Any one here mentioned on Wiki Leaks?

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All further questions should be directed to my attorney for comment...and no I don't know where Ken Gargett is right now.

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I didn't make the cut lol :) . I think it's very irresponsible releasing hundreds of thousands of files like that. Sure, some might be in the 'public interest' (how do we define that) but security issues need to be a factor. Tough one but.

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I didn't make the cut lol :P . I think it's very irresponsible releasing hundreds of thousands of files like that. Sure, some might be in the 'public interest' (how do we define that) but security issues need to be a factor. Tough one but.

*AGREED!! Gossip is so juicy :) But security IS also a necessity when it comes to the public and world safety :ziplip:

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*AGREED!! Gossip is so juicy :) But security IS also a necessity when it comes to the public and world safety :ziplip:

This has nothing to do with world safety, if the journalist did there job to investigate the government this would never been needed. The problem is that newspapers/magazine is very political bound. The only thing these documents does is show how some people has talked down about other politicians, and this will be a problem because these people/countries will not trust us diplomats. BUT the problem is not wikileaks, but the diplomats who has made the comments.

Old saying: dont shoot the messengers

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Any society that would give up liberty to gain security will deserve neither and lose both. - attributed to G. Washington.

IMHO "for reasons of state security" comes up much too often now in the mouth of craven politicians. Reminds me of the little boy who cried wolf... We all know what happened in the end. :)

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'National Security' can be a very convenient excuse for secrecy. 'You'll just have to take my word for it'...

I think wikileaks does a lot more good than harm. Take a look at some of the things they have uncovered. More often than not the only interests that are being protected by secrecy are those of corrupt politicians/officials and those who bankroll them.

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'National Security' can be a very convenient excuse for secrecy. 'You'll just have to take my word for it'...

I think wikileaks does a lot more good than harm. Take a look at some of the things they have uncovered. More often than not the only interests that are being protected by secrecy are those of corrupt politicians/officials and those who bankroll them.

and that is not to speak about the "war against terror" and how much fabricated the news were that the media reported. Wikileaks announced (today or yesterday) that next batch of documents will be from a/several American Banks.

For me this is what is needed today, politicians/reporters play on fear and they fabricate a lot lies/misstrust to get were they want, and the only way the truth is through whistleblowers.

Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself Franklin D. Roosevelt

This could be interpreted as political, but I am sure that democratic news channels do the exact same thing (maybe not this obvious) but have a look at the movie outfoxed ( ) and its insane how journalist today is so close tied to political ideas, and not political unbound where they investigate the politics instead.


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I am an extraordinarily ferverent advocate of freedom of speech under the First Amendment. But, unless the information "leaked' was intended to be publicly available, this entire situation makes me sick.

first, wikileak should be discussed under the topic freedom of the press, not freedom of speech. second, what you say sound very much like freedom of press under the censorship of the current government?

what should make you sick is the cover ups that these leak document shows and the language that your diplomat use to describe other leaders and that the military/departments cant keep track of what there employees do, not that some one has the courage to stand up against the lies.

have a nice day

(Update: for more info about freedom of the press you can see how its supported through out the world here

and another ranking:

The more blue the country is the more freedom and protected is the press, the first press freedom act were implemented in Sweden in 1776, the most unrestricted freedom of press were during the Danish-Norway kingdom (1770-1771). )

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There should be a security lesson here. The biggest disgrace is that the info could be leaked at all. Fix it.

No real harm done. Saudi's seen as two faced, Some European countries cowards, Smaller nations such as ourselves as "try hards". All fairly accurate :blink:

However if and when someone gets pulled out of his bed in the middle of the night and executed as a result of these leaks (not that it has happened yet) then the perpetrators of the leak should have nowhere to hide and spend many a year in prison.

They won't of course. They will find some place that values Freedom of the Press more than human life. Probably move in next door to Polanski.

Some good lessons to be learn't here. Some real downside as well. I hope the "revealers of information" are carefully scrutinizing what they make public. One death and they won't have many friends.

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Three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead.

According to the linked article below, some 2 MILLION people in the USA had unrestricted access to these files. How confidential AND VALUED is this information really if it is not held "in confidence"? Really?... Looks more like a script from a Three Stooges movie... :D

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I've read that the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assagne never sleeps in the same place two nights in a row. Kinda like Osama bin Laden and other terrorist masterminds...not that I am saying the are of the same ilk. Oddly enough Julian is an Aussie as well.

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I've read that the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assagne never sleeps in the same place two nights in a row. Kinda like Osama bin Laden and other terrorist masterminds...not that I am saying the are of the same ilk.

Half my mates don't sleep in the same place two nights in a row :D

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unless the information "leaked' was intended to be publicly available, this entire situation makes me sick.

Obviously we don't share the same faith in the governments and politicians who decide what should be publicly available.

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I've read that the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assagne never sleeps in the same place two nights in a row. Kinda like Osama bin Laden and other terrorist masterminds...not that I am saying the are of the same ilk. Oddly enough Julian is an Aussie as well.

I guess you also believe in Santa Claus, rudolph the red nosed reindeer, faerie, remember that this were exactly the same thing US said about Saddam hussein, that he moved around, and therefore he were really hard to find, and we all know that he lived for a long time in a small hole... This kind of rumors is created to make Julian Assagne guilty by association with terrorist like Osam Bin Laden.

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They won't of course. They will find some place that values Freedom of the Press more than human life. Probably move in next door to Polanski.

Just want to point out that Polanski were not extradite to the US due to a fault in the American request for extradition, If the US just had followed the rules they could have had him.. personal i think this were done by purpose of the US so he would not be prosecuted and therefore not disturbing the US relationship with France and the need of France troops against the "war against terrorism"

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Saw an editorial in the Wall Street Journal today that seems to be making the thinly veiled case for Assange to be assassinated and Private Manning (the leaker) to be executed.

A comment was made elsewhere about there being a time in the past when Australia could be expected to act to detain Assange and stop him. But those times are long gone.

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Saw an editorial in the Wall Street Journal today that seems to be making the thinly veiled case for Assange to be assassinated and Private Manning (the leaker) to be executed.

Well, just remember Daniel Ellsberg who in 1971 release document about the Vietnam war which is very similar to the document shown about the Iraq and Afghanistan war. Its now clear that president Richard Nixon and his colleagues planed that the US citizen Daniel Ellsberg should be drugged, tortured and executed. So, I think that Assange try to stay under the radar as much as he can.

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