Advice please... young Partagas Shorts

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How young is too young?

I've been sharing some of my CC's with a previously unintiated friend of mine for several months. He finally ordered some of his own (after reducing his inventory of NC's to a reasonable level) and surprised me with a box of Partagas Shorts. It was thoroughly unexpected... and very much appreciated.

Not meaning to sound as though I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth, but I need some advice on these as they as extremely young. The box mark is January 2010, just over 3-months out of the factory at this writing. They are by far the youngest CC's I've ever had in my hands, at least that I've been aware of.

I know I need to wait a few weeks to let them acclimate, but what then? Would you smoke any of them that soon or wait? I'll wait on the bulk of them, regardless, but even then it begs the question of how long is enough? 3-months? 6-months? A year?

Compounding the dilemma is that the friend who gave them to me is certainly going to want to hear how I like them, and I don't relish either giving a bad report or explaining that I've put them down for a rest without even trying one.

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Guest rob

Smoke ém. And if they taste young (not balanced, tannic, hints of ammonia) then give them another couple of months.

Wash. Rince. Repeat.

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You Love them......whether true or not :D

3 months? That must be close to a record.

Had to read that 1st line twice for it to quite sink in... but, yeah, you're absolutely right. Thanks for the reminder! That's the way to play it, and even if not true right away, I know in the long run it will be!

I actually sort of jumped the gun as the box has not actually been put in my hands yet. Will check the code when I get them and come back with an update. But that is what he said is supposed to be coming in. The more I think about it, I hope he is right. It will be real interesting to see development from infancy on up.

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Smoke them as long as you like them. I have had great young ones and some that needed a nap.

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I personally can't wait. I smoke them if I like them, I put them to bed if I don't. I don't have any hard and fast rules when it comes to age. If there is a rule that I quasi follow is giving a cigar some rest OTT- two weeks to thirty days. But I have opened the box with one hand while signing with the other as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The box in question arrived today, and sure enough, the box code is AST ENE 10.

I just couldn't wait. I'm in the middle of the first one now, basically straight OTT. It is absolutely delightful, even with barely 4-months age on it. Don't know now why I ever worried over that. What a wonderful product!

I guess quality will always speak for itself in the end.

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You Love them......whether true or not :confused:

3 months? That must be close to a record.

Not unheard of, though. Last year I recieved a box of MAR 09 RyJ Cazadores in June. As for the Shorts, if they taste good that yound smoke away. You MIGHT find they go sick on you in another 6 months. If so, just forget them for a year while smoking something else.

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