Early Arrival

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Kiersten Josephine was born Tuesday March 18 at 10:58pm. 8 lbs even, 19 inches long, and 2-1/2 weeks early. Her 2 older brothers are very excited to have a little sister. I will try and post a pic later on.


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» Kiersten Josephine was born Tuesday March 18 at 10:58pm. 8 lbs even, 19

» inches long, and 2-1/2 weeks early. Her 2 older brothers are very excited

» to have a little sister. I will try and post a pic later on.


» Jes

Congratulations Jes!!!!! I have two sons and a daughter as well. I love them all but daughters are something special :-)

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» Kiersten Josephine was born Tuesday March 18 at 10:58pm. 8 lbs even, 19

» inches long, and 2-1/2 weeks early. Her 2 older brothers are very excited

» to have a little sister. I will try and post a pic later on.


» Jes

WooHoo! Way to go Pal. Heartiest congrats!

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» Kiersten Josephine was born Tuesday March 18 at 10:58pm. 8 lbs even, 19

» inches long, and 2-1/2 weeks early. Her 2 older brothers are very excited

» to have a little sister. I will try and post a pic later on.


» Jes

Congratulations to you, and especially your wife!

Boy, boy, girl seems to be a popular setup around here. That's what I have running around as well. :-D

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