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I have a cab of PLPC on the way and I've heard conflicting stories on resting these. Some have said that they are good young, while others swear on 2,3,or 5 yr wait on them.

Can anyone advise on the recent years? I imagine I'll be getting a code from 2011.

Thanks in advance!

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I would not smoke these young. I don't really get much out of them even with a few years on but when fresh, they are not enjoyable. And that's coming from a guy who generally enjoys younger cigars.


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The one cigar that got me hooked to this hobby was a PLPC. I smoked it when it was young, it gives you a blurry image of what the true Por Larranaga flavor profile is, like viewing a magnificent painting with the morning blurry vision. As it ages the flavor become more pure and unified, like a golden stream of sweet and silky nectar flowing down to your throat, like a sip of smooth and well-aged rum.

5 years is what most people here would age the PLPC. If you've never had a Por Larranaga before I'd suggest you smoke one now to see if you like the marca's flavor profile first, then smoke another one 1/2 year later. By the time it hits prime you'll still have ~30-40 sticks to enjoy.

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PLPC - mmmm

it depends on your tastes - do you like a power house of a cigar, one that is like a wild colt and will kick your teeth in. Or do you like a smoother smoke, one that is flavoursome but with more complexity.

Like it really strong, smoke them young. Like it milder, age them.

My mate loves PLPC young, I prefer to age them. Personal prefernces....

Smoke one when you get them, just to give you an idea of what it is like and the potential it has for aging. if you like them young, keep going. otherwise age them and smoke one each year, to gauge your taste profile.

PLPCs don't last long once you find where you like them.

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My Feb 11 cab is still WAY too young for my taste. I'll only have one a year since it's the birth month of my daughter so that cab should last me a good long while ;)

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I'd like to get a cab of these soon. Are the recent productions pretty good?

Yes, I smoked cab last year, which was great.

Not too strong, that apricotish flavour.


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I suggest buying another cab, that way you can store 50 to try in 5 years time and then smoke the other 50 cab now. :thumbsup:

Love it Smithy, just what I tell my customers who ask the same thing about wine, 2 cases/cabinets always better than 1!! :buddies:

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