Ken is the next American Idol!

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Colt...Ken has spent so much time in New Zealand over the past few years that his accent has a definite Kiwi edge.

I was taken aback while fishing with him when he said:

"Eh Bro, tis mi sex fush!

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» Colt...Ken has spent so much time in New Zealand over the past few years

» that his accent has a definite Kiwi edge.


» I was taken aback while fishing with him when he said:


» "Eh Bro, tis mi sex fush!

there are lines one knows better than to cross. from some, there is no coming back. have you organised marty amd macho and des and the serial groom for next tuesday arvo? you'll be drinkinging wooded, aged, riverland sauv blanc. the others... something decent.

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  • 8 months later...

Rob was gracious enough to invite Stan and myself over to Ken's house on Friday for a nice little evening with Hamlet and his brother. The big attraction besides Hamlet was Ken singing with the two man guitar band. The two guys were very good and the majority of the songs they sang were old rock and roll songs, plus my new favorite song "Hotel California (The Cuban Remix)". I was lucky enough to get a few action shots of the next American Idol... :-D :-D



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