FOH Hallmark ....2500 members

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Thanks to all who have got us to 2500 members and that is with some serious trimming.

What warms the cockles is that the spirit of this forum has not changed....and it never will.

Thank you to all who make this such a great place. To call it a labour of love is is no labour at all.

Toast our mutual success with a good wine/beer/scotch and light up a cigar :ok:

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I'm interested in where do they come from.

It's an English board and I speak in an oversea language.

I want to know there're whether those who speaks as I or not.

Moreover I want to know, There're poorer English speakers than me.

I already know a man Ken. I'm sure that If he takes an English class here, His grade never become A:-D

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Dear Mr. Presidente,

As you stated this board is the best and the people are even better and we will never let it become anything but a better place to talk, laugh, and just have fun.

You are the man sir and I'm glad to be part of it.


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the board,the website and the personal relationship's from all the foh and czar crew is top notch!! lisa has made me feel as if i am part of the family and rob has always responded with kindness. i am glad to be a part of it.

2,500 and going strong!!:-P

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