way that one can learn anything by reading there!!

Most vendors understand that too much pubicity is actually a bad thing if shipping to the US these days. Some have paid the price. It has always been to our advantage and theirs for that NOT to happen! Some might say that discretion is the better part of valor?

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Well said Sir. I'm only new here but I'm finding the banter quite addictive. What'd you do without a daily dose of FOH?

Mind you, every time I log in I feel like lighting up, so I'm with Yossie.

What other website costs you $30 each time you log in? This joint is more costly than the ones that charge $29.95 per month!

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I could not agree with you is a real shame. I'm not a member of that forum, but I don't even bother looking at it anymore; a waste of time! It's like reading a gossip column....he said...she said..This is by far the best forum anywhere....thanks to all of you!

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Guest josho2001

I think it's kind of funny to look over there. It reminds me of middle school, every one is very high strung, easily offended and they bicker like teenage girls.

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Thank you for the Kudos.

There is no real secret to the the success of FOH. It is you guys. Every board has its culture and the culture is set by the moderation of the board. Chuck, Wilkey, Ken do a marvellous job but members here have taken it to the next step in that you all moderate by the way you welcome new members and the tone of discussion and good humour you set.

We may all be in different parts of the world but FOH is like the local corner pub where we all catch up, have a laugh, share some information...have another laugh :-)

Frienship, laughter, loyalty, is not a dress rehearsal.

I think we live to our boards motto :lol:

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Yeah and we don't let misinformation spread like at other sights.

So now, onto important shipping information:

When we order, is it true that our cigars will arrive in the pouch of a kangaroo?

I have a friend that lives in Australia and I told him to order. I think he's stationed in Vienna or maybe Salzburg. :-P

El Moro

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